Institut François Gény (Florence G'sell, Professeur des Universités),
The University of Chicago Law School
Cercle Montesquieu
Institut des hautes études sur la justice
en partenariat avec l'incubateur du Barreau de Paris
Ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le "Big Data" repousse les frontières du droit et de la théorie juridique. De nombreuses activités humaines vont, de plus en plus, être assurées par des machines, le plus souvent à partir de plateformes internet largement dérégulées et fonctionnant de manière très différente des activités réglementées traditionnelles. Comme le droit doit-il traiter cette profonde mutation? Comment le Big Data change-t-il le droit, qu'il s'agisse de la production normative, de l'activité de juger, du conseil juridique? Ce colloque, proposé par l'Institut François Geny les 17 et 18 mars prochain à Paris, traite de la manière dont les technologies du Big Data sont en train de modifier la nature profonde du droit, de l'activité juridique, du droit des contrats et des activités régulées par le droit. Il envisage le rôle du droit dans la régulation des activités fondées sur l'analyse de données et les éventuelles justifications d'une réglementation en la matière.
Inscription obligatoire jusqu'au 12 mars.
The Big Data revolution is pushing the boundaries of law and jurisprudence. Various regulated activities are shifting from human to data-driven machine control governed by contractual platforms instead of licensing regimes. How should the law address this profound transition? Does Big data transform the law itself — lawyering, judging, lawmaking?
This symposium explores how data technologies are changing the fundamental nature of law, of the legal process, contracts, and of the activities law regulates. It examines the role that law can serve in regulating data driven activities and the relevance of existing justifications for regulation.
Registration is mandatory for this event. Your ID will be required for access to the Senate and Maison du Barreau premises.
Please register before March 12.
For more information, please send an email at
8:45 am: Welcome coffee (salle René Coty)
9:15-9:30 am: Introduction by Guy CANIVET, former Premier Président of Cour de Cassation, former member of the Constitutional Council
I. the data analytics revolution
1- 9:30-11 am - understanding behaviors with data analytics
Chair: Laure LAVOREL, VP Assistant General Counsel EMEA, CA Technologies, Administrator, Cercle Montesquieu
Big Data and Human Sciences
Serge ABITEBOUL, Senior Researcher INRIA, Member of the French Academy of Sciences
Using Google Trends to Assess Well Being
Elizabeth BEASLEY, Head of CEPREMAP Well Being Observatory
Subjective Well Being Data and Public Policy
Jonathan S. MASUR, Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
Coffee break
2- 11:20 am- 1 pm: Predictive analytics and the Law
Using Data Analytics in Legal Risk Assessment
Jacques LEVY-VEHEL, Senior Researcher, INRIA and Jerôme DUPRÉ, magistrat (on leave of absence)
Big Data and Prison Overcrowding
Anup MALANI, Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School
Predictive Justice?
Harold EPINEUSE, Researcher, IHEJ
Lunch Break
II. How Data Analytics will reshape the Law
1- 2:30 – 4:15 pm « Personalized » Law
Chair: Jérôme DEROULEZ, Attorney at Law, Member of the Paris Bar Incubator
The End of Rules and Standards
Anthony J. CASEY, Professor of Law, University of Chicago School of Law
Law’s Learning Algorithm: Making Rules Fit through Big Data
David RESTREPO AMARILES, Professor of law, HEC Paris
Personalized Negligence Law
Ariel PORAT, Professor of Law, Tel Aviv University, and Visiting Professor of Law, University of Chicago
2- 4:30 – 6 pm – Towards a machine learning driven Law ?
Chair: Jean LASSÈGUE, Researcher in Philosophy, EHESS/CNRS
Automated Decision Making
Florence G’SELL, Professor of Law, University of Lorraine, Institut François Gény
Back to Leibniz: Smart Law & Algorithmic Regulations
Grégory LEWKOWICZ, Professor of Law, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Perelman Center
Final Remarks
III. How Data Analytics will affect individuals
9 am. Welcome coffee
9:20 am. Welcome speech
Hannelore Schmidt, Attorney at Law, Member of the Paris Bar Incubator
1- 9:30-11 am- Big Data and consumers
Chair: Ricardo CORTES-MONROY, Senior VP and Group General Counsel, Nestlé
Interpreting Contracts Via Surveys and Experiments
Omri BEN-SHAHAR, Professor of Law and Director of the Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics, University of Chicago
Protecting Consumers against Unfair Use of Data: the Perspective of EU Consumer Law
Anne-Lise SIBONY, Professor of European Law, University of Louvain
Big Data and Consumer Law: Regulating Online Platforms
Célia ZOLYNSKI, Professor of Law, UVSQ/Paris-Saclay, Member of the Conseil National du Numérique,
Coffee break
2- 11:15 am –1 pm- Big Data and Citizens: privacy and Ethics (roundtable)
Chair: Béatrice DELMAS-LINEL, Managing Partner, Cabinet Osborne-Clarke
Yves-Alexandre de MONTJOYE, Researcher, MIT MediaLab/Imperial College,
Edouard GEFFRAY, Secretary General of CNIL, Dealing with Ethics and Privacy in the European Union
Héléna PONS-CHARLET, Head of Legal, Digital Crimes Unit, Microsoft, The Fourth Industrial Revolution - Artificial Intelligence as an Opportunity for Future Welfare
Laure LAVOREL, VP Assistant General Counsel EMEA, CA Technologies, Administrator, Cercle Montesquieu, The Key Role of Cybersecurity
NB : La participation à ce colloque est validée au titre de la formation continue des avocats :
- 7h /pour la journée du 17 mars
- 4h/ pour la demi-journée du 18 mars