12h30 : Welcome and light lunch
13h30 : Litigation strategies and the law of commerce in late medieval Bruges
Niels Fieremans, Ghent/Brussels
14h00 : Exchange Operations : Theory and Practice in Bordeaux during the Early Modem Period (1673-1789)
Victor Le Breton-Blon, Lille
14h30 : The Levant Company (1592-1X25). a charter company legally supervising British merchants in their trade with the Levant
Gilles Hebben, Lille
15h00 : International Financial Control in Greece : 1890s to 1920s
Pieterjan Sciiepens, Ghent
15h30 : Break
15h45 : The application of the Roman Law in Provence (late 17th-18th century) : a study around the Code Buisson
Jean-Michel Mangiavillano, Lille
16h15 : From illicit substances to narcotics : national legislation to international cooperation (18th-20th century)
Laury Renard, Lille
16h45 : The construction of a balanced criminal justice. Socio-historical analysis of the criminal procedure’s production in Belgium between the 19h and the 20th centuries
Edouard Delree, ULB
17h15 : The evolution of family law in Vietnam from the fifteenth century to the present
Linh-Nhâm Pham, Lille
17h45 : Drink offered by the Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire
Entrée libre
Journée de rencontre doctorants Brussels, Ghent, Lille organisé par le Ghent Legal History Institute, le CRHiDI et le Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire.