The time schedule on the program is based on the time zone in South Korea (GMT+9). Please check the time zone difference with your residing area in order to ascertain your local time of participation and avoid any confusion.
14 February 2022
10:00 : Opening Ceremony
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shim Jaehwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Opening Remarks
Jeon Yong Gab - Director of ILAS-Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Welcoming Remarks
Kim In Chul - President of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Congratulatory Remarks
Reinoso Vásquez, Jhonny Dagoberto -Chief of the Diplomatic Mission of the Embassy of Ecuador in the Republic of Korea
10:30 : Keynote Speech
ID :715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shim Jaehwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Planet Earth in the 21st Century
Choquehuanca Céspedes David - Vice president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Ban Ki-moon - President & Chair of Global Green Growth Institute, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations
Beyond Modernity, Beyond Human
Kang KumSil - Chairperson of ‘People for Earth’, The 55th Minister of Justice of Korea
12:00 : Session 1 / English
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Park Jungwon - Kyung Hee University
New Materialism and Feminism : A Review of Val Plumwood's 'Relational Self’
Kim Jieun - Kyung Hee University
Extinction of Human Ecology and Lessons for the Post-COVID Era : A Canadian Black Community Africville as Dramatized in Consecrated Ground
Park Jungman - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
How much unemployment and inflation is going to be generated by COVID-19 ?
Ruiz Estrada Mario Arturo - Centre of Latin America Studies - University of Malaya
Road Networks, Cattle, Soybean and Climate Crisis : Imaging 'Ecocene'
Lee Taeheok - Busan University of Foreign Studies
14:00 : Session 2 / English
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kang Jung Won - Sungkyunkwan University
Sustainability of Colombia's mining companies
Jun Juram - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Expansion of the sugar industry, and changes in the Cuban forest from late eighteenth to early twentieth century
Jang Suhwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
A Comparative Analysis of the Joint Labor Organization between the Andes and South Korea : Focusing on Minga and Dure
Kim Yoonkyung - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
16:00 : Session 3A / English
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lim Tae Kyoon - Seoul National University
Buen Vivir and rights of Nature in Ecuador : relevance for Asia
Eva Dorine van Norren - Van Vollenhoven Institute Leiden and MFA NL
The Game of the Rules and the Rules of the Game : Rights of Nature and Harmony with Nature Policy in Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia
Laats Henkjan - Cross Cultural Bridges, UN Harmony with Nature
Rights of Nature and Indigenous Ontologies
Kramm Matthias - Wageningen University & Research
Compatibilization between climate protection and other environmental interests in Brazilian renewable energy law
Galbiatti Silveira Paula - Enhesa
16:00 : Session 3B / English
ID : 840 572 6639 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Yi, Sang-Hyun - Jeonbuk National University
Treading lightly and giving back to nature : The need for a new culture in recreational activities
Gray Joe - The Ecological Citizen
Pandemics, The Environment and Traditional Ecological Knowledge Post COVID-19 : A Synopsis and Proposals
Unuigbe Ngozi - University of Benin
16:00 : Session 3C / English
ID : 423 122 8731 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Park Yun-Joo - Keimyung University
An UN Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth
Ragettli Doris - Rights of Mother Earth
Envisaging the adoption of a Charter for the protection of the Rights of Nature in the European Union : legal principles, hurdles and opportunities
Montini Massimiliano - University of Siena
Towards the EU Charter for Integrating Economic, Human and Nature's Rights
Ito Mumta - Nature's Rights
Dissemination of earth
Kalu Ukaha Emmanuel
18:00 : Session 4A / Spanish
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Choi Myoungho - Busan University of Foreign Studies
El Proceso de precio y reembolso de medicamentos en Corea del Sur en comparación con otros países de la OCDE : es un marco válido en la era del post covid
Hidalgo Álvaro - Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
Descripción de la Biomimesis como ciencia holística y en la Armonía con la Naturaleza : Red Internacional, Interuniversitaria e Interinstitucional de estudios sobre Biomimesis (RI3BIOMIM ICRY NETWORK)
Bernal Zamudio Hernando - Biomimetic Sciencies Institute y Red Intern
18:00 : Session 4B / English
ID : 940 522 7879 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kwak Jae Sung - Kyung Hee University
Rights of Nature Campaign and Implementation in Africa- A Case Studies of Nigeria
Irikefe Dafe - Foundation for conservation of Nigerian rivers
The Rights of Nature in Bolivia and their implementation
Villavicencio-Calzadilla Paola - Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Ecocide as an international crime
Thiel Pella - End Ecocide Sweden
Responding to the interlocking crises : updated notions of sovereignty and rights of Nature as fundamental tools to promote respect for the integrity of the Earth system
Shaw Susan - Living law
18:00 : Session 4C / English
ID : 714 837 0961 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lee Jaehak - Korea University
Converging conversations on the Rights of Nature on the island of Ireland : Ecological activism as a democratic moment / RON Developments in Ireland
Owens Declan - Ecojustice Ireland / Environmental Justice Network
Doran Peter Queens - University School of Law, Northern Ireland
Experience of AFRICE with the Bagungu indigenous community and ecological governance in addressing climate change crisis
Dennis Natukunda Tabaro - Member of UN Harmony with Nature Initiative
Status of the establishment of Rights of Nature in Germany
Bader Hans Leo - Rights of Nature - the referendum (Germany)
20:00 : End
15 February 2022
08:00 : Special Session 1
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shin Jeong-Hwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Reflexiones para un diálogo interdisciplinario Ciencias Sociales - Ciencias de la Naturaleza en tiempos de COVID-19
Valencia García Guadalupe - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Horizonte civilizatorio del Vivir Bien en armonía con la Madre Tierra
Pacheco Diego - Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Member of HwN UN Network, Professor and Federal Judge, Brazil
Moraes Germana - HwN UN and Federal Justice of Brazil
Toward the embracement of an eco-centered paradigm in Canada
Vega Cardenas Yenny - International Observatory on the Rights of Nature
10:00 : Session 5A / English
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Jung Minhee - Bae, Kim and Lee LLC
Rights of Nature and the intergenerational perspective of human rights in the Latin American climate litigation
Fiorini Beckhauser Elisa - University of Salento
De Salles Cavedon Capdeville Fernanda - Federal University of Santa Catarina
Broetto Valeriana Augusta - University of São Paulo
Listening to the river : How is the future planned for and re-imagined when Nature is given rights ?
Cano Pecharroman Lidia - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Right of Nature Advancement in Panama
Veelenturf Callie - The Leatherback Project
Towards Inclusive Justice in South Africa : Interconnected and Transformative Approaches to Achieve Rights
Wilson Amy P. - Animal Law Reform South Africa
Buen vivir School
De Oliveira Vanessa - MAPAS
10:00 : Session 5B / Portuguese
ID : 840 572 6629 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Young Chul - Busan University of Foreign Studies
Reconhecimento dos Direitos da Natureza no Brasil : construindo o conceito e a prática de ecocidadania
Yang Eunmi - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Direitos da Natureza e Jurisprudência da Terra : construções epistêmicas insurgentes e urgentes à virada ecocêntric
Santos Souza Fernandes Marcia Maria - Universidade Estadual do Ceará - LANPEJUS
Garimpo em terras indígenas na Amazônia brasileira
Vaz Paulo - ESMAFEsc
O avanço do não-antropocentrismo e dos Direitos da Natureza no sistema jurídico brasileiro
Hosni Sofia - Universidade de São Paulo/ OSCIP MAPAS
10:00 : Session 5C / English
ID : 423 122 8731 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Scott Owen Jeffrey - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Title : ACP
Coelho Mariana - UFSC
International Ecological Law and Governance : Humans, Nature and Neo-colonialism
Gwiazdon Kathryn - Center for Environmental Ethics and Law
The rights of Nature in Korean case law
Jo Hee Moon - Law School, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
10:00 : Session 5D / English
ID : 940 522 7879 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Shin - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Understanding people´s emotions during COVID-19 pandemic
Solano Gallego Esther - Federal University of São Paulo
From philosophy to public policy
Zaiduni Salazar Marcelo Eduardo - Vicepresidencia del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
Ocean Rights : Living in Relationship with the Ocean
Bender Michelle - Earth Law Center
Partnerships for Civic Education on Protecting Freshwater Biomes
Jackson Myra - Global Freshwaters Summit and Initiative of the GI
10:00 : Session 5E / Spanish
ID : 714 837 0961 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lim Hyo-sang - Kyung Hee University
The Cuban sovereignty of anticovid vaccines and the way to the postcovid stage
González Saez Ruvislei - Research Center of International Policy
Ecologismo, arqueología y turismo rural : nuevos caminos y retos en el siglo XXI
González Saez Saúl Aberto - Investigador independiente
Digital era and the pact between civilization and nature
Polisena Viviana - Universidad Católica de Córdoba
La naturaleza como patrimonio literario en Venezuela
Réquiz Molina R. Indira Valentina - Universidad Central de Venezuela
La terminología al servicio de la ecología : simbiosis entre traducción y lenguaje medioambiental
González Vallejo Rubén - Università degli Studi di Macerata
12:00 : Session 6 / Spanish
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Cho Youngshil - Seoul National University
La filosofía andina en vista del nuevo materialismo
Park Ho Jin - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Un estudio comparativo de la Encíclica « Laudato Sí » del Papa Francisco y el discurso del Buen Vivir en América Latina
Jo Young Hyun - Busan University of Foreign Studies
An Ecological perspective of Los Pasos Perdidos
Hwang Soo-Hyun - Kyung Hee University
16:00 : Special session 2
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Chong Sup - Seoul National University
El mundo postcovid. Una visión global panóptica
Pérez Herrero Pedro - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
Rights of Nature in Ecuador
Reinoso Vásquez Jhonny Dagoberto - Embassy of Ecuador
Post-COVID Alternative Worldviews
Kothari Ashish - Kalpavriksh & Global Tapestry of Alternatives
18:00 : Session 7A / English
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Oh Minwook - Jeonbuk National University
Multi-Perspectives in the Academic Debates on the ‘Rights of Nature’ in Ecuador
Ha Sang-Sub - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Implementation of access and benefit-sharing (ABS) of biological resources in Latin America at the national level
Kwon So Hyun - Science and Technology Policy Institute
Indigenous cosmovision, Rights of Nature and environmental conservation
Giacomini Giada - Ca' Foscari, University of Venice
From Industry to Ecology, Participatory Research as powerful tool of Education in changing Behaviors for Climate and Rights of Nature
Egli Thomas - Founder of the NGO Objectif Sciences International
18:00 : Session 7B / English
ID : 840 572 6629 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Jung Hye Jin - People for Earth
Dissemination of Earth Jurisprudence in Korea
Kang Chung Hae - University of Seoul
Earth jurisprudence as solidarity of resistance (rights)
Oh Dongsuk - Ajou University School of Law
Animals are not Things - Civil Act Amendments in Korea
Choi Jeong Ho - Seoul National University Bigdata COSS
Interpreting vivir bien and earth jurisprudence in East Asian context
Kim Young Joon - Kangwon National University
18:00 : Session 7C / Spanish
ID : 423 122 8731 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Su-Jin - Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Dao y Pachamama : Religión y sabiduría tradicional en la política ecológica de China y Ecuador
Laguna Álvarez Francisco - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
El reino de los commodities en la región andina
Ordóñez María Dolores - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
Educación virtual en tiempos de Covid'19 en las comunidades de Ocongate, Cusco, Perú
Fernández Coronel Hanny Gertrudes - Universidad Católica de Lovaina
18:00 : Session 7D / Spanish
ID : 940 522 7879 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Seon Wook - Korea University
La situación del trabajo post-covid desde la perspectiva del ODS 8 : trabajo decente y crecimiento sostenible e inclusivo
Lóèz Ahumada José Eduardo - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
Factor consciencia : "es necesario crecer para avanzar ?"
Fernández Karla - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
El agroecoturismo como posibilidad de aprovechar los recursos naturales, culturales y agrarios en las altas montañas de Veracruz, México
Sandoval Quintero Mayra Antonieta - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
Naciones y nacionalismo ante los límites del crecimiento post-COVID 19
Prieto Noelia Rodríguez - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
18:00 : Session 7E / French
ID : 714 837 0961 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shin Junga - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Urgence d'une convention mondiale sur les pandémies
Michel Prieur - Centre international de droit comparé de l'environnement
La Déclaration de Toulon et la Charte du Droit du Vivant : Fondements juridiques des changements de paradigme non-anthropocentrés et soutiens de la jurisprudence de la Terre
Caroline Regad / Cédric Riot - Université de Toulon
20:00 : End
16 February 2022
08:00 : Session 8A / Spanish
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lee Euna - Seoul National University
Derechos de la Naturaleza en México
Brindis Claudia - UN Harmony with Nature Programme
Derecho de los ríos : 10 años de estándares jurisprudenciales, principios ambientales e implementación de los Derechos de la Naturaleza en Ecuador
Prieto Figelist Constanza - Earth Law Center
Sumak kawsay y poder constituyente en Chile
Sacta Campos Verónica - Harmony with Nature
El enfoque de los derechos de la naturaleza en los casos de litigio climático de América Latina
Filpi Humberto - GPDA/ Federal University of Santa Catarina
08:00 : Session 8B / Spanish
ID : 840 572 6629 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Chung Kyung Won - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
#ContigoAlaDistancia y #QuédateEnCasa : México y sus museos en un macrocontexto mundial PostCovid-19
Álvarez Anael Joanna - Agencia de Viajes Nacional y una Agencia de Publicidad de Realidad Aumentada Nacional
La Pedagogía ambiental frente al COVID-19
Velez Esquivel Dulce María - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Pedagogía Andina : Un tejido cósmico de saberes
Vásquez Carrillo Francisco - Universidad San Pedro-Perú
08:00 : Session 8C / English
ID : 423 122 8731 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Park, Deok Yong - Yonsei Law School
The Eco-Jurisprudence Monitor : Tracking Global Trends in Earth-centered Law
Kauffman Craig - University of Oregon
The Evolution of Rights of Nature Laws and Implications for Sustainable Development
Martin Pamela - Coastal Carolina University
Rights of Nature in the US : Local Successes, Court Challenges, Continued Public Interest, and New Approaches
Moutrie Marsha - Earth Law Center, Harmony with Nature Experts Plat
The ´Harmony with Nature´ paradigm in Brazil
Santiago Mariana - University of Marília
The Reverence to the Spirit of the Trees in the Philippines of Early Modernity
Lee Christina - Princeton University
08:00 : Session 8D / Spanish
ID : 940 522 7879 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Song, Byeong Sun - University of Ulsan
Nuevos paradigmas éticos en las políticas y la jurisprudencia sobre derechos de la naturaleza
Chávez Gina - Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales
Los derechos de los animales : una aproximación a los Derechos de la Naturaleza en el Ecuador
Fuentes Saenz de Viteri Mauro Leonel - Universidad de Guayaquil
Los derechos de la naturaleza en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional del Ecuador
Avila Santamaría Ramiro - Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Ecuador
Derechos de un río
Iván Palacio Jorge
Derechos de un río
08:00 : Session 8E / Portuguese
ID : 714 837 0961 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lim Sora - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Por uma educação plurilíngue além das resoluções : uma análise dos princípios da oferta de línguas no currículo escolar brasileiro
Krause Lemke Cibele - Universidade Estadual Do Centro-Oeste – Unicentro
Quando um ‘novo normal’ exige uma nova escola : caminhos para a construção de uma ecologia social
Barnabé Corrêa Thiago Henrique - Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
Direitos da Natureza e Princípio da Harmonia na formação de magistrados : que currículo ? que avaliação ?
Santos Vitovsky Vladimir - ENFAM
08:00 : Session 8F / Portuguese
ID : 886 105 5062 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lucas Caiado - Green Climate Fund, Caiado Ceccarelli Advogados
Pensar os direitos da comunidade-orum-aiyé ou comunidade-universonatureza a partir da filosofia africana do NTU-AXÉ
Malomalo Bas´Ilele - Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB)
Direito da Natureza, Paradigmas em disputa na Suprema Corte brasileira : Análise das ADPFs 747, 748 e 749
Giffoni Johny - Programa Harmonia com a Natureza das Nações Unidas
Enunciados e Propostas para disseminação dos Direitos da Natureza com ênfase na atuação do Poder Judiciário
Algorta Latorre Ana Inés/ Monteiro Ana Lidia/ Pinto Vital de Castro Geraldine - Tribunal Regional Federal da 2ª Região
10:00 : Session 9A / Spanish
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Cho Guho - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Protección de los derechos de la naturaleza en el sistema interamericano de derechos humanos y México
Calderón Gamboa Jorge - Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, México / E
Las contribuciones del derecho colombiano a la jurisprudencia de la tierra y derechos de la naturaleza para un estado constitucional y social ambiental
Tolosa Villabona Luis Armando - Universidad del Rosario
Los derechos de la naturaleza en circulación en América Latina : el caso de Argentina
Berros María Valeria - Universidad Nacional Litoral-CONICET
The praxis of “Buen Vivir” : Rights of Nature and hybrid political discourses in South America
Hernandez Gustavo - UN Harmony with Nature
10:00 : Session 9B / Spanish
ID : 615 573 5372 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Yim Ho Joon - Seoul National University
El Arte de Concebir el espacio en la cosmovisión andina
Lozano Alfredo - Universidad Central del Ecuador
Los mitos andinos y su critica a la modernidad
Hernández Soto Javier Eduardo - UPCH
El cuidado de la naturaleza en Friedrich Froebel y Estefanía Castañeda
García Cerda Polux Alfredo - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Idolatría en los andes contemporáneos : Enqa y Enqaychu
Rozas Álvarez Jesús Washington - Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco
10:00 : Session 9C / Portuguese
ID : 612 183 9090 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kwon Kisu - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Corrupação e meio ambiente : Novos desafios para a regulação e proteção da Natureza
Peixoto Bruno - Universidade federal de Santa Catarina
Decolonizando as práticas econômicas globais para a construção do princípio de viver em harmonia com a Naturez
Derani Cristiane - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
A Dimensão da Inovação do Agronegócio Brasileiro a partir do Novo Paradigma
Lee Mee Joung - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
10:00 : Session 9D / Spanish
ID : 221 447 7850 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Kim Chang-Min - Seoul National University
Orgullosamente paisa : fórmulas de tratamiento pronominales en Medellín (Colombia)
Jang Ji Son - Universidad de Antioquia
Incorporación del Biocentrismo en el lenguaje de los Derechos
Prieto Julio - UDAPT
Derechos de la Naturaleza en España : Acerca de la Iniciativa Legislativa del Mar Menor
Borràs Susana - Rovira i Virgili University
10:00 : Session 9E / Spanish
ID : 596 346 5921 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Jung Sanghee - Keimyung University
El caso de la Diplomacia Pública de las Áreas verdes : Jardines, macetas y espacios públicos a favor del entendimiento mutuo y poder suave
Collignon Cristobal - University of Guadalajara
Cambio de la matriz mental
Pérez Joffre - FUNCAFURT
Animales No Humanos - Nuevo Paradigma de Reconocimiento de Derechos
Bilicic Liliana Lorena - Harmony with Nature
Responsabilidades ecológicas para una buena vida. Aportes para una revisión de la dicotomía derechos humanos - derechos de la naturaleza
Bonet Ana María - UCSF-CONICET
Alé María Cristina - Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
Guadalupe Paulina - Universidad Católica de Santa Fe
10:00 : Session 9F / Spanish
ID : 830 591 1625 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lim Sang Rae - Busan University of Foreign Studies
Documentación lingüístico-cultural para la vida
Haboud Marleen - Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
Festividades y cargos políticos en La última muerte de Nicolás Huet
Guzmán Palomeque Itzel Elena - Colima University
La situación actual de México frente al cambio climático : vulnerabilidad y respuesta del gobierno
Cuevas Tello Ana Bertha - Universidad de Guadalajara
El Corpus Oral de Referencia de Español en Contacto (COREC)
García Tesoro Ana Isabel - Antoquia University
12:00 : Session 10 / Spanish
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Cho, Minhyun - Daegu Catholic University
Desarrollo comunitario de sitio ecoturístico en cascada de Tamul
Macías Valadez Elias Carlos Alfonso - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
La implicación ideológica y las características estéticas de las novelas ecológicas costarricenses contemporáneas
Xiayun Meng - China Foreign Affairs University
Una revisión de la crítica de Descartes a la idea general de la jurisprudencia de la tierra
Namgoong Hwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
La entrega de la tierra al hombre para su cuidado, administración y preservación – Una perspectiva bíblica
Torres Servín Sara - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
14:00 : Session 11 / English
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : So Byung-Chun - Ajou University Law School
Whales as Political Subjects : Wildlife Conservation in Coastal Ecuador
Tatar Bradley - Ulsan National Institute of Science and Tech
Why Not Nature Rights ? The Indian Dilemma
Sunder Raj Manjeri Subin - UN Harmony with Nature
Earth jurisprudence and Earth laws in Australia
Maloney Michelle - Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA)
Rights of Nature and Beyond
Bajpai Shrishtee - Kalpavriksh
16:00 : Session 12 / Spanish
ID : 599 099 2331 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Lim Sujin - Daegu Catholic University
La Huella de Carbono Personal como indicador clave para la adopción de estilos de vida sostenibles en Argentina
Orellano Anabel - Universidad de Alcalá
La protección de la Naturaleza en la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos
Montalván Digno - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
La supervivencia de las comunidades indígenas como garantía mínima en un contexto de inversión. Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos humanos
Rodríguez Patarroyo Juliana Carolina - Universidad de Alcalá-IELAT
La jurisprudencia constitucional en el reconocimiento de la naturaleza como sujeto de derechos : los casos del río Atrato y del Bosque Protector Los Cedros
Martínez Dalmau Rubén - Universitat de València
18:00 : Keynote Speech
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shim Jaehwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Implementing Earth Jurisprudences and Wild Law
Cullinan Cormac - Director of the ‘Wild Law Institute’
Hacia Una Gea-política como Necesidad Vital
Bautista Rafael - Philosopher of ‘Right of Nature’ in Plurinational State of Bolivia
The UN Harmony with Nature Programme : A Non-Anthropocentric Worldview
Mercedes Sánchez María - Coordinator of UN Harmony with Nature Programme
Three post-pandemic scenarios and the Epistemologies of the South
Santos Boaventura de Sousa - Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
20:00 : Closing Ceremony
ID : 715 826 2940 – Password : 1234
Moderator : Shim Jaehwan - Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Closing Remarks
Jeon Yong Gab - Director of ILAS-Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
21:00 : End
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Organised by Institute of Latin American Studies HK, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, National Research Foundation of Korea