Tuesday 12 October
(Salle des Professeurs, 15 quai Claude Bernard, 69007 Lyon)
14h15 - Welcome address
Hervé de Gaudemar (Dean of the faculty of law, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University)
Charlotte Le Chapelain (Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University)
14h30 - Economics Through the Lens of History: cliometrics in the 21th century
Claude Diebolt (University of Strasbourg)
Discussant: Herrade Igersheim
15h30 - Human Capital Accumulation in France at the dawn of the XIXth century: Lessons from the Guizot Inquiry
Magali Jaoul-Grammare (University of Strasbourg), with C. Le Chapelain
Discussant: Audrey Ménard
16h30 - Coffee break
17h - Industrialization as a Deskilling Process? Steam Engines and Human Capital in XIXth Century France
Audrey Ménard (University of Nantes), with C. Diebolt and C. Le Chapelain
Discussant: Ralph Hippe
20h - Dinner
Friday 13 October
(Salle Caillemer, 15 quai Claude Bernard, 69007 Lyon)
9h - Women Leaders in Industry in XIXth Century France: the Case of Amélie de Dietrich
Herrade Igersheim (University of Strasbourg), with C. Le Chapelain
Discussant: Alexandre Chirat
10h - Coffee break
10h30 - Patterns of Steam Technology Diffusion in France in the 19th Century
Ralf Wilke (Copenhagen Business School, University of Strasbourg), with C. Le Chapelain
Discussant: Tapas Mishra
11h30 - Did Gender-Bias Matter in the Quantity-Quality Trade-off in 19th Century France?
Tapas Mishra (University of Southampton), with C. Diebolt and F. Perrin
Discussant: Ralph Wilke
12h30 - Lunch
14h15 - Some “Unexpected Proximities” Between Schultz and Galbraith on Human Capital
Alexandre Chirat (University Lyon II), with C. Le Chapelain
Discussant: Magali Jaoul-Grammare
15h15 - The Roots of the Human Capital Revolution: Schultz and the Economics of Agriculture
Sylvère Matéos (University Lyon II)
Discussant: Claude Diebolt
16h15 - TBC
Ralph Hippe (European Commission)
Discussant: Charlotte Le Chapelain
17h15 - Concluding remarks
Charlotte Le Chapelain -
Discussion of the papers prepared in the frame of the 2017 bourgeon project founded by the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University