Vendredi 18 Novembre
(Auditorium A3, Toulouse School of Economics)
8:30 :Registration
9:00 : Conference opening
His Excellency Niall Burgess, Ambassador of Ireland to France
Hugues Kenfack, President of the University of Toulouse Capitole (UT1)
Marion Fortin, Vice President in charge of International Relations (UT1)
Matthieu Poumarède, Dean of the School of Law (UT1)
Plenary session
9:30 : Brexit, Borders and Bodies : An Irish Perspective
Cathal McCall, Professor at the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics & Researcher at the Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice, Queen’s University Belfast
10:30 : Coffee break
Panel 1 - Human Rights On Both Sides Of The Border
10:45 : Human rights in a troubled society : Northern Ireland since 1969
Brice Dickson & Liam Kennedy, Queen’s University Belfast
Defining the meaning and scope of human rights in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s
Joana Etchart, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour
Human rights on the island of Ireland : the case for unity
Charlotte Rault, Université Toulouse Capitole
12:15 : Lunch
(Restaurant Franquette)
(Room MS 01 - Manufacture des Tabacs)
Plenary session
14:15 : Equality and Human Rights in Ireland: Contestations
Kathleen Lynch, Professor of Equality Studies, University College Dublin & Commissioner on the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
15:15 : Coffee break
Panel 2 - Human rights advocacy
15:30 : Irish Palestine Solidarity : Co-opted by Human Rights ?
David Landy, Trinity College Dublin
Irish Theatre, Human Rights and Women Change-Makers
Virginie Roche-Tiengo, Université d’Artois
17:00 : In conversation with Sinéad Mc Coole
His Excellency Niall Burgess, Ambassador of Ireland to France
Karine Bigand, Aix-Marseille Université
18:00 : Performance of Sinéad Mc Coole’s Play “Leaving The Ladies” (1 hour approx.)
By students of the University of Toulouse Capitole
(Library of the Manufacture des Tabacs)
20:00 : Conference dinner
(Restaurant Les Arcades, Place du Capitole)
Saturday 19 November
(Room MS 01 - Manufacture des Tabacs)
9:00 : Meeting of the GIS ÉIRE research network
10:30 : Coffee break
Panel 3 - Enforcement and violation of fundamental rights
10:45 : Human rights issues in the context of institutional abuse in Ireland: assessing progress and issues
Nathalie Sebbane, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris
Views from windowless rooms : schoolchildren’s rights in the socio-legal cavities of post-independence Ireland
Mathew Staunton, Ecole des Arts Decoratifs - ENSAD - Paris
Freedom of conscience and religion and other human rights in Irish schools - between theory and practice, exemplary approaches and internal contradictions
Karin Fischer, Université d’Orléans
Prosecutions against ex-soldiers in Northern Ireland as a human rights issue
Charlotte Barcat, Université de Nantes
12:45 : Lunch
(Restaurant Rosa Negra)
(Room MS 03 - Manufacture des Tabacs)
Plenary session
14:15 : DCU : University of Sanctuary
Agnès Maillot, Dublin City University
15:15 : Coffee break
Panel 4 - Mediating diversity and equality in Ireland
15:30 : The Dividends of Diversity: Race and the Platforming of Young, Female Diversity Ambassadors for Ireland’s Global Agenda
Dr Kelly Davidson, Institute of Art Design and Technology – Dun Laoghaire, Dublin
‘New Gaels’ ? Immigration, Irishness and sport in recent Irish broadcasting
Marcus Free, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
A ‘New’ Ireland ? Gender and Politics in Irish Digital Spaces
Dr Mary McGill, author, journalist, broadcaster
Irish dance and identity on TikTok
Dr Eleanor O’Leary, South East Technological University, Carlow
17:30 : Conference close
Restaurant Franquette
Place des Tiercerettes
(43.60935759227189, 1.4389089685868244)
Restaurant Les Arcades
14 Place du Capitole
(43.60468845083706, 1.4427156685866371)
Restaurant Rosa Negra
1 Boulevard du Maréchal Leclerc
(43.60718681979965, 1.4302953244067376)
Inscription :
Organisé par le groupement d’intérêt scientifique EIRE - Études Irlandaises Réseaux et Enjeux, Université Toulouse Capitole sous la direction de Sara Brennan (UT1), Marie-Violaine Louvet (UT2J), Bairbre Ní Chiosáin (UT1), Charlotte Rault (UT1)