The seminar will provide for an overview of the definitions and analysis of the agreements between the State and religious and identity groups, comparing some national experiences. It will focus on the special rights, with particular regard to exemption rights. Religiously based rules will be explored, as interpreted by case law, in order to contribute to the understanding of their impact on the legal systems.
9.15 : Introduction
Cinzia Piciocchi
9.30 : The Concordat, the “intese” and beyond: instruments to regulate the relation between religious groups and the State in Italy
Francesco Alicino
10.00 : The State and religious groups. No agreements needed? The case of Belgium and the Netherlands
Adriaan Overbeek
10.30 : Discussion
11.00 : Coffee Break
11.15 : Les accords entre l'Etat et les religions : les “droits spéciaux” religieux en France et en Espagne
Mélanie Lopez
11.45 : The agreements between the States and religious groups : religious “special rights” in Germany
Rossella Bottoni
12.15 : Discussion
13.00 : Conclusion
Segreteria organizzativa :
Responsabili scientifici : Roberto Toniatti, Erminia Camassa, Cinzia Piciocchi, Davide Strazzari, Università di Trento