Second Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History


Second Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History



The ESCLH wants to overcome the narrow nationalism and geographical segregation of legal history in contemporary European scholarship and professional organisations. The society, thus, aims to promote comparative legal history, the explicit comparison of legal ideas and institutions in two or more legal traditions. The Postgraduate Conferences of the ESCLH give advanced PhD-students and post-doctoral-researchers who work in the field of comparative legal history the opportunity to present their research to a panel of experts. Furthermore, the conference will give all participants the opportunity to build academic networks.



Friday, 28 June 2019


Chair : Prof. Dr. Ulrike Babusiaux - Zürich

09:00 : The pactum de non petendo from an historical-comparative perspective
Martina D’Onofrio - Verona/Bayreuth

10:00 : Payment on death from the bank saving account – evolution of admissibility to transfer wealth on death outside inheritance
Wojciech Bańczyk - Kraków

11:00 : Coffee break


Chair : Prof. Dr. Annamaria Monti - Bocconi University, Milano

11:30 : The torment of the republic. The juridical-political scope of judicial torture in the early modern centuries : a comparison between Scotland and Biscay in the 17th century
Dr. Imanol Merino Malillos - University of the Basque Country

12:30 : Lunch

13:30 : Self-Adapting Contracts between the Governor and the Governed... ? Reassessing the Changing Relationship between the Head of State and the People over Time
Dr. Judit Beke Martos - Bochum


Chair : Prof. Dr. Wim Decock - KU Leuven

14:30 : Looking Behind the Labels : Mercantile Customary Law in Lyon and Amsterdam (early 18th century)
Marco in ‘t Veld - Brussels

15:30 : The Royal Proclamation of 1763 : how to enforce a trans-colonial ‘constitution‘ among four different governments ?
Antoni Lahondès - Paris II Panthéon-Assas/Montréal

16:30 : Coffee break


Chair : Prof. Dr. Matthew Dyson - Oxford

17:00 : Analysis of English Societal Laws as the Origins of the Comprehensive Slave Laws of the British West Indies
Justine K. Collins - Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main

18:00 : Reinventing the wheel of insolvency by misfortune. Comparing early modern English ‘bills of conformity’
Florentine Stolker - Oxford


Saturday, 29 June 2019


Chair : Prof. Dr. Mia Korpiola - Turku

08:30 : The History of Legal Aid in Finland, ca. 1880–2000
Dr. Marianna Vasara-Aaltonen - Helsinki

09:30 : ‘A Disappointment bitterer than Jordan Apples‘ : African 19th-Century Accounts of European International Law
Prof. Dr. Inge Van Hulle - Tilburg

10:30 : Coffee break


Chair : Prof. Dr. Aniceto Masferrer (Valencia)

11:00 : Public Prosecution at Flanders’ Parlementin the late 17th and early 18th centuries
Clotilde Fontaine - Lille

12:00 : ‘No man is an island, entire of itself’. Legal Journals, Universities and Legal Disciplines in Spain and France.Interrelationships across half a century (1836–1884)
Fernando Liendo Tagle - Huelva


13:00 : Lunch



E-Mail : phillip.hellwege@jura.uni-augsburg.de

Organised by The European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH), Augsburg University

Universität Augsburg
Juristische Fakultät
Raum 1214
2486159 Augsburg – Allemagne