Attacks against water infrastructure and their weaponization have hit the headlines several times in recent armed conflicts. Water installations on international watercourses as well as small facilities such as wells are protected under international humanitarian law (IHL). However, water as a shared natural resource is still not enough protected under the current legal framework.
The presentation will focus on the existing legal protection and possible legal avenues to reinforce its protection.
16h30 : Intervention de Mara Tignino, Université de Genève, Geneva Water Hub, Secretariat of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
18h30 : Fin
Conférence en anglais
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Organisée dans le cadre de la chaire Jean Monnet « Union européenne et gestion des crises » et de la chaire UNESCO « Paix et développement par le droit » (P2D) et le Laboratoire de droit international et européen (LADIE UPR 7414)