Parution : 03/2018
Editeur : Routledge
ISBN : 978-1-1386-5957-5
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Raymond Aron and International Relations

Sous la direction de Olivier Schmitt

Présentation de l'éditeur

At a time when the field of International Relations (IR) is diverting from grand theoretical debates, rediscovering the value of classical realism and exploring its own intellectual history, this book contributes to these debates by presenting a cohesive view of Raymond Aron’s theory of IR. It explores how a careful reading of Aron can contribute to important current debates, in particular what a theory of IR can be (and thus, what is within or outside the scope of this theory), how to bridge the gap that emerged in the 1970s between a "normative" and a "scientific" theory of IR, and finally how multidisciplinarity is possible (and desirable) in the study of IR.

This edited collection offers a synthetic approach to Raymond Aron’s theory of International Relations by bringing together some of the most prominent specialists on Raymond Aron, thus filling an important gap in the current market of books devoted to IR theories and the historiography of the field. The volume is divided into three parts: the first part explores Aron’s intellectual contribution to the theoretical debates in IR, thus showing his originality and prescience; the second part traces Aron’s influence and explores his relations with other prominent scholars of his time, thus contributing to the historiography of the field; and the third part analyses Aron’s contemporary relevance. This comprehensive volume contributes to current debates in the field by showing the originality and breadth of Aron’s thought.

This book will be of great interest to academics and students interested in IR theories, strategic studies and the historiography of the field.

Olivier Schmitt is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark, and the scientific director of the French Association for War and Strategic Studies (AEGES). His work focuses on International Relations theories, strategic studies and contemporary warfare.



Introduction (Olivier Schmitt)

Chapter 1. The Classical Foundations of Raymond Aron’s Theory of International Relations (Bryan-Paul Frost)

Chapter 2Pilgrims’ Progress: The Disenchanted Destinations of Raymond Aron and Georges Canguilhem (Reed M. Davies)

Chapter 3. A Theory of International Relations or a theory of foreign policy? Reading Peace and War Amongst Nations (Olivier Schmitt)

Chapter 4. Aron’s Oxymorus International Ethics (Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer)

Chapter 5. Raymond Aron, War And Nuclear Weapons: The Primacy Of Politics Paradox (Christian Malis)

Chapter 6. Raymond Aron and the Idea of Europe (Joël Mouric)

Chapter 7. Beyond Soviet and American Models of Industrialization: Aron's Third Way Approach to Global Development (Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins)

Chapter 8. Raymond Aron’s heritage for the International Relations discipline: The French school of sociological liberalism (Thomas Meszaros and Anthony Dabila)

Chapter 9. Raymond Aron and the ethics of current global affairs (Ariane Chebel d’Appollonia)

Chapter 10. The Diplomat, the Soldier, and the Spy: towards a new taxonomy in International Relations (Olivier Chopin)

New International Relations , 204 pages.  £115