Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Bhaskaran Pillai Mohanan (dir.), Global commons: issues, concerns and strategies, SAGE Publications, 2022, 289 p.
, Migrations-Translations, Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre et OpenEdition, 2021
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Cornelius Crowley, Michel Naumann (dir.), Heritage and Ruptures in Indian Literature, Culture and Cinema, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017, 276 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Nicolas Clinchamps, Christel Cournil, Catherine Colard-Fabregoule (dir.), Sécurité et environnement, Larcier Bruylant, 2016, Droit(s) et développement durable, 431 p.
, Migrations-Translations, Presses universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2015, Chemins croisés, 547 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Helga Ramsey-Kurz (dir.), On the move: the journey of refugees in new literatures in English, Cambridge Scholars, 2012, 185 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Michel Olinga (dir.), Images changeantes de l'Inde et de l'Afrique, l'Hamattan, 2011, Discours identitaires dans la mondialisation, 318 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, The postcolonial Indian novel in English, Cambridge Scholars, 2011, 193 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Helga Ramsey-Kurz, Projections of paradise: ideal elsewheres in postcolonial migrant literature, Rodopi, 2011, Cross cultures, 277 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré (dir.), Revisiting Anita Desai's "In custody" for the agrégation, cSARI, Société d'activités et de recherches sur les mondes indiens et Numilog, 2009, 244 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Balasubramanian Krishnamurthy (dir.), Changing world order, Shipra, 2009, 342 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Patrick Griffin, Michel Perdu, English for EU law, Ellipses, 2002, 239 p.
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, « Three Tsunami Narratives », Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur, 2019
Ancient literature has recorded natural catastrophes, human response to them and the various coping mechanisms mobilized individually and collectively by people. The modern world, in its self-absorption, has forgotten to revisit these stories and learn to enhance its awareness and preparedness. While the ancient Tamil epic Silappatikaram mentions the flourishing portal city of Puhar, another epic, Manimekalai, reports the engulfing of Puhar by the sea after the curse of a goddess. A Chola kin...
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Ludmila Volná, « Video introduction to issue 9 », Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur, 2019
[video:guesteditor9] Transcript: I am Geetha Ganapathy-Doré. I am the current president of the Society for Activities and Research on the Indian World (SARI). I am Ludmila Volná. I am currently one of Vice-Presidents of the Society for Activities and Research on the Indian World. Welcome to this special issue on “Reinventing the Sea”. Most of the papers collected in this issue were first presented at the SARI conference on Reinventing the Sea, Precarity, Epistemology and Narratives held in Ju...
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Ludmila Volna, Michel Naumann, « Introduction », Lectures du monde anglophone, ERIAC - EA 4705, 2017
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Debasish Lahiri, Cécile Oumhani, « L'horloge arrêtée à Chowringhee », Europe. Revue littéraire mensuelle, Europe. Revue, 2016, n°104610471048
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, B. Krishnamurthy, « De Bruxelles à Bandung : l'anticolonialisme de Jawarhala Nehru, From Brussels to Bandung. Jawaharlal Nehru's anti-colonialism », Revue Française d'Histoire des Idées Politiques, L'Harmattan, 2015, n°42
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré, Benaouda Lebdai, « Behind the Scenes: Foreword », SEPC-Société d’Etude des Pays du Commonwealth, 2007
This issue of the journal is devoted to the topic “Behind the Scenes” which guided the proceedings of the SEPC’s New Literatures Workshop at the 47th SAES Congress held in Avignon in May 2007. The idiom “behind the scenes” most obviously brings to mind what is hidden from the view of the audience. Though invisible, the backstage is an objective correlative of the multi-facetted reality and the orchestrated energy that go into the making of what is shown at the front and centre of the stage. T...