
Parution : 11/2024
Editeur : Verfassungbooks
ISBN : 978-3-8187-0857-3
Notice SUDOC

The Transformation of European Climate Litigation

Sous la direction de Maxim Bönnemann,  Maria Antonia Tigre

Présentation de l’éditeur

In Spring 2024, the European Court of Human Rights ruled for the first time that inadequate climate mitigation violates human rights. The Court's landmark rulings have significant implications, ranging from the design of domestic climate laws and questions of standing to international trade issues and the European Union's climate governance. Building on a symposium by Verfassungsblog and the Climate Law Blog, this book offers the first comprehensive assessment of the rulings in KlimaSeniorinnen, Duarte Agostinho, and Carême. It explores key innovations, missed opportunities, and the untaken paths in European climate litigation.

216 pages.  10,00 €