The Transformative Power of Law : Adressing Global Environmental Challenges


The Transformative Power of Law : Adressing Global Environmental Challenges



The year 2022 marks several important anniversaries in environmental law making : 50 years of Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment and the establishment of UNEP in 1972, 40 years of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and 30th anniversaries of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the Rio Conventions : UNFCCC, UNCBD and UNCCD.

These anniversaries provide an opportune moment for reflection on the power of law in bringing about the transformative changes needed to address environmental crises of climate change, nature destruction and pollution.

This Conference will inquire about the ability of law, both on the international, regional as well as national level, to facilitate the necessary systemic changes across all sectors and levels. It invites critical presentations on the adequacy, effectiveness, legitimacy and fairness of current legislation or litigation considering the challenges posed by climate change, nature decline and pollution. A core question to be addressed is: “Can the challenges be solved by using the legal tools available?” It will inquire into the possibilities and emerging legal tools, but also limits and shortcomings, of legal responses to those challenges. The conference seeks to bring together innovative academic legal thinking and practice on how legal tools can be improved, advanced, amended or changed. What is needed of the law to act as a catalyst for transformative change ? The focus of the conference is a diligent analysis of environmental law. However, also other areas of law, such as human rights law, trade and investment law, commercial law, criminal law, civil law, outer space and others play an important role in transforming society to address critical environmental challenges.

The 2022 IUCN WCEL Oslo International Environmental Law Conference invites academics and researchers at all stages of their career, policy makers, legal practitioners, members of the judiciary other relevant stakeholders to reflect on the importance of law for the critical decade.

L’année 2022 marque plusieurs anniversaires importants dans l’élaboration du droit de l’environnement : 50 ans de la Déclaration de Stockholm sur l’environnement humain et la création du PNUE en 1972, 40 ans de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer et 30e anniversaires de la Déclaration de Rio sur l’environnement et le développement et des Conventions de Rio : CCNUCC, CNUCCD et UNCCD. Ces anniversaires offrent un moment opportun pour réfléchir au pouvoir du droit dans la réalisation des changements transformateurs nécessaires pour faire face aux crises environnementales du changement climatique, de la destruction de la nature et de la pollution.

La Conférence 2022 de l’UICN WCEL Oslo sur le droit international de l’environnement invite les universitaires et les chercheurs à tous les stades de leur carrière, les décideurs, les praticiens du droit, les membres du pouvoir judiciaire et les autres parties prenantes concernées à réfléchir à l’importance du droit pour la décennie critique.

Cette conférence s’interrogera sur la capacité du droit, tant au niveau international, régional que national, à faciliter les changements systémiques nécessaires dans tous les secteurs et à tous les niveaux. Il invite à des présentations critiques sur la pertinence, l’efficacité, la légitimité et l’équité de la législation ou des litiges actuels compte tenu des défis posés par le changement climatique, le déclin de la nature et la pollution. Une question centrale à aborder est la suivante : « Les défis peuvent-ils être résolus en utilisant les outils juridiques disponibles ? » Il examinera les possibilités et les outils juridiques émergents, mais aussi les limites et les lacunes, des réponses juridiques à ces défis. La conférence vise à rassembler la pensée et la pratique juridiques universitaires innovantes sur la façon dont les outils juridiques peuvent être améliorés, avancés, modifiés ou modifiés. Que faut-il de la loi pour agir comme catalyseur d’un changement transformateur ? L’objectif de la conférence est une analyse diligente du droit de l’environnement. Cependant, d’autres domaines du droit, tels que le droit des droits de l’homme, le droit du commerce et de l’investissement, le droit commercial, le droit pénal, le droit civil, l’espace extra-atmosphérique et d’autres, jouent également un rôle important dans la transformation de la société pour relever les défis environnementaux critiques.




Monday 3 October 2022


9:00am High-Level Opening Ceremony
(Aula, University of Oslo)

Chair : Prof. Christina Voigt, Chair, UiO/IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law

Prof. Ragnhild Hennum, Dean, Law School, UiO
Anniken Huitfeldt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway (tbc)
Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway
Razan Al Mubarak, President, IUCN (video address)
Inger Anderssen, Director General, UNEP (video address)
Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP (video address)
Parvez Hassan, Chair Emeritus, IUCN WCEL


10:30am : First Conference Keynote - The Environmental Rule of Law in Addressing Global Environmental Challenges


Speaker : Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, UNEP, Director, Law Division, Dr. h.c. - University of Oslo

Commentator : Ayman Cherkaoui, Deputy Chair, IUCN WCEL

11:00am : Break


11:30am : First Plenary Roundtable - Global Environmental Challenges and The Environmental Rule of Law : An Exchange of Different Perspectives



Chair : Ayman Cherkaoui, Deputy Chair, IUCN WCEL

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University (NY) (online)
Justice Antonio Benjamin, High Court of Brazil
Annick Van Houtte, Deputy Legal Counsel, FAO
H.E. Pierre-Mathieu Duhamel, Ambassador of France to Norway
Marina Venancio, UNEP, Nairobi (WCEL Early Career Group)
Prof. Qin Tianbao, Wuhan University
Prof. Jonas Ebbesson, University of Stockholm
Prof. Agnes Michelot, University of La Rochelle


1:00pm : Lunch
(Library, Domus Bibliotheca)


02:00pm – 03.30pm First Parallel Sessions (6)


Parallel session 1 - Transforming Environmental Governance through the Environmental Rule of Law

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Agnes Michelot, University of La Rochelle

“The transformative nature of environmental rule of law: a case for strengthening science-policy interfaces”
Alvin Gachie and Marina Venâncio

“The health and wellbeing of the Environment : The transformative power of the Environmental Rule of Law?” (online)
Trevor Daya-Winterbottom

“International Environmental Law and new sovereignty”
Xabier Ezeizabarrena

“The Public Trust Doctrine : A New Approach To Strengthen Environmental Rule Of Law”
Sachin Tripathi

“Reimagining the Legal Vision of Environmental Rule of Law through Sarvodaya”
Susan Ann Samuel

“The principle of ecological negotiation : a peaceful response to meet the planetary ecological challenge(s)” (online)
Severine Carrez

“Inclusivity in advocacy and law to support timely climate/environmental action”
Shirleen Chin


Parallel session 2 - Transformative legal tool to address climate change (part I)

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Prof. Francesco Sindico

“The Circulation of Legal Models as a transformative Approach in the environmental field : the evolution of climate law and litigation”
Ivano Alogna

“The intergenerational nature of the right to culture as a vehicle for making future harms count today”
Martin Scheinin

“Canada's net-zero accountability legislation : A new Bridge over the implementation gap ?” (co-authored with Doelle, Meinhard)
David Wright

“Mind the legal gap in decarbonization scenarios”
Giuseppe Bellantuono

“The European Union and the Strategic Approach to Climate Resilience : Towards a New Paradigm of Conflict Prevention in Times of Climate Emergency”
Marie-Ange Schellekens

“China's Response Strategies to the Carbon Emission Trading Schemes in the Paris Agreement” (online)
Chenglong Sun

“Systems Thinking : A Tool for Climate Litigation”
Laura Schuijers


Parallel session 3 - A new treaty to address plastic pollution : Lessons and expectations (I)

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Prof. Alexandra Harrington

“Expectations for a new plastics treaty : towards green & sustainable plastics production ?”
Eva Van der Marel

“An Analysis of the Global Treaty on Plastic Pollution : How will it affect Small Island Developing States ?” (COAUTHORED w/ Bhoomika Jaggeshar)
Krishnee Adnarain Appadoo

“Turning the Tide of Consumption- Avoiding New Plastic Production with the Future Global Plastics Treaty for Responsible Consumption”
Anastasia Telesetsky

"Toward Cleaner Seas : Making Use of Regional Approaches in a New Global Legal Regime for Plastics"
Lori Osmundsen


Parallel session 4 - Innovative legal approaches for forest and nature protection

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Fernando Reverendo Vidal Akaoui, President, Instituto O Direito por um Planeta Verde / Santa Cecília University

“Innovative approach for a better Forest Law in Colombia”
Angela María Amaya-Arias

“Precaution in the EU regulation of forest commodities : a natural fit or a necessary step to strengthen the implementation of EU law in uncharted territory ?”
Filippo Mattioli

“Re-thinking regime interaction in International Forest Law”
Yilly Vanessa Pacheco

“Role of emerging innovative environmental laws in financing and protecting natural forests and mitigating climate change : case studies-India“
Teki Surayya

“Integrating the Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Natural Heritage : UNESCO World Heritage and its Evolving Role in Addressing Environmental Challenges”
Bhati Vardhan

“Climate Change Litigation In Brazil As A Tool Of Pressure For Efficient Conservancy Of Forests And Climate Change Mitigation” (CO-AUTHORED w/ A. Marchesin)
Leticia Duarte

“The EU Liability Directive in light of transboundary ecosystem management : Lessons from the MSC Zoe incident”
Johanna Sophie Buerkert


Parallel session 5 - Changing Paradigms, Goals and Values

(DA, Teologisk eksamenssal)

Chair : Maria Muavesi

“Addressing climate change through a social structural analysis : An interdisciplinary approach” (online)
Yeeun Uhm

“Engendering, greening and decolonizing legal education“
Anne Hellum

“Eco-Marxism : An Appropriation of Marx’s Critique of Capitalism” (online)
Joshua Baldevieso

“Critique of conceptualizing air pollution as an inherently wicked problem. Case study of anti-smog regulations in Lesser Poland”
Mateusz Stępień

“Peoples’ Practices of Participation – learning from local practice”
Dina Lupin

“Transition to Environmentally Sustainable Activities : A Legal Case Study”
Lena Schøning

“Remediation of Contaminated Areas Exposed to Chemical Substances”
Alexandre Salomão Jabra


Parallel session 6 - Transforming Ocean Governance

(DB, Auditorium 14)

Chair : Prof. Cymie Payne

“Transforming the UNCLOS ? Marine Environmental Protection in a hyper-connected World” (online)
Nengye Liu

”Solidarity in an Era of Catastrophe : Towards a New Wave for International Law”
Vonintsoa Rafaly

”Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European seas”
Froukje Platjouw

“Operating the human right to a healthy environment in the ocean : towards more public participation and accountability in ocean affairs ?”
Carlos Antonio Cruz Carrillo

“The role of the common concern of Humankind in mainstreaming marine biodiversity and preservation of ecological connectivity”
Valentina Da Costa

“Benefit Sharing : Reciprocity in International Law”
Sirakaya Aysegul

3:30pm : Break


4:00pm : Second Plenary Roundtable - The Transformative Power of Law : Can Law Change Society ?

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. emeritus Hans Christian Bugge, University of Oslo

Donald Kaniaru, Former UNEP Law Division Director
Prof. Inger Johanne Sand, University of Oslo
Nouzha Alaoui, Secretary-General, Mohammed VI Foundation, Morocco (tbc)
Alvin Gachie, UNEP
Prof. Geir Ulfstein, University of Oslo
Sheila Abed, Chair emerita, IUCN WCEL

5:30pm : Group Photo
(University stairs in front of Domus Media)

and walk to Dinner (15 min)

6:30pm : Dinner
(Restaurant “Louise”, Aker Brygge)


Tuesday 4 October 2022


9:00pm – 10.30pm : Second Parallel Sessions (5)


Parallel session 7 - Youth panel : Children, Youth and the Interests of Future Generations

(Gamle Festsal)

Chairs : Marina Venancio and Alvin Gachie

“About our responsibilities towards future generations : The principle of guardianship of the Earth as a contribution (to the evolution) of International Environmental Law”
Erick Pajares

“Youth and Climate Litigation : Taking to the Courts in Pursuit of Intergenerational Equity” (online)
Laura Rodrigues Gonçales

"The Amazon rainforest and the right to health of indigenous children"
Roberto Coll

“The duty to assess the best interest of the child in fossil fuel licensing”
Hannah Braenden

“Environmental Interests of Future generations : A new type of legal order”
Ana Beridze

«The transformative potential of an AO from the ICJ on the matter of integrating HR Law and CC Law» (CO-AUTHORED w/ Manon Rouby)
Aditi Shetye


Parallel session 8 - Transforming compliance and enforcement

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Prof. Cristiane Derani

“Inclusivity in advocacy and law to support timely climate/environmental action”
Shirleen Chin

«The transformative potential of an AO from the ICJ on the matter of integrating HR Law and CC Law» (CO-AUTHORED w/ Manon Rouby)
Aditi Shetye

“The Role of Citizen-Science in Environmental Compliance and Enforcement”
LeRoy Paddock

“Charting a Path towards Effective National Environmental Legislation in the Pacific” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Naima Te Maile Fifita)
Maria-Goreti Muavesi, Frances Disiga

"Innovating for protection of Lake Victoria wild capture fisheries under legal regimes vacuum : case study of Lake Victoria freshwater community conservation areas"
Leonard Akwany

“Legal tools to repair harm from wildlife offences” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Edwin Alblas)
Ashleigh Dore


Parallel session 9 - Protection of the Environment During Conflict

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Prof. Daniëlla Dam-de Jong

“The duties of Occupying Powers with regard to climate change during international military occupations”
Romina Edith Pezzot

“Rethinking Toxic Remnants of War : On Russia’s Invasion and Environmental Devastation of Ukraine”
Thomas Persico

“Implementing the ILC’s principles on the Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts”
Stavros Pantazopoulos ; Doug Weir

“Gaps and options for accountability for environmental crimes in armed conflict”
Thomas Obel Hansen

“Legal bridges for the evolution of armed conflict and environmental damage”
Alexandra R. Harrington

“Environmental Protection During the Warfare- Call for an International Treaty”
Ritu Dhingra

“Requirements of the public conscience as a base to prevent scorched-earth tactics : Is it possible to make this appeal more effective than it has been so far ?”
Montserrat Abad Castelos

“The Protection of the Environment under the Law of Occupation”
Waad Abualrob


Parallel session 10 - Transforming Energy Governance

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Prof. Catherine Banet

“The enforcement nature of the EU Governance System of the Energy Union and Climate action”
Catherine Banet

“Prospects and Challenges of CC Litigation against Government Subsidies for Fossil Energy in Indonesia” (CO-AUTHORED w/Aditya Prathama and Zevanya Lavita)
Gerhard Mangara

“A legal reform on the way to a clean and secure European energy transition”
Theodoros Iliopoulos

“Halting Unsustainable Renewable : Case Study on Hydropower Projects in Indonesia” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Etheldreda E L T Wongkar)
Grita Anindarini Widyaningsih

“Positive agenda of the State of Sao Paulo in transforming state legislation and promoting legal tools to reduce burning of sugarcane straw” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Fernanda Tanure and Ana Carolina Cerqueira Duque) achim
Patricia Faga Iglecias Lemos


Parallel session 11 - Innovative legal tools to stop and reverse the loss of biological diversity

(DA, Teologisk eksamens sal)

Chair : Prof. Emmanuel Kasimbazi

“Towards Transformative Biodiversity Law Futures – Can the Global Biodiversity Framework achieve a world ‘living in harmony in nature’ ?”
Michelle Lim

“All Creatures Great and Small ?” – Legal (In)visibility of Key Species” (online)
Josephine Van Zeben

“Legal tools to repair harm from wildlife offences” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Edwin Alblas)
Ashleigh Dore

“Transnational Protection of Biodiversity – Challenges for Sustainability Due Diligence”
Carola Glinski

”Biodiversity Litigation – a comparative study” (CO-AUTHORED w/Sandrine Maljean Dubois and Jona Razzaque) (online)
Guillaume Futhazar

“Turning the tide on biodiversity loss : ecocide or the right to a healthy environment ?”
Claire Baker-Munton

“Why the Aarhus Convention and Escazu Agreement matter for the Convention on Biological Diversity“ (CO-AUTHORED w/Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela)
Claudia Ituarte-Lima

"Biodiversity and trade law: passing the proportionality and non-discrimination tests" (CO-AUTHORED w/Elisabeth Büergi Bonanomi)
Irene Musselli Moretti

10:30am : Break


11:00am : Third Plenary Roundtable - How powerful is International Environmental Law ?: Effectiveness, Impacts and Structural Challenges through MEAs

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Ass. Prof. Claudia de Windt, American University

Prof. Tarini Mehta, Jindal University, India
Prof. Lavanya Rajamani, University of Oxford (online)
Ass. Prof. Rak Kim, Utrecht University
Prof. Margaret Young, University of Melbourne (online)
Prof. Harro van Asselt, University of Eastern Finland (online)
John Scanlon, Former Secretary-General, CITES (video message)
Andreas Motzfeld Kravik, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Legal Division, Norway


12:30pm : Lunch
(Library, DB)


1:30pm : Fourth Plenary Roundtable - Judicial Dialogue : The Role of Courts in Bringing About Systemic Change? (co-organized with the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment)

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Ministro Antonio Herman Benjamin, National High Court, Brazil

Justice Luc Lavrysen, Constitutional Court of Belgium (online)
Justice Michelle Weekes, High Court, Barbados (online)
Justice Swatanter Kumar, (retired) Supreme Court of India
Justice Ragnhild Noer, Supreme Court, Norway
Judge, Marcus Livio Gomes, Ass. Prof., Rio de Janeiro State University
Lord Robert Carnwath, former Justice at UK Supreme Court
Justice Michael Wilson, Supreme Court of Hawaii

"Challenges for judges addressing global environmental problems”
Justice Nicola Pain, Environment Court, New South Wales

"Environment Court, New South Wales, “The Legal Status of Nature” (online)"
Justice Brian Preston

3:00pm : Break


3:30pm – 05:00pm : Third Parallel Sessions (6)


Parallel session 12 - The role of the judiciary in bringing about transformative change : The Asian-Pacific Experience (organized by the Asian Development Bank)

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Matthew Baird, Team Leader, Environmental Law Champions Program, ADB

“Role of ADB Law and Policy Reform program in transforming environmental law in the Asia-Pacific Region”
Thomas Clark, General Counsel, ADB

“Reflections on ADB’s Judicial Capacity Building Program and the Transformative Power of Jurisprudence in Environmental Law”
Hon. Swatanter Kumar, Justice, Supreme Court of India (retired)

“Harnessing Technology and Procedure in Delivering Environmental Justice and Reflections on Judicial Needs for Building Excellence in Environmental Law”
Hon. Maria Filomena D. Singh, Justice, Supreme Court of the Philippines

“The Power of Regional Judicial Exchanges and Environmental Rights in the 21st Century”
Hon. Ananda Mohan Bhattarai, Justice, Supreme Court of Nepal

“ADB’s Judicial Education Program”
Briony Eales, Team Leader for Judicial Capacity Building for Environmental and Climate Change Law, ADB

“Climate Change, Coming Soon to a Court Near You : A Report Series Introduction”
Briony Eales, Team Leader for Judicial Capacity Building for Environmental and Climate Change Law, ADB
Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco, Counsel (Law and Policy Reform), ADB

Matthew Baird, Team Leader, Environmental Law Champions Program, ADB

Questions and Discussion

Closing Remarks
Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco, Counsel (Law and Policy Reform), ADB



Parallel session 13 - Transboundary environmental management of oceans

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Jordan Diamond, Environmental Law Institute/ or Pradeep Singh

“Defying the “Dual Mandate” of the International Seabed Authority : Structural Challenges in Imposing a Strict Liability Rule for Environmental Damage”
Laisa Branco de Almeida

“Regulatory gaps in the Arctic legal framework regarding vessel-source pollution : the exclusion of harmful shipping pollutants such as black carbon and noise pollution from the Polar Code, from MARPOL, and from UNCLOS – an analysis of the present legal shortcomings in protecting the Arctic environment from vessel-source pollution”
Camille Zuber

Access Rights in Ocean Governance : Prospects for Asia and the Pacific
Roger Guzman

Regulating a new industry: deep sea mining. Testing the adequacy of area-based protection measures and adaptive management
Krittika Singh

“Unpacking the Proposed WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies : A Law of the Sea Perspective” (online)
Jacqueline Joyce Espenilla


Parallel session 14 - Human Right to a clean and healthy environment

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Prof. Gentian Zyberi

“The other way around : Why does the right to a healthy environment appear as a new paradigm in the protection of the planet ?” (Co-author Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez attending online) alani
Xavier Farré Fabregat

“In Search of Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in Environmental Problems : The Case of Transboundary Haze Pollution in Southeast Asia”
Andika Putra

“The right to a healthy environment as a catalyst for change in the context of climate change : Case studies from Southeast Asia.” (online)
Victor Bernard

“Constitutionalising a right to a healthy environment in Ireland : a transformative discourse or time-wasting distraction in a climate crisis ?” (online)
Orla Kelleher

“Right(s) back to Stockholm !” (online)
Deepa Badrinarayana

“Existence, destiny, ontology : self-determination and the climate crisis”
Jolein Holtz

“The role of city-led initiatives in catalyzing the realization of the right to a healthy environment: lessons from Asia” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Victor Bernard) (online)
Windi Arini


Parallel session 15 - Rights of Nature and Wildlife (I)

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Prof. Nick Bryner

«Enforcing Rights of Nature : An Oriental Perspective Towards Achieving Ideals»
Manjeri Subin Sunder Raj

“Rights of Nature : International Developments”
Sabrina Nick

“Nature's Right to Access to Justice : An analysis of the Judicialisation of the Rights of Nature in South America”
Maria Augusta Leon Moreta

“A Critical Perspective to Rights of Nature : Legal Philosophical Reflections”
Iris Pitkänen

“Protecting Wildlife and their Dignity : Towards International Wildlife Rights or Rights-Like protection ?”
Werner Scholtz

“Climate change and small-scale fisheries in Uganda : ensuring climate[1]smart measures through human rights and the right of nature”
Tajudeen Sanni


Parallel session 16 - The Transformative Role of the Judiciary

(DA, Teologisk eksamens sal)

Chair : Gustavo Alanís Ortega, Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental

“Examining the Role and Impact of Judicial review as a tool for bringing about transformative change in environmental governance: The case of Malawi”
Chikosa Banda

“The role of the judiciary in transformative change for enabling the defense of environmental rights”
Claudia de Windt

“Transformative capacity - capability and appropriateness of courts and climate change litigation to bring transformation”
Michael Kalis

“An exploration of infra legem and praeter legem : A legally practical tool for international courts and tribunals to protect future generations’ environmental interests ?” (online)
Zhifeng Jiang

“The Environment as a Victim at International Courts : Ecocentrism vs. Anthropocentrism” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Juan Pablo Perez Leon Acevedo)
Rosa Manzo

“Benefits and Challenges in establishing Specialized Environmental Benches in Eastern and Southern African Countries”
Zecharias Fassil Berhe

“The GAIRS as the Engine of Transformative Developments of the Judicial Settlement of Marine Environment Disputes”
Ke Song

“Judicial approach in bringing transformative change in the enforcement of environmental laws in Nepal”
Rupa Basnet


Parallel session 17 - Transformative soil management and agriculture

(DB, Auditorium 14)

Chair : Irene Heuser

“Legal reflections on the state of soil protection and sustainable agriculture law at the international, regional and national level – transforming the way we treat our soils through law”
Irene Heuser

“The world at your feet: Combating climate change and biodiversity loss by regulating soil health” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Josephine van Zeben)
Edwin Alblas

“Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management : Insights from Bangladesh in Ensuring Inclusive Sustainable Soil Management” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Nasrin Akter)
Zelina Sultana

“The implementation challenge of regulatory frameworks for soil protection : the European Green Deal in France”
Julie Celia Itey

“Two bright sides of the same coin : Squaring the circle between phytoremediation of contaminated soils and production of advanced biofuels” (co-authored w/ Matteo Fermeglia)
Marko Perišić

“The Californian carbon market for agricultural emissions: lessons for transforming EU farming policy”
Floor Fleurke

5.30pm : Meet in front of main University building

and walk to Oslo City Hall (10 min)

6.00pm : Reception at Oslo City Hall

(Location of the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony)


Wednesday 5 October 2022



9:30am : Fifth plenary - Transforming Ocean Governance: UNCLOS as Living Instrument to Protect the Marine Environment


Chair : Prof. Catherine Banet, UiO

Prof. Nilufer Oral, National University of Singapore (online)
Christine Finbak, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway (tbc)
Prof. Ronan Long, World Maritime University
Prof. Cymie Payne, Rutgers University
Prof. Denise Antolini, University of Hawaii (online)
Maria Goreti Muavesi, Senior Environmental Legal Officer, IUCN Oceania Regional Office, Fiji

11:00am : Break


11:30am – 01:00pm : Fourth Parallel Sessions (5)


Parallel session 18 - Non-Compliance Mechanisms versus Courts : A Comparison of Impacts (supported by Pluricourts - Center of Excellence)

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Christina Voigt

“Developing a Right to a Healthy Environment in LAC : Compliance through the Inter-American System and the Escazú Agreement”
Maria Antonia Tigre

“Monitoring Compliance in International Criminal Law”
Leonardo Borlini

“State-to-state procedures before Compliance Committees : still alive ?”
Yusra Suedi (not present) and Justine Bendel

“The advisory procedure in non-compliance procedures : lessons from the UNECE Water Convention”
Carlos Antonio Cruz Carrillo

“How Should the World Bank’s Dispute Resolution Services Benefit Affected People and Borrower States”
Jonathan Brosseau-Rioux


Parallel session 19 - Transformation through Climate Litigation (I)

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Prof. Rose-Liza Eisma Osorio

“The responsibility of oil corporations to mitigate climate change : An analysis of the Milieudefensie v. Shell case”
Hylla Barbosa

“The transformative power of the judge : Holding the French state accountable”
Ariane Samson-Divisia

“A new common law climate tort ? Smith v Fonterra and the Courts in NZL” (online)
Caroline Foster

"The impacts of climate change litigation : A comparative analysis between Australia and the Nordics" (online)
Jessica Holgersson

“Anti-Fossil Fuel Litigation” (online)
Harro Van Asselt

“Human Rights and Sustainability in People vs. Arctic Oil”
Alexandru Gociu

“The Transformative Power of "Zero" : A Challenge to Environmental Law”
Delphine Misonne


Parallel session 20 - Transformation through Criminalization ?

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Marina Venancio

“Wildlife trafficking and organized crime : which concrete and operational solutions ?” (CO-AUTHORED Maud Lelievre)
Florence Clap

Rimona, “From Speciesism to Theriocide : Wildlife Trade and Industrial Animal Farming as Embodiments of the Ecocide–Genocide Continuum” (online)
Rimona Afana

“Greening White-Collar Crime : Transforming Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement into an Instrument Against Environmental Crime”
Chiara Oberle

“Ecocide as International Crime Bold Reform or Empty Rhetoric” (online)
Ankit Malhotra

“Towards an International Climate Crime”
Gaspard Lemaire

“Addressing Mass Deforestation as An Alarming Form of Ecocide”
Mutoy Mubiala


Parallel session 21 - Area-based management tools

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Pradeep Singh

“Area Based Management Tools in Changing Oceans : From Static to Dynamic Approaches”
Bastiaan Klerk

“Protecting deep seabed hydrothermal vent fields through area-based management tools : When international law and environmental sciences work together” (online)
Catherine Blanchard

“The Potential of Transboundary Networks of Marine Protected Areas as a Transformative Tool to address Climate, Biodiversity and Ocean Challenges”
Sarah Enright

“Evolutionary Interpretation of Article 77 Regarding the Right of Coastal States to Protect Sedentary Species on the Continental Shelf”
Ekaterina Antsygina

“Defining, mapping and designating wilderness areas in Iceland”
Sif Konráðsdóttir

“Landscape stewardship: Good rules are necessary but very far from sufficient” (online)
Paul Martin


Parallel session 22 - Rights of Nature/Legal personality of Rivers (II)

(DA, Teologisk eksamens sal)

Chair : Sean Southey

“River Personhood as a viable means of Protection of Rivers : A Comparative Study of Select Jurisdictions”
Taniya Malik

“Rights of Nature protecting rivers : Paradigm of reinterpretation of objectives, norms, and principles of traditional environmental law”
Constanza Prieto Figelist

“Judicial contribution to Transformative Water Justice : From Anthropocentric Human right to water to Eco-centric Legal Personhood for waterbodies in India and Bangladesh” (online)
P. Sanjay Shenoi

“Deconstructing/Constructing the ‘better approach’ to granting legal personality to rivers in India”
Nabeela Siddiqui

“Rights of Nature and Perspectives for Transforming the Environmental Governance in South Asia : A Critical Analysis” (online)
Stellina Jolly

“Judicial Recognition of Rights of Nature : Overcoming Constraints to Bridge Accountability Gap” (online)
Nazlicicek Semercioglu


1:00pm : Lunch
(Library, DB)


2:00pm : Sixth Plenary Discussion - How to Address Climate Change, Pollution and Biodiversity Loss ?

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Michelle Lim, Singapore Management University

Prof. Francesco Sindico, University of Strathclyde
Prof. Emmanuel Kasimbazi, Director, Environmental Law Centre, School of Law, Makerere University, Uganda
Eirik Hovland Steindal, Senior Researcher NIVA, Norway
Miljødirektoratet (tbc)
Jordan Diamond, Director, Environmental Law Institute
Isabel Calle Vallardes, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
Prof. Rose-Liza Eisma Osorio, Chair, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law
Maud Lelievre, President, IUCN National Committee, France

3:30pm : Break


4:00pm – 5:30pm : Fifth Parallel Sessions (6)


Parallel session 23 - ADB Developing Environmental Law Champions Legal Education (organized by the Asian Development Bank)

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Briony Eales (ADB)

“Role of ADB Law and Policy Reform program in transforming environmental law in the Asia-Pacific Region”
Thomas Clark, General Counsel, ADB

“ADB Environmental Law Champions Program, Development of a Model Environmental Law Curriculum for the Mekong Region and the Philippines”
Matthew Baird, Consultant Team Leader

“ADB TTT and eTTT in promoting innovative pedagogy”
Rose-Liza Eisma Osorio, Chair, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law

“Supporting research and articles on environmental law from Asia”
Nupur Chowdury, Assistant Professor of Law, Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)

“Collaboration in environmental law academic training”
Josefe Sorrera-Ty, Commissioner, Philippine Legal Education Board

“The Model Environmental Law Curriculum and Cambodia”
Phallack Kong, National University of Management, Cambodia

Environmental Law Champions Videos

Closing Statement
Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco, Counsel (Law and Policy Reform), ADB


Parallel session 24 - Environmental Governance : New principles to regulate risk and the unknown

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Prof. Inger Johanne Sand

“Re-imagining Ecological Restoration in Uncertain Times : An Analysis of Legal Tools and Drivers for Transformative Change” (CO-AUTHORED w Francesca Leucci)
Eleonora Ciscato

“The Evolution and Development of Ecological Restoration obligations in International Environmental Law : (1972 – 2022)”
Menes Muzan

“Transformative change also through legal innovation ? Lessons from the EU’s principle of do no harm” (online)
Jerneja Penca

“Integrating One Health into Climate Change Laws and Litigation"
Warren Lavey

“How can the law frame the implementation of One Health approach at national level ?
Florence Clap

“‘Regulating Nature’ and Rule of Law Futures in the Anthropocene”
Han Somsen

“Music and Culture in Promoting the Implementation of Environmental Laws” (online)
Amos Chiya and Prof. Koh Kheng Lian


Parallel session 25 - Transforming the protection and management of water and wetlands

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Prof. Stefano Burchi

“The Complexity of Power and International Water Law (Case Study : the 1973 Helmand Water Treaty)”
Seyedeh Zahra Ghoreishi / Hojjat Mianabadi

“Why have Latin American States not joined the UN Watercourses Convention ?” (online)
Alexander Lopez

“The Human Right to Water : A California Case Study of a Global Issue”
Raquella Thaman

“The Taliban Approach toward the 1973 Helmand Water Treaty”
Hojjat Mianabadi, Seyedeh Zahra Ghoreishi

“Implementation Challenges Using the Example of the Omitted and Insufficient Incorporation of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands in Germany and Australia” (online)
Carina Bury


Parallel session 26 - Transforming Trade, Investment, and Finance

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Prof. Ole Kristian Fauchald

“Transforming trade law through harmonization : A proposal for environmental protection via the SPS Agreement”
Katherine Quinn

“Diversity of Environmental Provisions in Free Trade Agreements : To What Extent Does the Environmental Rule of Law Govern Free Trade ?”
Arman Melikyan

Waiver of investment claims as a temporary solution”
Monika Feigerlova

“Investment and Environment: Two Sides of the Same Coin”
Marsha Maghfira Tolla

“Recognizing ALL the impacts and applications of the EU Taxonomy” CO-AUTHORED w/ Siva Barathi Marimuthu
Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela

“EIA and Foreign Direct Investment”
Agata Daszko

“EU Sovereignty, Tax Power, Ecological Constitutional Principles” (online)
Carlo Soncini


Parallel session 27 - Environmental Rule of Law : Public participation and empowerment (II)

(DA, Teologisk eksamenssal)

Chair : David Forman, Director, Environmental Law Program, University of Hawaii, Richardson School of Law

"Objectives of Public Participation in International Climate Change Governance : Emerging Legal Conflicts"
Nicola Sharman

“Public participation for groups in vulnerable situations : what can we learn from the Escazú Agreement ?”
Morgan Eleanor Harris

“Slapp Suits -an invisible obstacle to environmental protection”
Kseija Dimec

“City-level law-making responsibility and authority towards urban climate resilience : a South African legal perspective”
Maricélle Botes

“The Environmental Rule of Law : an ecocentric model with a transformative power”
Mariano Horacio Novelli

“The transformative power of the environmental rule of law : A comparative analysis of South Asian Countries” (COAUTHORED w/ Sharada Shrestha and Mangal Man Shakya)
Naresh Kumar Maharjan


Parallel session 28 - A Response to Colonialist Conservation : the role of ethics in advancing just frameworks in international law and governance

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Kathryn Gwiazdon

“Ecological law and governance : intentional anti-coloniality for peace and security”
Kathryn Gwiazdon

“From Commodification to Collaboration : commonizing food systems through ecological law”
Cristiane Derani

“Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) : a just response to fortress conservation, the institutionalization of natural parks, biodiversity loss, and climate change”
Giada Giacomini and Emanuele Fratto Rosi Grippaudo

“The role of Indigenous knowledge in achieving ecological security”
Ngozi Unuigbe

“Conservation of Natural Resources in India- Colonial and Neo-Colonial Perspective” (online)
Aathira Raju

“Considering legal, cultural and ecological diversity to strengthen the law : some indicators from comparative environmental law.”
Claire Joachim

“Women’s Voices for Earth Care : Understanding the importance of including women in decision-making of environmental policy, process, and legislation for positive change”
Mauren Navarro

“A novel system for enabling community environmental governance and compliance in South Africa”
Chrerise Acker-Cooper


5:30pm : Second Conference Keynote

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Ragnhild Hennum

Ways to strengthen the protection of the environment during armed conflict

Speaker : Rolf Einar Fife, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Member of the International Law Commission (from 2023)

Commentator : Prof. Karen Hulme, University of Essex

6.15pm : End

7:00pm : Meeting

(in front of University building, walk to National Museum)

7:30pm : National Museum

9:30pm : End of the day


Thursday 6 October 2022


9:30am : Seventh Plenary - The Role of Law in Transforming towards a Sustainable Economy

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, University of Cambridge

Prof. Markus Gehring, University of Cambridge
Bård Vegar Solhjell, Director Norad
Thomas Clark, General Counsel, ADB
Bruno Oberle, DG, IUCN
Michael Strauss, General Counsel, EBRD
Prof. Cristiane Derani, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
Prof. Ole Kristian Fauchald, University of Oslo

"Multilateral Development Banks as corporate actors : rethinking accountability for human rights violations and environmental harm in development financing"
Danilo Barbosa Garrido Alves

11:00am Break


11:30am – 1:00pm : Sixth Parallel Sessions (6)


Parallel session 29 - Towards better cross-compliance - integrating the fight against climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss ?

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Froukje Platjouw

“International law at the nexus of climate change and air pollution”
Yulia Yamineva

“The Role Of The Judiciary In Balancing The Growth Of Renewable Energy And The Protection Of The Species : European Union And French Case Law”
Mei-Line Le Gouëff

“Biodiversity vs. mitigation of climate change ? - the principle of ‘practical concordance’ as tool to solve conflicts between environmental norms”
Nicolas Klein

“The Role of Non-State Actors in Addressing the Challenges of Biodiversity Loss and Global Warming : Avenues for a Systemic Change in Global Environmental Governance” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Emma Mittrota) (online)
Federica Cittadino

“Cross-Financing of Loss and Damage to Biodiversity : Opportunities and Challenges of an Interconnected Financing under UNFCCC and Other Multilateral Environmental Agreements”
Andri Akbar Marthen

“Scientific Research and Knowledge Transfer under the MEAs : Are they Legal Catalyzers to Sustainable Development Goals and Fit to Help Respond to Climate and Biodiversity Crises ?”
Thaissa Almeida Meira

“Developing Indonesian Environmental Fund to Leverage the Restoration Actions from law enforcement (CO-AUTHORED w/ Syaharani Abdul Kadir)”
Handayani, Marsya Mutmainah


Parallel session 30 - Climate change and Courts (II)

(DA, Auditorium 4)

Chair : Prof. Geir Ulfstein

“The power of climate litigations”
Paola Apollaro

“Climate litigation in the Global South : an update on the status of claims”
Maria Antonia Tigre

“Judicial Obstacles to Environmental Protection in the United States” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Michael Pappas)
Jessica Owley

“All Limits are Self-Imposed ? Admissibility Criteria as Limits to the Transformative Power of Courts in CC”
Birgit Hollaus

“Climate Litigation and Regulation in the US After West Virginia v. EPA”
Nicholas Bryner

“Human Rights in climate-related investment arbitration : Enhancing regulatory space for climate action ?”
Linnéa Nordlander, Alessandro Monti

“Climate Action in the Mexican Courts : The Unexpected Role of The Paris Agreement in Domestic Litigation”
Jorge Alejandro Carrillo Bañuelos

“The climate performance of the Brazilian Judiciary in response to increasing deforestation in the legal amazon” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Heline Sivini Ferreira)
Ana Flavia Corleto


Parallel session 31 - Transformation though linking human rights and environment

(DA, Auditorium 5)

Chair : Isabel Calle Valladares, Sociedad Peruana de derecho Ambiental

“Triggering environmentalism through the judicial recognition of the right to a satisfactory environment in Nigeria” (online)
Emeka Amechi

“The Role of HRE in climate litigation” (online)
Alexandre Peñalver i Cabré

“Re-imagining Human Rights : Forging legal tools to Address the Climate Crisis”
Mihika Poddar

“The Enrichment of Environmental Law through an Innovative Interpretation of Human and Natural Rights” (CO-AUTHORED W Siva Barathi Marimuthu and Anu Lähteenmäki-Uutela)
Alessandra Telch

“The Environmental Human Rights Framework in Latin America and the Caribbean”
Mario Aguilera

“The Rights of Persons with Disabilities in International Environmental Law” (online)
Sebastien Jodoin


Parallel session 32 - Nature-based solutions

(DA, Auditorium 6)

Chair : Fabiano De Andrade

“Wetlands of the Nile Basinas New Frontiers of Degradation and Conflict : A Quest for Gender-Responsive and Conflict-Sensitive Wetland Governance and Nature-based Solutions for Basin Management”
Demoz Asfaw

“Enhancing the Blue Carbon Ecosystem Governance” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Grace Gabriella Binowo, Karenina Lasrindy and Harish Makarim, Stephanie Rizka)
Mas Achmad Santosa

“Peatlands Governance : Review of selected legal frameworks for improved peatland management”
Juan Carlos Sanchez Ramirez

“Private-firm reflexivity to build plastics circularity: An empirical investigation into manifestations of reflexive environmental law fostered by EU legislative acts” (CO-AUTHORED w/ Judith van Leeuwen)
Violet Ross


Parallel session 34 - Transforming business and the corporate sector through law

(DA, Auditorium 14)

Chair : Prof. Prof. Bård Andreassen

“Unleashing the transformative power of business law”
Aude-Solveig Epstein

“Riders on the Storm : Decarbonising Fiduciary Duties in Climate Matters” (online)
Esmeralda Colombo

“How corporate sustainability should contribute to make the Paris Agreement fully operational” (online)
Yvan Razafindratandra

“It's not that easy bein' green” : evaluating the prudential supervision of climate change risks for financial services in the UK”
Pantos Stavros

"Evaluating compliance of business and finance with climate and biodiversity self-commitments : a necessary step forward ?” (online)
Petros Patronos

“Sustainable" Agreements – a critical analysis of Swiss and European competition law”
Jasmina Bukovac


1:00pm : Lunch
(Library, DB)


2:00pm : Eighth Plenary - New and Emerging Norms : Justice to Future Generations, Resilience, Non-Regression, Ecocide and Nature Rights

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Prof. Patricia Kameri-Mbote

“Challenge in implementation of environmental law with legal indicators”
Prof. Michel Prieur, Centre international de droit comparé de l`environnement

Ass. Prof. Emilie Gailliard, Sciences Po Rennes/ Normandie Chair for Peace
Ass. Prof. Nicholas Bryner, Louisiana State University
Prof. César Rodrigues Garavito, NYU
Prof. Michael Bothe, Goethe University Frankfurt (Online)
Prof. Nicholas Robinson, Pace University
Ass. Prof. David Forman, University of Hawaií
Ass. Prof. Rosa Manzo, University of South-Eastern Norway
Prof. Collins Odote, University of Nairobi

3:30pm : Break


4:00 : Closing Plenary - Can a right to a safe and healthy environment trigger systemic change ?

(Gamle Festsal)

Chair : Justice Antonio Herman Benjamin

Prof. David Boyd, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment (online)
Ian Fry, UN Special Rapporteur Climate change and HR (online)
Jenny Sandvik, Norwegian Institution for Human Rights
Grethel Aguilar, IUCN, Deputy Director General
Prof. Gentian Zyberi, Norwegian Center for Human Rights, Member of UN HRC
Prof. Sumudu Attapatu, University of Wisconsin
Ass. Prof. Katy Gwiazdon, Executive Director, Center for Environmental Ethics and Law

5:30 : Summary, Awards

(Gamle Festsal)

Prof. Ragnhild Hennum, Dean, UiO, Faculty of Law
Prof. Mette Halskov Hansen, Vice-Rector for Climate & the Environment and Cross-Disciplinarity, UiO

Awards ceremony and Partners´ recognitio
Prof. Christina Voigt, UiO/Chair IUCN WCEL

6:00pm : Closing



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Organised by the IUCN "2022 Oslo International Environmental Law Conference"

University of Oslo
Faculty of Law
Karl Johans gate 25
Oslo, Norway