Reforming the international tax system

Atelier / Workshops

Reforming the international tax system


Workshop organisé par Sciences Po Paris et le Conseil d'Analyse Économique sur la réforme de la fiscalité internationale actuellement discutée au sein de l'OCDE (Piliers 1 et 2).




13:30 Welcome and Introduction
Joachim Englisch (Alfred Grosser Chair 2018/19)

13:45 The International Tax System in Need of Reform
Farid Toubal (ENS Paris Saclay and CAE)
Discussant: Nadine Riedel (University of Münster)

14:35 The OECD « unified approach » on re-allocation of taxing rights
David Bradbury (OECD)

14:50 Economic Assessment of the Proposals Deliberated by the OECD
Clemens Fuest (IFO Institute)
Discussant: Philippa Sigl-Glöckner (German Ministry of Finance)

15:40 Pause

16:00 EU Law and Tax Treaty Law Perspective
Joachim Englisch (Alfred Grosser Chair 2018/19)
Discussant: Marilyne Sadowsky (University of Paris I)

16:50 Implementation Issues of the GloBE Proposal
Gaël Perraud (French Ministry of Finances)

17:30 Conclusion

Department of Economics, Room H 405
28, rue des Saints Pères
75007 Paris
