Instruments to work towards water security from international water law

Atelier / Workshops

Instruments to work towards water security from international water law



Water security has been consolidated in recent years as one of the objectives to be achieved on an international scale. But how to face it from a realistic way from international water law ? Do we have tools for it ? Adrián Gavin thinks so, and it is in our hands to use them. He proposes a few questions that can help us in that objective.

Join us through this event to learn about his PhD work "Water security as a paradigm of the management of transboundary waters. Scope of the concept and instruments available for its guarantee".




14h00 : Intervention (en anglais) de Adrián Gavin, Investigador predoctoral FPI Área de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales - University of Zaragoza

16h00 : Fin



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Organisé par l'IRENEE, Université de lorraine sous la direction scientifique de Jochen Sohnle, Professeur de droit public - Université de Lorraine / IRENEE

Faculté de droit
Salle B317
13 Place Carnot
54000 Nancy

Université de Lorraine
Faculté de Droit, Sciences Economiques et Gestion
Institut de Recherches sur l'Évolution de la Nation et de l'État