Vision(s) for Intellectual Property in Europe : The role of research


Vision(s) for Intellectual Property in Europe : The role of research

Vision (s) de la propriété intellectuelle en Europe : le rôle de la recherche



L’objectif de cette conférence, sous la direction scientifique de Christophe Geiger, Professeur à l’Université de Strasbourg et d’Oleksandr Bulayenko, Coordinateur pédagogique et scientifique / Chercheur post doc au CEIPI, est de réfléchir au rôle de la recherche en propriété intellectuelle et de ses différentes méthodologies pour façonner la politique de propriété intellectuelle en Europe et à l’échelle mondiale, ainsi que d’exposer les résultats scientifiques des différents projets de doctorat réalisés dans le cadre de l’EIPIN IS. Chacune des quatre parties de la conférence sera ouverte par l’allocution d’un universitaire de renom : Stefan Bechtold, ETH Zürich, Irene Calboli, Texas A & M University, Barton Beebe et Jeanne Fromer, NYU et Maurizio Borghi, Université de Bournemouth.

Pour rappel, les partenaires universitaires du projet sont : l’Université de Strasbourg ; la Queen Mary University of London ; l’Université d’Alicante ; la Maastricht University (coordinateur du projet) et l’Université d’Augsburg.

Les partenaires universitaires souhaitent exprimer toute leur reconnaissance aux nombreux partenaires non académiques du projet qui ont contribué à son succès, notamment : European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), European association of Knowledge Transfer professionals (ASTP-Proton), Chemelot Institute for Science & Technology (Chemelot InSciTe), International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC), Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), Ericsson, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI), European Seeds Agency (ESA), European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), the collective management organization GEMA, Hovione, Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD, centre dissout en 2019), Kennisland et Organization for an International Geographical Indications Network (origin).




Monday, 31 May 2021


9h45 : Opening, Introduction and Welcome
Catherine Florentz, Vice President Prospective and strategic actions and Professor at the University of Strasbourg (TBC)
Christophe Geiger, Professor at the University of Strasbourg

10h00 : Challenges and Accomplishments of the EIPIN Innovation Society : Taking Stock and Looking Ahead
Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Professor, and Anke Moerland, Associate Professor at Maastricht University

10h20 : Keynote I - Interdisciplinary Research in Intellectual Property : What Law and Economics can add to the debate ?
Stefan Bechtold, Professor at the ETH Zürich

10h40 : Comments and discussion

10h50 : Break


Intellectual Property as a Complex Adaptive System

Chair : Manuel Desantes, Professor at the University of Alicante

11h00 : Bridging the Valley of Death
 : Krishnamani Jayaraman, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Maastricht and the University of Augsburg
Commentator : Noam Shemtov, Reader at Queen Mary University of London

11h10 : Comments and discussion

11h15 : IP as a Complex Adaptive System. Contextual Emergence of Collaboration (Innovation) : Does One (Patent System) Size Fit All ?
 : Girish Somawarpet, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Alicante and the University of Strasbourg
Commentator : Josef Drexl, Professor at the University of Munich; Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

11h25 : Comments and discussion

11h30 : Gone in 60(0) Seconds : Results from a Research Triennium on Patent Aggregation, Innovation and EU Competition Law
 : Niccoló Galli, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Augsburg and Maastricht University
Commentator : Anselm Kamperman Sanders, Professor at Maastricht University

11h40 : Comments and discussion


11h45 : Lunch Break


13h30 : Keynote II - Methods for intellectual property research : The role of international, comparative and other areas of law
Irene Calboli, Professor at Texas A&M University

13h50 : Comments and discussion


Governance of Production and Technologies

Chair : Josef Drexl, Professor at the University of Munich ; Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

14h00 : A Pragmatic Approach to the Link to Origin : EU PDOs and PGIs for registration, innovation and trade in origin products
Speaker : Maurizio Crupi, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Alicante and Maastricht University
Commentator : Irene Calboli, Professor at Texas A&M University

14h10 : Comments and discussion

14h15 : Patentability of AI generated inventions : a case study on Pharma
 : Francesca Mazzi, Early-Stage Researcher at Queen Mary University of London and Maastricht University
Commentator : Manuel Desantes, Professor at the University of Alicante

14h25 : Comments and discussion

14h30 : Break

14h40 : Over and underdisclosure of Standard Essential Patents : an EU approach to its effects in innovation and competition
 : Vicente Zafrilla, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Augsburg and the University of Alicante
Commentator : Jurgita Randakevičiūtė-Alpman, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition

14h50 : Comments and discussion

14h55 : Patent Quality in the European Pharmaceutical Industry : A Quick Synopsis
 : Naina Khanna, Early-Stage Researcher at the Maastricht University and the University of Augsburg
Commentator : Nari Lee, Professor at the Hanken School of Economics

15h05 : Comments and discussion

15h10 : Break

15h20 : Keynote III - Constructing an Evidence-Based Intellectual Property Framework : What lessons for IP law ?
Barton Beebe and Jeanne Fromer, Professors at New York University

15h40 : Comments and discussion


Allocation of Rights, Actors and Institutions

Chair : Guido Westkamp, Professor at Queen Mary University of London

15h50 : EU Copyright Reform : An Institutional Approach
 : Natasha Mangal, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Strasbourg and Queen Mary University of London
Commentator : Raquel Xalabarder, Professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

16h00 : Comments and discussion

16h05 : Innovative Models for Multi-territorial Licensing of Musical Works for Online Use : An Answer to Repertoire Fragmentation Problem ?
Speaker : Lucius Klobučník, Early-Stage Researcher at Queen Mary University of London and the University of Augsburg
Commentator : Oleksandr Bulayenko, Researcher at the University of Strasbourg

16h15 : Comments and discussion

16h20 : International IP Research and Advocacy : How Academics Can Influence Policy
Peter Yu, Professor at Texas A&M University

16h40 : Comments and discussion

16h50 : End


Tuesday, 1 June 2021


10h00 : Keynote IV - The future of research in intellectual property : what can we learn from history and theory ?
Maurizio Borghi, Professor at the University of Bournemouth

10h20 : Comments and discussion


Adjudication, Justice and Enforcement

Chair : Christophe Geiger, Professor, University of Strasbourg

10h30 : Deconstructing EU IP norm-export to the Eastern European Neighbourhood
 : Anastasiia Kyrylenko, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Alicante and the University of Strasbourg
Commentator : Uma Suthersanen, Professor at Queen Mary University of London

10h40 : Comments and discussion

10h45 : Break

10h55 : The Unified Patent Court and Its Implications for Innovation of Start-ups
 : Letizia Tomada, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Augsburg and the University of Alicante
Commentator : Aurelio Lopez-Tarruella, Associate Professor at the University of Alicante

11h05 : Comments and discussion

11h10 : The Future of the European Patent Judicial Design : In Search for Uniformity
 : Tamar Khuchua, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Strasbourg and Queen Mary University of London
Commentator : Fidelma Macken, former Judge at the European Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court of Ireland

11h20 : Comments and discussion

11h40 : Closing roundtable - EIPIN IS Lessons for IP Research : Experiences and Outlook
With :
Eleni Deligianni, Project Officer for the EIPIN IS project, European Commission, Research Executive Agency (TBC)
Anke Moerland, Associate Professor at the University of Maastricht
Beatriz Conde Gallego, Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
Julian López Richart, Professor at the University of Alicante
Nuria Martínez Soriano, Learning/Knowledge Management Specialist, EUIPO
Oleksandr Bulayenko, Researcher at the University of Strasbourg
Natasha Mangal, Early-Stage Researcher at the University of Strasbourg and Queen Mary University of London

12h15 : Closing and Thanks
Christophe Geiger, Professor at the University of Strasbourg



The conference will take place online on ZOOM platform

Registration for the conference is free, but mandatory : asandulesei@ceipi.edu

Conférence finale du projet EIPIN organisée par le Centre d’études internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI) de l’Université de Strasbourg