Comparison of Damage Assessment Methods
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Comparison of Damage Assessment Methods



In the general frame of “Taking of evidence in International Arbitration”, the purpose of this event is to compare the various methods experts and arbitrators are using to evaluate damages. Interactions of parties, counsels, experts and arbitral tribunals in the damage evidence process will be examined.




The moderator will be Kate Gonzalez, Senior Legal Counsel, Commercial Disputes, Airbus SAS

17.15 : Welcoming and/or Connecting

17.30 : Introductory remarks
Béatrice Castellane, International Arbitrator, Avocat at the Paris Bar AMCO, President of the Arbitration &ADR Section of the Society of Comparative Legislation (SLC)

17.45 : Comparison of methods to evaluate the present value of losses ; forward looking vs back looking; reliance vs expectation
Juliette Fortin, Senior Managing Director FTI Consulting

18.05 : Overview of the experience of a practicing lawyer in the field of damage assessment
Tsegaye Laurendeau, Partner Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes

18.25 : Arbitrator’s attitude towards Expert Reports – Full delegation or control ?
Catherine Kessedjian, Professor Emerita, Paris Panthéon-Assas University

18.45 : Q & A

19.30 : End



Face-to-face and remotely
The event is open to all, registration is free but mandatory

To register, please email :

Details on how to join remotely will be sent prior to the event
Conference in English without simultaneous interpretation

EFB / INFN agreement 2 hours

Organisé par la section Arbitrage ADR de la SLC

Société de législation comparée
Amphithéâtre (1er étage)
28 rue Saint-Guillaume
75007 Paris

Société de législation comparée

Ouvert à la formation continue des professionnels