5 May
10.00 : Welcome
Franz Werro, President of the SICL's Council
Christiane Wenderhorst, ELI’s Scientific Director
10.15 : Introduction
Elena Bargelli, Università di Pisa
Session I - Legal Developments in the Recognition of Filiation
Chair : Jens Scherpe, University of Cambridge
10.30 : The Surrogacy Project of the Hague Conference
Yuko Nishitani, Kyoto University Graduate School of Law
11.00 : The EU between Spain and Bulgaria
Cristina Gonzales Beilfuss, Universitat de Barcelona
11.30 : Filiation between Law, Language and Society
Ilaria Pretelli, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
12.00 : Q&A
12.30 : Lunch
Session II - The Use of Private International Law by European and National Courts
Chair : Andrea Büchler, Universität Zurich
13.40 : Pathways in National Case Law after the ECHR Decisions on Surrogacy
Joaquin Bayo Delgado, Former Senior Judge at the Appellate Court of Barcelona
14.00 : Debate and Closing Remarks on the Day’s Findings
Susanne Gössl, CAU Kiel, Universität Bonn
15.00 : End
12 May
Session III - Same-sex Marriage after Coman
Chair : Lukas Heckendorn Urscheler, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
10.00 : Welcome and Introduction to the Day’s topic
10.20 : Same-sex Couples in Private International Law
Máire Ní Shúilleabháin, Sutherland School of Law
10.40 : Free Movement of Same-sex Spouses in the EU
Maria Caterina Baruffi, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
11.00 : Coffee Break
11.10 : Recognition of Family Status and Same-sex Couples in China
Yin Liu, Huaqiao University
11.30 : Discussion
12.15 : Lunch Break
Session IV - Diversity in Family Laws and the Fundamental Rights of Couples
Chair : Alfonso Luis Calvo Caravaca, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
13.30 : Comparative Overviews on the Closing Gap between Same-sex Marriage and Partnerships
Francisco Javier Jiménez Muñoz, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
13.50 : Unmarried Couples in Private International Law
Guillaume Kessler, Université Savoie Mont Blanc
14.00 : Legal Rules of European Unmarried Couples : Unification or Harmonization ?
Antonio Legerén, Universidade da Coruña
14.10 : Discussion and Closing Keynote Speech
Elena Bargelli, Università di Pisa
Ilaria Pretelli, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
15.00 : End
Information and registration :
Organisées par l'Institut suisse de droit comparé (ISDC), l'ELI (European law Institute) et Universita di Pisa