European Security Integration, Grand Strategy and the Transformation of EU-NATO Relations

Atelier / Workshops

European Security Integration, Grand Strategy and the Transformation of EU-NATO Relations



In the context of an evolving international security order, with diminishing capacity of states and international organisations to predict or control crises and in-security, this workshop explores the evolution of EU-NATO relations as well as the perspectives for a grand strategy for Europe to advance resilience and an international agenda underpinned by a ‘positive’ understanding of peace. To manage turbulence and the proliferation of crises, international security regimes such as the EU and NATO are assumed to aim at maintaining system stability or resilience, i.e. the system’s ability to maintain its power, and efficiency, i.e. the system’s ability to fulfil strategic objectives (Hasenclever et al. 1997). The more resilient a regime is, the more uncertainty and turbulence it can handle. To mitigate uncertainty and change and maintain sustainability, international regimes are expected to aim at evolutionary stable strategies in order to manage developments in the international security order.To increase its ability and capacity to anticipate and manage crises, the European Union has launched the vision of strategic autonomy in its 2016 Global Strategy for foreign and security policy. New security and defence cooperation mechanisms such as PESCO, EDF or CARD were adopted after the 2016 Brexit referendum with the aim of increasing efficiency and the capacity of Europe in the security domain, compelling the question of their impact on future EU and NATO strategies as well as on EU’s relations to major powers. In relation to stability in international security, the classical literature on international relations focuses on the concept of balance of power, but processes of balancing between major international actors can lead to great powers competition. Thus, the implications of the upgrade in CSDP/CFSP on EU-NATO relations and the EU strategy in international security and foreign policy in the context of a multipolar international security order de-serves closer attention. What is the expected impact of the new security and defence cooperation mechanisms on the EU-NATO / EU-great powers relations and how will they enable Europe to achieve its strategic objectives ? What are the main attributes, logics and key drivers/actors underpinning processes of future strategic adaptation and grand bargaining ? How would robust grand strategies ensuring resilience in European and in-ternational security look like ? What are the main challenges and what could be possible ways forward ? These are some of the central questions this workshop will seek to address.




9.00 : Coffee and welcome

9.30 : Introduction
Delphine-Deschaux Dutard and Cornelia-Adriana Baciu

9.45 : Opening Remarks
Fabien Terpan, CESICE

10.00 : Keynote Speech

The Power to Engage – European Grand Strategy in the 21st Century
Prof. Sven Biscop – Ghent University and Egmont Royal Institute Brussels

10.45 : Coffee Break


Panel 1 - European Strategy : Discourse, Actors, Industrial Means

11.00 : European Integration and Strategy : which European narrative ?
Bastien Nivet, EMLV Business School Paris

The EU as an emerging military power ? European strategic autonomy in industrial perspective
Renaud Bellais, Economist, Analyst MBDA

Relaunching the European defence project : the Commission in the context of ‘new intergovernmentalism’
Fabien Terpan, CESICE, University of Grenoble


12.30 : Light Lunch


Panel 2 - European Strategy Seen from Some Member States

13:45 : « Nato-First » and « Revived cold war spirit »
Yves Plasseraud, Sciences Po Grenoble or Yves Plasseraud

The Role Player Model in European Security Integration. A Comparative Case Study of Romania, Ireland and Germany
Cornelia-Adriana Baciu, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS

European strategic autonomy as an end to bandwagoning with the US ?
Barbara Kunz, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg

Germany and European defense in the Brexit era : how effective is French-German military cooperation for the EU ?
Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, CESICE, University of Grenoble France

15:15 : Wrap up and Conclusion of the Workshop



Admission is free however registration is required by completing the following form :

Organised by the Association pour les Études sur la Guerre et la Stratégie (AEGES) and the CESICE, Université Grenoble-Alpes ; Associate Professor Delphine Deschaux-Dutard, University Grenoble Alpes and Dr. Cornelia-Adriana Baciu, Johns Hopkins University

Université de Grenoble
Auditorium de l'IMAG
700 Avenue Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères