
Parution : 04/2021
Editeur : Brill
ISBN : 978-9-0044-4760-8
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Climate Change Litigation

Global Perspectives

Ivano Alogna,  Christine Bakker,  Jean-Pierre Gauci

Présentation de l'éditeur

This ground-breaking volume provides analyses from experts around the globe on the part played by national and international law, through legislation and the courts, in advancing efforts to tackle climate change, and what needs to be done in the future. Published under the auspices of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), the volume builds on an event convened at BIICL, which brought together academics, legal practitioners and NGO representatives. The volume offers not only the insights from that event, but also additional materials, sollicited to offer the reader a more complete picture of how climate change litigation is evolving in a global perspective, highlighting both opportunities, and constraints. The contributions span a wide range of national jurisdictions with examples from both the Global South and the Global North. In addition, the potentialities and limitations for climate change-related cases at the regional and international levels are addressed, ranging from regional human rights courts and United Nations Treaty Bodies to the International Court of Justice, the World Trade Organization, the International Criminal Court and international arbitration. The volume will be of interest to legal scholars and legal practitioners, policy makers as well as activists and all those who are seeking to achieve change for the better in this field.



Chapter 1 Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives—An Introduction
Auteurs : Ivano Alogna, Christine Bakker, and Jean-Pierre Gauci

Part 1 Climate Change Litigation: Comparative Perspectives
Rédacteurs en chef Ivano Alogna, Christine Bakker, and Jean-Pierre Gauci

Chapter 2 Climate Change Litigation in the United States: High Volume of Cases, Mostly About Statutes
Auteur : Michael B Gerrard

Chapter 3 Climate Change Litigation in Australia: Law and Practice in the Sunburnt Country
Auteurs : Laura Schuijers and Margaret A Young

Chapter 4 Climate Change Litigation in the United Kingdom: Planning, Energy and Protest
Auteurs : Nigel Pleming and Ruth Keating

Chapter 5 Climate Change Litigation in India and Pakistan: Analyzing Opportunities and Challenges
Auteur : Birsha Ohdedar

Chapter 6 Climate Change Litigation in France: New Perspectives and Trends
Auteur : Marta Torre-Schaub

Chapter 7 Climate Change Litigation in Brazil: Will Green Courts Become Greener?
Auteurs : Joana Setzer, Guilherme JS Leal, and Caio Borges

Chapter 8 Climate Change Litigation in South Africa: Firmly Out of the Starting Blocks
Auteur : Tracy-Lynn Field

Chapter 9 Climate Change Litigation in the Netherlands: The Urgenda Case and Beyond
Auteur : Christine Bakker

Chapter 10 Prospects for Climate Change Litigation in Russia
Auteur : Anatoly Yakovlevich Kapustin

Chapter 11 Prospects for Climate Change Litigation in China
Auteurs : Chen Zhou and Tianbao Qin

Part 2 Climate Change Litigation: Regional and International Perspectives
Rédacteurs en chef Ivano Alogna, Christine Bakker, and Jean-Pierre Gauci

Chapter 12 Climate Change Litigation in Africa: A Multi-Level Perspective
Auteur : Sam Adelman

Chapter 13 Climate Change Litigation in European Regional Courts: Jumping Procedural Hurdles to Hold States to Account?
Auteur : Marc Willers

Chapter 14 Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue: Litigating Climate Change in the Inter-American System of Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Committee
Auteur : Monica Feria-Tinta

Chapter 15 Intergenerational Climate Change Litigation: The First Climate Communication to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Auteurs : Ingrid Gubbay and Claus Wenzler 

Chapter 16 Inter-State Climate Change Litigation: ‘Neither a Chimera nor a Panacea’
Auteur : Annalisa Savaresi

Chapter 17 Bringing Climate Change before the International Court of Justice: Prospects for Contentious Cases and Advisory Opinions
Auteurs : Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Julian Aguon, and Julie Hunter

Chapter 18 Litigation under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Opportunities to Support and Supplement the Climate Change Regime
Auteur : James Harrison

Chapter 19 Trade and Climate Disputes before the WTO: Blocking or Driving Climate Action?
Auteur : Harro van Asselt

Chapter 20 International Arbitration of Climate-Related Disputes: Prospects for Alternative Dispute Resolution
Auteur : Patrick Thieffry

Chapter 21 Climate Change Litigation before the International Criminal Court: Prospects in Theory and Practice
Auteurs : Nema Milaninia and Jelena Aparac

543 pages.  281,00 €