Présentation / Presentation
L’école d’été de cette année est organisée en 2 semaines. La première semaine (du 3 au 7 septembre) traite des aspects économiques de l’impôt sur le revenu des particuliers et sera dispensée par des instructeurs iraniens et la langue officielle est le persan. La deuxième semaine (du 19 au 23 septembre) est internationale. La langue officielle est l’anglais et le mode de l’événement n’est que virtuel et les étudiants du monde entier sont invités à s’inscrire. Les instructeurs sont des experts fiscaux d’Italie, de Croatie, de France et d’Espagne.
This year’s summer school is arranged in 2 weeks. The first week (Sep. 3rd-7th) deals with economic aspects of personal income tax and will be delivered by Iranian instructors and the official language is persian.
The second week (Sep 19th -23th) is an international one. The official language is English and the mode of the event is only virtual and students from across the world are invited to register. Instructors are tax experts from Italy, Croatia, France and Spain.
Programme / Program
Monday Sep. 19th, 2022
11:00 : Opening Speech
Ali Nassiri Aghdam, Director of the Summer School
11:15 : Personal Income Tax : Foundations (1)
12:00 : Personal Income Tax : Foundations (2)
13:00 : Break
13:30 : Personal Income Tax in Italy (1)
Marco Greggi
14:30 : Personal Income Tax in Italy (2)
Marco Greggi
15:30 : End
Tuesday Sep. 20th, 2022
11:00 : The interaction between PIT and VAT
Marco Greggi
12:00 : Continued : VAT reporting (and the e-invoice)
Marco Greggi
13:00 : Break
13:30 : Tax inspections and Data management
Marco Greggi
14:30 : Audit and control
Marco Greggi
15:30 : End
Wednesday Sep. 21st, 2022
11:00 : International aspects of Personal Income Tax (1)
Georges Cavalier
12:00 : International aspects of Personal Income Tax (2)
Georges Cavalier
13:00 : Break
13:30 : International aspects of Personal Income Tax (3)
Georges Cavalier
14:30 : International aspects of Personal Income Tax (4)
Georges Cavalier
15:30 : End
Thursday Sep. 22nd, 2022
11:00 : European Principles on PIT (1)
Jose Miguel Martin
12:00 : European Principles on PIT (2)
Jose Miguel Martin
13:00 : Break
13:30 : Personal Income Tax in Spain (1)
Montserrat Hermosín Alvarez
14:30 : Personal Income Tax in Spain (2)
Mónica Arribas Leon
15:30 : End
Friday Sep. 23rd, 2022
11:00 : Personal Income Tax in Croatia (1)
Nataša Žunić Kovačević
12:00 : Personal Income Tax in Croatia (2)
Nataša Žunić Kovačević
13:00 : Break
13:30 : Arbitration Procedures and Personal Income Tax (1)
Nataša Žunić Kovačević
14:30 : Arbitration Procedures and Personal Income Tax (2)
Nataša Žunić Kovačević
15:30 : End
Inscription/ registration :
Programme de la 1ère semaine en Persan et à l’heure de Téhéran : 1660240163-2.-summer-school-programme-2022-second-edition-first-week.pdf (
This Module is a 3 year Summer School which is funded by European Commision, Erasmus +, Jean Monnet Program