Tuesday 3 September 2019
19.00 : Welcome Reception
(National Museum of Scotland)
The opening reception will take place in the Early Peoples Gallery in the National Museum of Scotland. Here you will be welcomed to the conference and spend the next 2 hours networking with colleagues whilst having access to an array of historical and archeological artifacts ranging from 8000BC to AD1100.
Wednesday 4 September 2019
(Playfair Library, South Side of Old College)
All sessions will take place in the Edinburgh Law School, North Side of Old College
10:00 : Opening Session
Session 1 / Session 1
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Présidente : Annette Ruelle
11:00 : Spaces of Citizenship : Defining Legal Status and Capacity in Roman Law and Topography
Kaius Tuori, University of Helsinki
De iure et tempore legum rogandarum
Elżbieta Loska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
The Place of Rhetoric in Late Republican Law : Some Thoughts on Pietas and the Querela inofficiosi testament
Graeme Cunningham, University of Glasgow
Libri actionum nella giurisprudenza romana del periodo repubblicano
Anna Novitskaya, University of Vienna
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Président : David Pugsley
11:00 : Zur Inhärenz von Einreden im bonae fidei iudicium
Thomas Finkenauer, Universität Tübingen
The Place of Bona Fides in International Law
Talya Ucaryilmaz, Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law & Bilkent University
Dos Excepciones Procesales con una Única Finalidad
Margarita Fuenteseca, Universidade de Vigo
La responsabilidad por vicios ocultos de la cosa vendida, su origen histórico, evolución y encuadramiento dogmático actual ?
Maria Victoria Sansón Rodríguez, Universidad de La Laguna
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Président : Jakub Urbanik
11:00 : The Importance of Having an Heir
Radek Cernoch, Masaryk University
Überlegungen zur Litiskreszenz bei der actio ex testamento
Lisa Isola, Universität Wien
Un esempio di confronto testuale in tema di testamenti factio (cum testibus) : D. (Ulp. 1 ad Sab.) e I. 2.10.9
Francesca Terranova, Università degli Studi di Paler mo
Navicularii, naucleroi, and the Roman state in the second century AD
Benet Salway, University College London
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : Evelyn Hoebenreich
11:00 : Paulus D. : Some Remarks on the Farmer Case in the Western and Eastern European Legal Tradition
Milena Polojac, University of Belgrade
Roman Law and Roman History in Early 12th Century England : William of Malmesbury and Bodleian MS Arch Selden B.16
Simon Corcoran, Newcastle University
Interventi normativi giustinianei in particolari situazioni transitorie, caratterizzati da una specifica terminologia
Agatina Stefania Scarcella, Università degli Studi di Messina
The Continuous Existence of Roman Law Under Ottoman Court Systems
Ayşe Öncül, Istanbul University
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Paul J. du Plessis
11:00 : Societas Publicanorum Vista en Distintos Pasajes de Cicerón como Germen de la Sociedad Anónima
Maria Teresa Garcia Ludeña, Independent Scholar
The addressees of the responses of P. Alfenus Varus and the accessibility of ‘ordinary’ people to his legal supports in late Republican Rome
Tomoyoshi Hayashi, Osaka University
Ignorantia iuris in Scaevola 1 dig., D.50.9.6.
Anna Plisecka, Kalaidos Law School, Zurich
Aestimatio damni nel terzo capo della lex Aquilia : Le api a supporto della teoria del David Daube
Alberto Lorusso, Universidad de Alcalá
13:00 : Lunch / Déjeuner
(Playfair Library, South Side of Old College)
Session 2 / Session 2
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Maciej Jońca
14:00 : Slave Catchers and Slave Harborers : Trust on the Roman Road
Nicole Giannella, Cornell Univeristy
Relegatio in insulam of Hadrian’s Era : The Case of King Rasparaganus
Ivan Milotić, University of Zagreb
To Declare War : The Role of the Fetial Priests
Linda Zollschan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Président : Peter Candy
14:00 : ‘Patere legem quam ipse tuleris’ : from the Praetorian Edict to the European Court of Justice
Fabiana Tuccillo, University of Naples Federico II
Roman Foundations of the Law of Arbitration
Wolfgang Ernst, University of Oxford
The Distinction between prescripción (prescription) and caducidad (limitation of action, caducité) from the perspective of the actio
Julio Pelaez, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Anna Tarwacka
14:00 : Diritto, riforme metrologiche e loro impatto sui costi di transazione nel Mediterraneo antico
Mariagrazia Rizzi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
The role of place in the context of the Roman law of surety
Konstantin Tanev, University of National and World Economy
Asset-based Financing and in rem versio
Vincent van Hoof, Radboud University
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Présidente : Anna Plisecka
14:00 : The Influence of Roman Law on the Concept of Possession in Czech Civil Law
Marek Novák, Charles University
Real Rights and the Principle of Numerus Clausus Compared to Personal Rights and the Freedom of Contract : A Comparative Analysis of Roman Law and Turkish Law
Sebnem Akipek Ocal, TED University
La place de la propriété dans le système des ‘choses’ (res) en droit romain : actualités doctrinales
Annette Ruelle, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Présidente : Milena Polojac
14:00 : The Moral and Social Reputation of a Witness as Formative for the Estimation of His Assessments
Kamil Sorka, Jagiellonian University
Itaque tanto est sermo Graecus Latino iucundior. Überlegungen zur Verwendung griechischer Termini in den Digesten
Marlene Peinhopf, University of Graz
The Concept of Preventive Protection in Roman Law and its Adaptation in European Legal Systems
Beata J. Kowalczyk, University of Gdańsk
15:30 : Coffee Break / Pause-café
(MacLaren Stuart Room Ground Floor, Old College)
Session 3 / Session 3
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Paul J. du Plessis
16:00 : Deathbed Gifts as a Hybrid : Comparative Legal Perspective
Piotr Łochowski, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The Restitution and the Disposition of ‘res extra dotem’
Tomoyo Yoshimura, Hiroshima International University
Römisches Recht als ratio scripta des Europäischen Recht
Zdravko Lučić, University of Sarajevo
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Président : Keith Vetter
16:00 : In tema di conflitto d’interessi fra tutore e pupillo o curatore e minore
Federica De Iuliis, Università di Parma
Libertis libertabusque relicta alimenta
Mariko Igimi, Kyushu University
Familiapecuniaque and the pater familias‘ disposal of the property in the early times of the Roman Empire
Kamila Stloukalová, Charles University
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Président : William Kerr
16:00 : Of Cargoes and Men : Law and Communication in Roman Sea Trade
milia Mataix Ferrandiz, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
Law, Rhetoric, and Saufeius’ Ship : The Use of chiasmus in D.19.2.31 (Alf. 5 dig. a Paulo epit.)
Peter Candy, University of Edinburgh
The Role of Roman Law in Roman Commerce : Reconciling Slaves’ Business Importance and Slaves’ Juridical Nullity
Edward E. Cohen, University of Pennsylvania
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Présidente : Maria Nowak
16:00 : Sources of International Law in Antiquity : The Case of Republican Rome
Izabela Leraczyk, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
La place du droit international dans le monde antique
Laurens Winkel, Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Empress Theodora and Legal Reform of Justinian
María José Bravo Bosch, University of Vigo
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Ernest Metzger
16:00 : From the Lex curiata de imperio to the Lex (regia) de imperio
Federica Bertoldi, Università Roma Tre
Principles of Roman Law in the European Union Legal System
Danuta Kabat-Rudnicka, Cracow University of Economics
Roman Nicety in Canadian Inheritance Law : Beyond Spacetime ?
Grzegorz Jan Blicharz, Jagiellonian University
17:30 : Break/Pause
18:00 : Reception - Concert "The Copper Cats"
(Old College ‘Quad’)
19:30 : End
Thursday 5 September 2019
Session 4 / Session 4
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : David Perry
9:00 : The Ontology of Roman Forensic Science
Ido Israelowich, Tel Aviv University
Causation and Counterfactual Reasoning in Roman Law and Modern Jurisprudence
Matthias Armgardt, University of Konstanz
Some Observations on Definitions in Cicero’s Topica
Philip Thomas, University of Pretoria
The Pedagogical Sequence of de rebus and de iudiciis
Javier Rodríguez Diez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Présidente : Anna Novitskaya
9:00 : The Earliest Roman Law Renunciations in Flanders
Dirk Heirbaut, Ghent University
George Buchanan and the Rule of Law : Greek and Roman Law in De Iure Regni apud Scotos (1579)
Maria S. Youni, Democritus University of T hrace
Andrés Bello’s Civil Code and Its System of Sources
Carlos Amunátegui Perelló, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Some Contributions of Four Humanist Scholars to our Knowledge of Roman Legal Institutions
Minoru Tanaka, Nanzan University
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Nicole Giannella
9:00 : Antichresis : A Comparative Study of Classical Roman Law and the Contractual praxis from Roman Egypt
Rian Bobbink, Radboud University
Quintijn Mauer, Leiden University
Law in Space : A Wooden Tablet from Britannia
Eva Jakab, NK University Budapest
Quamvis eum qui pactus est statim paeniteat, transactio rescindi et lis instaurari non potest... Über die Bindungswirkung von Vergleichen im Lichte kaiserlicher Konstitutionen
Philipp Klausberger, Universität Wien
Takeshi Sasaki, Kyoto University
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : Kaius Tuori
9:00 : Bases Romanísticas de la Reserva Vidual
Raquel Escutia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Derecho romano vigente y Derecho civil clásico
Federico Fernández de Buján, UNED University, Madrid
From the Debates on Public and Private Law : The State of Post-war Roman Law Studies
Bożena Czech-Jezierska, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Late Roman ius postliminii as the Sign of Weakening of Roman ‘Soft Power’ – Case Study
Jacek Wiewiorowski, University of Gdańsk
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Egbert Koops
9:00 : Law and its Place in Monastic Communities : Rediscovering Legal Personality in Late Antique Egypt ?
Marzena Wojtczak, University of Warsaw
Si alia actio non erit – Zur actio de dolo als Möglichkeit einer restitutio in integrum
Birgit Forgo-Feldner, Universität Wien
Was there Some Kind of Eviction Control in Roman Law ?
David Magalhães, University of Coimbra
La validité du principe nemo pro parte en droit civil catalan : considérations de droit romain
Carmen Tort-Martorell, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
11:00 : Coffee Break / Pause-café
(MacLaren Stuart Room Ground Floor, Old College)
Session 5 / Session 5
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Laurens Winkel
11:30 : Bonus iudex, bonus princeps : Law and justice in the Judicial Decisions of the Emperor Septimius Severus
Elsemieke Daalder, Leiden University
Justinian and Customary Law
Harry Dondorp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
From Late Byzantium to Late Antiquity and Backwards : The Court of the katholikoi kritai ton Romaion and Rhetorical Exercises in Byzantium
Marios Tantalos, Independent Scholar
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Présidente : Leanne Bablitz
11:30 : Scaev. D. 2,15,3,2 : Ein Beispiel einer Gene-hmigungsverweigerung des vom Scheinerbe geschlossenen Vergleichs
Akira Sugao, Kyushu International University
Zum Klagsziel der actio pigneraticia in personam contraria in D. 13.7.9 pr.
Philipp Scheibelreiter, Universität Wien
‘Give me your hand as a pledge’ (Soph. Phil. 820) : The Hand as a Medium of Commitment and Trust in Ancient Greek Legal Practice and Beyond
Athina Dimopoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Emmanuelle Chevreau
11:30 : Neque enim debet nocere factum alterius ei qui nihil fecit – Eine ‘Haftungsregel’ der römischen Klassik ?
David Tritremmel, University of Vienna
Le developpement juridique de la locatio conductio dans l’ancien droit romain
Sevgi Kayak, Istanbul Üniversitesi
Locationes’ di beni pubblici nei frammenti di Alfeno Varo
Silvia Viaro, Università di Padova
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : David Johnston
11:30 : Manumission and a Change of Mind : How to Resolve a Contradiction
Egbert Koops, Leiden University
Roman and Local Law in Salvius Iulianus (D. 1.3.32 pr-1)
Georgy Kantor, University of Oxford
Legislating for the Greeks : Roman Positive Legislation in Mainland Greece
Lina Girdvainyte, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Julio Peláez
11:30 : The draft of the land constitution of Salzburg of the year 1526 : An analysis of the reception of Roman law regarding the right to a compulsory portion
Nikolaus Krausler, Universität Salzburg
Estrategias interpretativas y desarrollo de la exceptio doli generalis
Patricio Lazo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
For a renewed interpretation of Augustan censuses, in the light of the matrimonial legislation of the Princeps and the multiplicity of status civitatis in the Italic Peninsula of the 1st century BC
Michele A. Fino, University of Gastronomic Sciences -Pollenzo
13:00 : Lunch / Déjeuner
(Playfair Library Old College)
Session 6 / Session 6
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Alberto Lorusso
14:00 : Per un Rinnovato Studio della Tradizione Manoscritta del Digesto di Giustiniano
Paola Lambrini, Università di Padova
L’‘editio maior’ del Digesto di Theodor Mommsen e i manoscritti della ‘Vulgata’ : nuove prospettive di ricerca
Mattia Milani, Università degli Studi di Padova
Bluhme Simplified
David Pugsley, Faculté internationale de droit compare, Strasbourg
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Président : Wolfram Buchwitz
14:00 : Égyptiens après 212 : statut juridique ou dénomination culturelle ?
Arnaud Besson, Yale University
Nomikoi in the Roman Courts (and Out of Them)
Jakub Urbanik, University of Warsaw
Roman Statute Law in Latin Poetry
David Perry, University of Chicago
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Marzena Wojtczak
14:00 : Die pervenit-Haftung im Zusammenhang mit den Klagen de peculio und de in rem verso
Andreas Herrmann, Universität Tübingen
Il rescritto dei Severi a Gemina sulla restituzione dei nati delle ancelle dotali : una risposta apparentemente dissonante
Mariateresa Carbone, Università Magna Graecia di Catanzaro
Sobre el Límite Temporal del Usufructo en Favor de las Civitates en Derecho Romano
José María Blanch Nougués, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Présidente : Athina Dimopoulou
14:00 : Commutative Justice under the Tetrarchy : An Analysis of laesio enormis and Rent Remission
Jonathan Ainslie, University of Edinburgh
Laesio enormis ‘revisited’
Martin Pennitz, University of Innsbruck
La ‘Cláusula Rebus sic Stantibus’ como Excepción al Principio ‘Pacta sunt Servanda’
Etelvina de las Casas León, Universidad de La Laguna
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Philip Thomas
16:00 : The dediticii in the Constitutio Antoniniana
Gerhard Thür, University of Vienna
Censors as guardians of the mores maiorum : The case of divorce
Anna Tarwacka, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
From public to private : transformation of legal space after the introduction of the Principate ?
Samuli Simelius, University of Helsinki
15:30 : Coffee Break / Pause-café
(MacLaren Stuart Room Ground Floor, Old College)
Session 7 / Session 7
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Présidente : Lorena Atzeri
16:00 : Adtemptata Pudicitia : Sanción al Acoso Callejero en la Experienca Jurídica Romana
Benjamín Musso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Hubris, Iniuria and Harassment
Yasunori Kasai, University of Tokyo
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Présidente : Lina Girdvainyte
16:00 : Representation in Procedure in Roman Law and Ius Commune
Henrik-Riko Held, University of Zagreb
Presumptions between Civil and Canon Law
Tomislav Karlović, University of Zagreb
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Lisa Isola
16:00 : Digesta : Prudentiae Romanae sive templum sive sepulcrum ? Mommsen’s proem to his ‘editio maior’
Jakob Stagl, Universidad de Chile
In conventionibus contrahentium voluntatem potius quam verba spectari placuit
Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : Benet Salway
16:00 : Regulae and τόποι in Roman Law : A Road Map for Modern Legal Systems
Francesco Giglio, University of Surrey
Law as an Interpretative Directive in the Light of ‘Decisiones Lituanicae’ by Pedro Ruiz de Moros
Marzena Dyjakowska, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Johnathan Ainslie
16:00 : Roman Courts as Transitional Spaces : Tales from the Imperial Age
Dimitris Karambelas, University of Athens
Legal Hearings in the Forum of Pompeii
Leanne Bablitz, University of British Columbia
17:00 : Break/Pause
18:30 : Dinner and Scottish Ceilidh "The Ceilidh Experience"
(Ghillie Dhu, Edinburgh2 Rutland place, Edinburgh EH1 2AD)
21:00 : End
Friday 6 September 2019
Session 8 / Session 8
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Thomas Finkenauer
09.00 : Observationes sobre la prohibición de adquirir bienes y recibir donaciones por los funcionarios provinciales en época postclásica y Justinianea
Elena Quintana Orive, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Severan Jurists, Policy Analysis, and the Rule of Law
Zachary Herz, Georgetown University
T he Emperor Overruling the Jurist : Severus’ decretum in favour of Rutiliana (Dig. 4.4.38 pr
Jeroen M.J. Chorus, Court of Appeal Amsterdam
Ultio Turiae – juridical vengeance in the hands of a woman
Maciej Jońca, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Président : John W. Cairns
09.00 : Pretium, action de tigno iuncto e impensae: Un’interpretazione del passaggio Paolino 15 Quaestionum, D. 46,3,98,8
Carolina Schiele Manzor, Universidad Andrés Bello
Judged by their Judgements : Roman Trials as anti-Roman Propaganda Tools
William Kerr, University of New Brunswick
Soluciones alternativas al proceso en el Derecho Romano : El pacto
Gema Vallejo Pérez, University of León
The Conceptual Evolution of ‘poena’ : Multi-normative Penal Attitudes and Practices in Late Antiquity
Jaqueline Bemmer, University of Vienna
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : Wolfgang Ernst
09.00 : Le Unioni de Fatto come ex variis causarum figuris
Mar del Rosario Guridi Rivano, Universidad Andres Bello
The Reception of the Quasi-contracts
Tammo Wallinga, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam and Universiteit A ntwerpen
Alienatio : Its Juridical Meanings
María Ángeles Soza Ried, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile
Ancora sulle ‘actiones utiles'
Carmen Gomez-Buendia, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Présidente : Eva Jakab
09.00 : Furtum e possessio : rileggendo Contardo Ferrini
José Linares, Universitat de Girona
Diritto e società : la legislazione suntuaria del III e II sec. a. C
Carla Cambria, Università degli Studi di Messina
The Importance of the Law of the Praetors (Ius Praetorium)
Güzide Burcu Günveren, Bursa Uludağ University
Formal Ontology of the actio Publiciana in rem
Guido Tsuno, Chuo University
11:00 : Coffee Break / Pause-café
Session 9 / Session 9
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Philipp Scheibelreiter
11:30 : Seneca, il beneficio della manomissione e l’accusatio ingrati liberti
Silvia Schiavo, University of Ferrara
La laesio enormis, le code civil autrichien de 1811 et une affaire de famille
Mircea Dan Bob, University of Cluj-Napoca
Marital Power from Roman Times up to the French and Dutch Civil Code, illustrated in Mozart’s Opera ‘La Nozze di Figaro
Emese von Bóné, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Teaching Room 02
Chair/Présidente : Carmen Gomez-Buendia
11:30 : Il diritto ed il suo posto nel mondo antico : a proposito di ius, fas, lex, e iuris prudentes
José Félix Chamie, Universidad Externado de Colombia
Le significationes del legislator : a proposito delle categorie giustinianee di ‘αἱρετικός’ e di ‘αἴρεσις
Alessandro Cusmà Piccione, Università degli Studi di Messina
Ratihabitio und Bestätigung. Zu Pomponius 32 ad Sab. D. 41.6.4
Sonja Dieckmann, University of Bielefeld
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Présidente : Elsemieke Daalder
11:30 : Ein entlaufener Bär zwischen Natur und Institution
Nadja El Beheiri, Katholische Universität Péter Pázmány
Die actio de pauperie vor dem Hintergrund sich wandelnder Haftungs- und Sachkonzepte
Doris Forster, Universität Konstanz
Mycenaean, Homeric and Archaic Greek Legal Concepts
Alexandr Loginov, Kutafin Moscow State Law University
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Président : Jeroen M.J. Chorus
11:30 : Reception of Byzantine Legal Collections into Serbian Medieval Law
Emilija Stanković, University of Kragujevac
A Byzantine Legal Text and its Editors
Lorena Atzeri, Università degli Studi di Milano
Fontes iuris Romani : The Long Journey of Roman Law in Estonia and for Estonians
Merike Ristikivi & Hesi Siimets-Gross, University of Tartu
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Martin Pennitz
11:30 : Misure protettive contro un concepito nell’antica Roma
Piotr Niczyporuk, University of Bialystok
The Places of the Court in Mesopotamia and Israel
Cristina Simonetti, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Francesco Lucrezi, Università di Salerno
ΑΠΑΤΟΡΕΣ once again
Maria Nowak, University of Warsaw
13:00 : Lunch / Déjeuner
(Playfair Library Old College)
Session 10 / Session 10
Teaching Room 01
Chair/Président : Tammo Wallinga
14:00 : Jurisdiction and the Law
José Luis Alonso, Universität Zürich
SC Claudianum – Modern Questions, Ancient Answers ?
Erdödy János, Katholische Universität Péter Pázmány
Teaching Room 03
Chair/Président : Francesco Giglio
14:00 : ‘Res communes omnium’, ‘commons’ : Palingenesia de una categoría jurídica romana
Consuelo Carrasco García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Ius quod natura omnia animalia docuit : In the margin of D.1.1.3-4
Agnieszka Kacprzak, Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities, Radom
Teaching Room 06
Chair/Présidente : Emilija Stanković
14:00 : Causa and the Acquisition of Property
Joe Sampson, University of Oxford
L’apparition de la notion de paternité de l’œuvre littéraire : L’exemple de la Rome antique
Yasmina Benferhat, University of Lorraine
Teaching Room 07
Chair/Président : Zachary Herz
14:00 : L’unità del genere umano nell’etimologia isidoriana di parricidium
Giuseppe Di Donato, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Insani, stulti, furiosi : Featuring Mental Disorders in Graeco-Roman Literary and Legal Sources
Orsolya Márta Péter, Semmelweis University for Medical Sciences, Budapest
15:15 : Assemblée Générale
(Playfair Library Old College)
16:00 : Break/Pause
18:30 : Gala Dinner with "The West Coast Jazz Quartet"
(The Balmoral Hotel Princes St, Edinburgh EH2 2EQ)
23:00 : End/Fin
Saturday 7 September 2019
Optional Excursion
For those who have registered
08.30 : Departure
Outside of the National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh
10.30 : Vindolanda
(Bardon Mill, Hexham NE47 7JN)
12.45 : Lunch at The Sill
(Northumberland National Park)
14.00 : Housesteads, Hadrian’s Wall
(Bardon Mill, Hexham NE47 6NN)
16.00 : Departure
Event registration (closed 16th august)
LXXIIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquité (SIHDA), organisée par l'Université d’Edimbourg