
Parution : 02/2024
Editeur : Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN : 978-1-0090-9855-7
Site de l'éditeur
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Trust, Courts and Social Rights

A Trust-Based Framework for Social Rights Enforcement

David Vitale

Présentation de l’éditeur

Trust, Courts and Social Rights proposes an innovative legal framework for judicially enforcing social rights that is rooted in public trust in government or 'political trust'. Interdisciplinary in nature, the book draws on theoretical and empirical scholarship on the concept of trust across disciplines, including philosophy, sociology, psychology and political theory. It integrates that scholarship with the relevant public law literature on social rights, fiduciary political theory and judicial review. In doing so, the book uses trust as an analytical lens for social rights law – importing ideas from the scholarship on trust into the social rights literature – and develops a normative argument that contributes to the controversial debate on how courts should enforce social rights. Also global in focus, the book uses cases from courts in Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America to illustrate how the trust-based framework operates in practice.

David Vitale, University of Warwick.

Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law , 282 pages.  £ 95.00