PhD Day Legal History


PhD Day Legal History



12h30 : Welcome and light lunch

13h30 : Litigation strategies and the law of commerce in late medieval Bruges
Niels Fieremans, Ghent/Brussels

14h00 : Exchange Operations : Theory and Practice in Bordeaux during the Early Modem Period (1673-1789)
Victor Le Breton-Blon, Lille

14h30 : The Levant Company (1592-1X25). a charter company legally supervising British merchants in their trade with the Levant
Gilles Hebben, Lille

15h00 : International Financial Control in Greece : 1890s to 1920s
Pieterjan Sciiepens, Ghent

15h30 : Break

15h45 : The application of the Roman Law in Provence (late 17th-18th century) : a study around the Code Buisson
Jean-Michel Mangiavillano, Lille

16h15 : From illicit substances to narcotics : national legislation to international cooperation (18th-20th century)
Laury Renard, Lille

16h45 : The construction of a balanced criminal justice. Socio-historical analysis of the criminal procedure’s production in Belgium between the 19h and the 20th centuries
Edouard Delree, ULB

17h15 : The evolution of family law in Vietnam from the fifteenth century to the present
Linh-Nhâm Pham, Lille

17h45 : Drink offered by the Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire


Entrée libre

Journée de rencontre doctorants Brussels, Ghent, Lille organisé par le Ghent Legal History Institute, le CRHiDI et le Centre d'Histoire Judiciaire.

Faculté de Droit de Lille
1 Place Déliot
59000 Lille