Winning Legal protection for ancient and historical shipwrecks

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Winning Legal protection for ancient and historical shipwrecks

Winning Legal protection for ancient and historical shipwrecks :
the battle to protect the 1565 Royal Navy Fleet of Jean Ribault in Florida and its precedents in international law


James A Goold, Covington & Burling LL

Foreword by

Pr. Mathias Audit, Sorbonne School of Law

26 mai 2017, de 16 à 18h

the battle to protect the 1565 Royal Navy Fleet of Jean Ribault in Florida and its precedents in international law

Amphithéâtre Sainte Barbe
4 rue Valette
75005 Paris

Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
École de Droit de la Sorbonne
Institut de Recherches Juridiques de la Sorbonne