Comparative Labour Law Methodology in the Changing World of Work
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Comparative Labour Law Methodology in the Changing World of Work



This online seminar, organized by the Labour Law Research Group of the Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki and the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL), explores key methodological issues in comparative labour law. It analyses challenges comparatists encounter when analyzing labour law developments across different countries and from global or transnational perspectives.




15:30 : (Heure de Paris) Opening


Part I

15:35 : Legal Transplants in Labour Law: Board-Level Representation of Workers as an Example
Professor Achim Seifert, Chair of Civil Law, German and European Labour Law and Comparative Law at the Saarland University

16:05 : Reflections on the Complex Study of Comparative Labour Law : The Case of the Ecological Just Transition
Ángela Martín-Pozuelo López, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Valencia

16:35 : And if there was a Foreign Element in the Employment Contract ? On the Use of Comparative Labour Law in French Court Practice and Scholarship
Marcel Zernikow, Dr., Contractual Lecturer-Researcher, University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli


Part II

17:05 : Describing West African Labour Laws - Some Methodological Concerns
Jérôme Porta, Professor of Private Law at the University of Bordeaux

17:35 : Culture and Labour Law : The Case of Laws on Occupational Health and Safety in China
Yifeng Chen, Associate Professor at the Peking University Law School

18:05 : The Importance of Cultural and other Non-Legal Dimensions in Comparative Labour Law
Jean-Michel Servais, President of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law (ISLSSL)

18:35 : Some Thoughts about Comparative Labour Law from a Decolonial Perspective
Ulla Liukkunen, Professor of Labour Law and Private International Law at the University of Helsinki

19:05 : Comments and Reflections
Cynthia Estlund, Crystal Eastman Professor at the New York University School of Law

19:25 : Conclusion



The seminar is open to all interested participants but requires prior registration by 2 May 2025 at :

We particularly encourage early-career researchers and doctoral students engaged in legal comparison to join us.

Séminaire organisé par le groupe de recherche en droit du travail de la Faculté de droit de l’Université d’Helsinki et la Société internationale de droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale (ISLSSL)