Factionalism in the French Socialist Party, 1971-1981, soutenue en 1986 

  • Alistair Cole, Aisling Healy, Christelle Morel Journel (dir.), Constructing Narratives for City Governance: transnational perspectives on urban narration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 165 p.  

    "Bringing together transnational perspectives on urban narration, this innovative book analyses how a combination of tales, images and discourses are used to brand, market and (re-)make cities, focusing on the actors behind this and the conflicts of power that arise in defining and governing city futures. Reflecting theoretically on the role of storytelling in urban contexts, an international range of leading scholars analyse how the re-making of cities is governed. Undertaking detailed empirical case studies across France, Hong Kong, the UK and the US, chapters provide comparative perspectives on a broad range of urban narratives, including alternative narratives within and across cities. Cases examined include the smart city of Hong Kong, the multi-city economy of England’s Northern Powerhouse, and resistance and resilience in Lyon and Pittsburgh. Ultimately, this insightful book underlines the importance of urban narratives in the government and governance of cities. With global scope, this book will prove a valuable resource for students and scholars of urban affairs, politics, geography and public administration who are interested in narrative approaches, alongside various stakeholders and policy makers working in city governance."

    Alistair Cole, Aisling Healy, Christelle Morel-Journel, Constructing Narratives for City Governance, 2022  

    Bringing together transnational perspectives on urban narration, this innovative book analyses how a combination of tales, images and discourses are used to brand, market and (re-)make cities, focusing on the actors behind this and the conflicts of power that arise in defining and governing city futures.

    Alistair Cole, Ian Stafford, Dominic Heinz, Analysing the trust-transparency nexus: multi-level governance in the UK, France and Germany, Policy Press, 2022, Civil society and social change, 191 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French politics, Red Globe Press, 2021, 271 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Sébastien Guigner (dir.), Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales [2e édition mise à jour et augmentée], 2e éd., Cairn et Presses de Sciences Po, 2020, Domaine Gouvernances, 628 p.    

    Transition écologique, clivages sociaux, inégalités entre les territoires, métropolisation, mobilisations citoyennes, territorialisation, transformations de l'Etat... Ces phénomènes qui affectent les villes et régions du monde intéressent et désorientent de nombreux acteurs et observateurs de l'action publique. Conçu dans une logique pluridisciplinaire, exhaustif et didactique, ce dictionnaire offre un point de vue original sur les dynamiques territoriales contemporaines et sur les notions clés qui servent à les appréhender. Son index thématique et les références bibliographiques permettent de saisir les sujets dans leur globalité, de comprendre leurs interactions et de prolonger leur étude. Véritable outil d'analyse et d'aide à la décision, il met un savoir clair à la disposition de tous : chercheurs, élus et collaborateurs politiques, acteurs de l'action publique dans les territoires, étudiants et candidats aux concours de la fonction publique

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj, Developments in French Politics, 6th ed., MacMillan Education, 2020, 272 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics 6, 6e éd., Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2020    

    This new version of a leading textbook on French politics offers expert analysis of recent national and international events, discussing their significance for France itself as well as for Europe and the wider world. It covers a wide range of current challenges facing the country under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron and considers how issues such as immigration, multiculturalism and gender and sexual politics fit with wider patterns in global politics.New to this Edition:- New co-editor Helen Drake joins the book's experienced team of editors.- Completely revised to take stock of the presidency of François Hollande, the first half of Emmanuel Macron's mandate, and to look forward to the future of France and its significance to European and global politics.- Covers a range of new topics including the National Rally (formerly the National Front), immigration, multiculturalism and gender and sexual politics.

    Alistair Cole, Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, Manchester University Press, 2019, Pocket Politics, 131 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Emmanuel Macron and the Two Years that Changed France, 2019  

    This book looks at the period 2015-18 in French politics, a turbulent time that witnessed the apparent collapse of the old party system, the taming of populist and left-wing challenges to the Republic and the emergence of a new political order centred on President Emmanuel Macron. The election of Macron was greeted with relief in European chancelleries and appeared to give a new impetus to European integration, even accomplishing the feat of making France attractive after a long period of French bashing and reflexive decline. But what is the real significance of the Macron presidency? Is it as transformative as it appears? Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France provides a balanced answer to this pressing question. It is written to appeal to a general readership with an interest in French and European politics, as well as to students and scholars of French politics.

    Alistair Cole, French politics and society, 3e éd., Routledge (3e éd.), 2017, 324 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Renaud Payre (dir.), Cities as political objects : historical evolution, analytical categorisations and institutional challenges of metropolitanisation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016, 301 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Christian De Visscher, Les régions européennes face à la crise , 3e éd., De Boeck Supérieur, 2016, 158 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Cities as political objects, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Christian De Visscher (dir.), Les régions européennes face à la crise: une grile de lecture comparative, De Boeck, 2016, 283 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Ian Stafford, Devolution and governance : Wales between capacity and constraint, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, Palgrave Pivot, 174 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Political leadership in the New Urban governance, 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Franco-German relations, 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Devolution and governance, 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics 5, Macmillan Publishers, 2013, 304 p.  

    Developments in French Politics 5 provides a systematic assessment of French politics following the 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections. Bringing together an entirely new set of specifically-commissioned, its central theme is whether the discourse of reform - initiated by Sarkozy - has been translated into tangible change.

    Alistair Cole, Beyond devolution and decentralisation Building regional capacity in Wales and Brittany, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy (dir.), Ethnolinguistic mobilizations in Europe: special issue, Taylor & Francis group, Routledge, 2013, 128 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Sébastien Guigner (dir.), Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, Cairn et Presses de Sciences Po, 2012, Sciences Po ( Gouvernances ), 584 p.   

    Alistair Cole, Reforming the state in France, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, French administrative reform, 2009 

    Alistair Cole, Alistair Cole, Patrick Le Galès, Patrick Le Galès, Jonah Levy, Jonah D. Levy (dir.), Developments in French Politics 4, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, 302 p.  

    The presidential election of 2007, which propelled Nicolas Sarkozy into the Élysée Palace, was arguably the most important for a generation. Sarkozy's victory was seen as opening a new political era, as he replaced Jacques Chirac at the forefront of French politics. Developments in French Politics 4 takes stock of the Chirac years, gives an account of the changed political scene, and makes accessible the latest analysis of contemporary French politics.Written by a team of leading authorities from France, the USA, the UK and beyond, this volume provides a systematic assessment of the French political system, from the central institutions and organizations through to key policies and issues. It addresses the main challenges in contemporary politics and the administration's response. Globalization, gender, immigration and culture all come under the microscope, as do traditional concerns such as economic, welfare and foreign policy. Arguing that reform went further under Chirac than is commonly acknowledged, the chapters together provide state of the art coverage of French politics and an assessment of the degree of continuity and change – institutionally, structurally and behaviourally – between Chirac and Sarkozy.

    Alistair Cole, Governing and governance in France, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 249 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Franco-German Relations, 2008 

    Alistair Cole, Gino Raymond (dir.), Redefining the French Republic, Manchester University Press, 2006, 179 p.  

    Explicitly adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the book investigates continuity and change in contemporary French politics, society and culture. The chapters go beyond the familiar question of whether the Republic is acting in accordance with its vocation, to address the issue of whether that vocation is still viable. Drawing on contributions that reflect a variety of methodological approaches, ranging from theoretical speculations and modelling to the interpretation of fieldwork data, this study examines the dynamics of the relationship between the Republic and its constituencies, in the fields of political relations, territorial identities, social movements, public policy and foreign policy, and in each context juxtaposing what is perceived as the model for that relationship with the current reality.France in the twenty-first century is facing challenges that could not have been imagined a generation ago. The test for the Republic is whether it will resist the ongoing pressures for redefinition imposed by internal contestation and the emergence of powerful supranational and global forces, or whether it will find a way of adapting to these pressures while preserving a part of the vocation and ambition that make it characteristically French. The book concludes that, though the French polity remains characteristically different from other models of modern liberal democracy, internal and external pressures have challenged the republican model to the core.

    Alistair Cole, Beyond devolution and decentralisation: building regional capacity in Wales and Brittany, Manchester University Press, 2006, The Devolution series, 198 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Alistair Cole, Patrick Le Galès, Patrick Le Galès, Jonah Levy, Jonah D. Levy (dir.), Developments in French politics 3, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, 263 p. 

    Alistair Cole, French Politics and Society, 2005  

    Assuming no previous knowledge and concentrating on the post-1981 era, this book introduces the fundamentals of French government and society. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, French Politics and Society 2nd Edition follows a logical structure and framework for analysis, providing an excellent description of French institutions, access to background information and discussions of historical developments, political forces, public policy, and the evolution of important aspects of French society.

    Alistair Cole, Territorial politics and welfare development in France, 2005 

    Alistair Cole, French politics and society, 2e éd., Pearson Longman, 2005, 293 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Michèle Breuillard, L'école entre État et collectivités locales: en Angleterre et en France, l'Harmattan, 2003, 110 p.  

    Alistair Cole (dir.), The Jospin government: 1997-2002, Carfax Publishing et Taylor & Francis Group, 2002 

    Alistair Cole, Franco-German relations, Longman et an imprint of Pearson Education, 2001, Political dynamics of the European Union, 178 p. 

    Alistair Cole, Peter D. John, Local governance in England and France, Routledge, 2001, Routledge studies in governance and public policy, 192 p. 

    Alistair Cole, French Politics and Society, 1998  

    Assuming no previous knowledge and concentrating on the post-1981 era, this book introduces students to the fundamentals of French government and society. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, French Politics and Society follows a logical structure and framework for analysis; while the text covers a wide range of topics, the author knits these together into a coherent whole making the subject clear and accessible to the reader.

    Alistair Cole, French politics and society, Prentice hall, 1998, 296 p. 

    Alistair Cole, François Mitterrand: a study in political leadership, 2e éd., Routledge, 1997, 225 p. 

    Alistair Cole, François mitterrand, 1994  

    Francois Mitterrand is one of France’s most famous twentieth-century politicians, yet interpretations of his values and leadership vary widely. Alistair Cole’s in depth study starts with a chronological overview of Mitterrand’s career, and proceeds with a policy-based assessment of Mitterrand’s presidency. By evaluating Mitterrand’s policies in relation to various key roles such as the party leader, the President, the dispenser of patronage, the European statesman and the World Leader, this book places his leadership in comparative perspective, and offers a new understanding of him as an individual political leader. This fully up dated paperback edition will be invaluable for students of contemporary European politics as well as those interested in the career of one of post-war Europe’s leading statesmen.

    Alistair Cole, François Mitterrand: a study in political leadership, Routledge, 1994, 216 p.  

    Alistair Cole, Henri Mendras, Social Change in Modern France, 1991 

    Alistair Cole, Henri Mendras, Social change in modern France: towards a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic, Cambridge University Press et Ed. de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1991 

    Alistair Cole (dir.), French political parties in transition, Dartmouth, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, Peter Campbell, French electoral systems and elections since 1789, 3e éd., Gower, 1989 

    Alistair Cole, Factionalism in the French Parti Socialiste, 1971-1981, 1985, 485 p. 

  • Alistair Cole, Aisling Healy, Christelle Morel-Journel, « Introduction to the role of urban narratives: governing the (re)making of cities », in Cole, Alistair, Healy, Aisling, Morel Journel, Christelle (dir.), Constructing narratives for city governance: transnational perspectives on urban narration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, pp. 1-16 

    Alistair Cole, Emilie Tran, « Trust and the Smart City », French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, 2022    

    Hong Kong, consistently ranked as one of the world’s leading smart cities, is undergoing a period of disruptive change. While still shaped fundamentally by the “one country, two systems” arrangement, Hong Kong is increasingly integrated into the political (Liaison Office) and economic (Greater Bay Area, GBA) logics of mainland China (Ho and Tran 2019). The “dynamic zero-Covid approach” has also significantly impeded Hong Kong’s place branding as “Asia’s World City,” with the relocation of cor...

    Alistair Cole, Ian Stafford, Dominic Heinz, « Democratic Decline ? Civil Society and Trust in Government », in Chaney, Paul, Rees Jones, Ian (dir.), Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty : Institutions, Governance and Exitential Challenges, Policy Press, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Lai-Ming Tsun, Dionysios Stivas, Emilie Tran, « The 'Smart City' between Urban Narrative and Empty Signifier: the Case of Hong Kong », in Cole, Alistair, Healy, Aisling, Morel Journel, Christelle (dir.), Constructing Narratives for City Governance: Transnational Perspectives on Urban Narration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Ian Stafford, Dominic Heinz, « Democratic decline? », Civil Society in an Age of Uncertainty: Institutions, Governance and Existential Challenges, 2022  

    This chapter considers the contemporary decline of political trust and the potential existential threat that it poses to democracy. Drawing on comparative analysis from the UK, France and Germany it examines governance-trust configurations and their likely propensity to foster co-production and co-creation between state and civil society. A key finding is the extent to which the development of trust within civil society varies as much within as between states. The analysis also highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the erosion of trust. The study argues that potential solutions for restoring political trust and reversing the perceived decline of democracy have civil society at their heart and include the adoption of more diverse and effective forms of citizen engagement. Yet the discussion also warns that this is fraught with difficulties. Notably, the adoption of co-creation or co-production to build trust with civil society actors is likely to be most challenging in new governance regions where a shared history or identity is largely absent.

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Lai Ming Tsun, Dionysios Stivas, Emilie Tran, « The 'Smart City' between urban narrative and empty signifier: the case of Hong Kong », 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Helen Drake, « Territorial Governance in France: between Recentralisation and Differentiation », in Drake, Helen, Cole, Alistair, Meunier, Sophie, Tiberj, Vincent (dir.), Developments in French Politics, 6th ed., Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020, pp. 19-36 

    Alistair Cole, « Dévolution », in Pasquier, Romain, Guigner, Sébastien, Cole, Alistair (dir.), Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales [2e édition mise à jour et augmentée], Sciences Po, Les Presses, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « La gouvernance multiniveau des faibles capacités étatiques: », in Sadouni, Samadia, Gazibo, Mamoudou (dir.), Migrations et gouvernance en Afrique et ailleurs, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2020, pp. 81-98 

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj, « Transformation and Resistance in French Politics », in Helen Drake, Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics, 6th ed., MacMillan Education, 2020, pp. 1-18 

    Alistair Cole, « The Socialists in search of survival », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Macron’s political leadership », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Bye bye Mr Sarkozy, hello Mr Nobody », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Global Macron », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Conclusion: Emmanuel Macron and the remaking of France », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Of volcanoes and earthquakes: Looking back at the 2017 presidential and parliamentary elections », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « 2016: François Hollande’s annus horribilis », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Introduction: Two years that changed France », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France », Emmanuel Macron and the two years that changed France, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, « Can the French Presidency Survive? Political Leadership in Crisis », Developments in French Politics 6, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Roman Pasquier, « La fabrique des espaces régionaux en France : l’État contre les territoires ? », in Kernalegenn, Tudi, Pasquier, Romain (dir.), 30 ans de démocratie régionale : des régions pour quoi faire ?, Berger-Levrault, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Stress, strain and stability in the French party system », The French party system, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The presidential and legislative election campaigns of 2002: A strange play in four acts », The French Presidential and Legislative Elections of 2002, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The Mitterrand Legacy », French Presidentialism and the Election of 1995, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Mitterrand’s political leadership: An evaluation », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Mitterrand’s governing style », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « From Republican opponent to President of the French, 1958--81 », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The enigma of François Mitterrand », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The European statesman », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The party leader », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The world leader », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « François Mitterrand and the new Europe », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « The origins of a political leader, 1916--58 », François Mitterrand, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Dévolution (Royaume Uni) – Approche politique », in Kada, Nicolas, Pasquier, Romain, Courtecuisse, Claire, Aubelle, Vincent (dir.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la décentralisation, Berger-Levrault, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Les tensions territoriales au Royaume-Uni », in Bousta, Rhita, Dantonel-Cor, Nadine, Kada, Nicolas, Millet, François-Xavier, Perroud, Thomas, Vidal, Laurent (dir.), Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Gérard Marcou, IRJS Éditions, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « A decentralised republic in a unitary state?: Local and regional government », French Politics and Society, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « The Republic in danger? », French Politics and Society, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « L’administration locale et les élections locales au Royaume-Uni », in Groupement de recherches sur l'administration locale en Europe (dir.), Les élections locales françaises 2014-2015, Éditions Le Moniteur, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « 10 mai 1981 : la victoire de François Mitterrand », in Jeanneney, Jean-Noël, Guérout, Jeanne (dir.), L'histoire de France vue d'ailleurs: du siège d'Alésia à l'élection de François Mitterrand, 50 événements racontés par des historiens étrangers, les Arènes, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Cities as political objects », Cities as political objects, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Le régionalisme au Royaume-Uni », in Némery, Jean-Claude (dir.), Quelle organisation pour les grandes régions en France et en Europe ?, l'Harmattan, 2015   

    Alistair Cole, « The economy and economic governance », French Politics and Society, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « Welsh Devolution and Public Services in a Period of Economic Crisis », Devolution and Governance: Wales between Capacity and Constraint, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « Conclusion—Devolution in Wales: Future Challenges », Devolution and Governance: Wales between Capacity and Constraint, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « ‘Team Wales’: Narratives of Small Country Governance and Constructed Divergence », Devolution and Governance: Wales between Capacity and Constraint, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « Wales and the Challenges of Multi-level Governance », Devolution and Governance: Wales between Capacity and Constraint, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « Devolution in Wales between Capacity and Constraint », Devolution and Governance: Wales between Capacity and Constraint, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « Le regionalisme au Royaume Uni », Quelle organisation pour les grandes régions en France et en Europe? , 2015 

    Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, « From Sarkozy To Hollande: The New Normal? », in Vincent Tiberj, Alistair Cole, Sophie Meunier, Vincent Tiberj (dir.), Developments in French Politics 5, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 1-18 

    Alistair Cole, « Sarkozy’s Political Leadership and the Institutions of the Fifth Republic », The Sarkozy Presidency, 2013  

    At the end of his only five-year term in presidential office, what do we really know about Nicolas Sarkozy, the sixth President of the Fifth Republic? What was the personal contribution of this atypical individual to the collective experience of French Presidents since 1958? Did the five-year Sarkozy period challenge our traditional readings of the French presidential office? Indeed, does the French presidency as an office still exercise the state capacities that justified such academic attention in previous decades? To elucidate successfully Sarkozy’s political practice requires an understanding of the dynamics of political leadership, both in general terms and adapted to the specific context of the Fifth Republic and its constitution (Gaffney, 2010). Most models of political leadership involve some combination of the personal qualities of leaders, their positional strengths and weaknesses, and the wider environmental and cultural constraints and opportunities that help shape their political leadership (Cole, 1997). Logically, the model favours three levels of analysis; the individual, the office, the environment. This chapter evaluates the political institution of the French presidency under Sarkozy by referring to this multi-dimensional framework of analysis. The main argument is that Nicolas Sarkozy over-invested the presidential office with a personal governing style that was widely deemed — by public opinion, as well as elites — to be inappropriate given the role expectations of the French presidency.

    Alistair Cole, « Mitterrand's governing style », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Mitterrand's political leadership: an evaluation », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « From Republican opponent to President of the French, 1958-81 », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Comparing France and the United Kingdom », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The enigma of Francois Mitterrand », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Francois Mitterrand and the new Europe », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The world leader », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Beyond devolution and decentralisation: Building regional capacity in Wales and Brittany », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Où va la réforme de l’État en France ? », La France et ses administrations – Un état des savoirs, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The European statesman », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Devolution and polity building in Wales », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Political institutions, public and elite opinions in Wales and Brittany », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Policy communities, public policy and policy learning in Wales and Brittany », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Wales and Brittany: History, politics, society », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The President », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Decentralisation and political capacity building in Brittany », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The origins of a political leader, 1916-58 », Francois Mitterrand, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Patrick Le Galès, « Les gouvernances territoriales en Grande-Bretagne », La gouvernance territoriale. Pratiques, discours et théories, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Regional political capacity in Wales and Brittany », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Regional capacity building in Europe », Beyond devolution and decentralisation, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindeguy, « Ethnolinguistic Mobilizations in Europe », The Politics of Ethnolinguistic Mobilization in Europe, 2013  

    The state language is usually a regional language that historically was able to impose itself on the other ones. Language currently constitutes a very sensitive nexus between the concepts of territory and community. Ethnolinguistic mobilizations have occurred in very different contexts, and their interpretation needs to take into account varying configurations and conditions of success. By using the concept of 'ethnolinguistic', this chapter aims to study the political uses of languages spoken in different regions of Europe. Political theorists working on theories of justice have argued strongly that languages are not merely instruments used to lower the transaction costs of social interactions, but that they can also be desired for their intrinsic value. Mobilizing different types of explanatory variable (namely centre-periphery relations, the existence of strong local advocacy coalitions and political opportunity structures), the chapter demonstrates how the politicization of ethnolinguistic issues has followed three different institutional paths even in the restricted state setting of republican France.

    Alistair Cole, Roman Pasquier, « Local and Regional Governance », Developments in French Politics 5, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Paul Harguindéguy, « The Jacobin Republic and Language Rights. Ethnolinguistic Mobilizations in France », The Politics of Ethnolinguistic Mobilization in Europe, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Où en est la coordination territoriale en Angleterre? », RGPP et Réforme des collectivités territoriales, 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « Les Spécificités territoriales en Grande Bretagne », Réformes et mutations des collectivités territoriales, 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « Dévolution », Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Reforming the State in France: From Public Service to Public Management », Administrative Reforms and Democratic Governance, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Logiques de Territorialité et de régionalisation en Europe de l’Ouest », Les Politiques régionales en France, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Index thématique », Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « France: Between centralization and fragmentation », The Oxford handbook of local and regional democracy in Europe, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « France: Between Centralization and Fragmentation », The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy in Europe, 2010  

    Pre-revolutionary France was marked largely by the attempts of the monarchy to impose central control, however, these changed at the advent of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1794. The revolution introduced the idea that the nation was no longer embodied by the monarch but by ‘the people’ and thus became largely synonymous with that of the Republic itself. For 150 years after 1789, France was under three periods of monarchy, five republics, two imperial rules, and reactionary wartime rule by the Vichy state. During these periods, there were attempts to restore monarchical and imperial forms of government as the political system of France. However, the republic became firmly embedded in the French political consciousness as a natural revolutionary form of government. This republic form of government was re-established several times over as the form of government in France and has been the political system of the nation from 1958 to the present. This article discusses the French political system with particular emphasis on the Fifth Republic. It discusses the two Acts of decentralization that have reduced the tutelage of the central state, introduced genuine territorial checks and balances, produced a degree of policy emulation across local authorities, and improved local democracy. While the institutions of French democracy contributed in a positive manner to the issue of trust in the broader polity, the French subnational government system, however, has many principal weaknesses: particularly in terms of the institutional layering and the public confusion on where the responsibility lies for delivering services. Topics included as well in this article include: local finances and public expenditure; transparency, layering, and democracy; new forms of central steering and European regulation. The article concludes with the challenges and constraints in the French political system.

    Alistair Cole, F. Thuriot, « La devolution et les politiques culturelles: Le Pays de Galles et l'Ecosse », Tendances et les défis des politiques culturelles, 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « La réforme territoriale et les deux visages de la décentralisation », Quelle Nouvelle Réforme pour les Collectivités Territoriales Françaises?, 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « French administrative reform: change and resistance », International handbook of public management reform, 2009 

    Alistair Cole, « Administrative Reform in France », Handbook of Public Administration, 2009 

    Alistair Cole, Jonah Levy, « From Chirac to Sarkozy: a New France? », in Patrick Le Galès, Alistair Cole, Jonah Levy, Patrick Le Galès (dir.), Developments in French Politics 4, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 1-21 

    Alistair Cole, « France as periphery? The Challenge of Change », At the Border, 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « French Politics in the 21st Century », Redefining the French Republic, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « La fonction publique galloise à l’heure de la dévolution », Science Politique de l’Administration : une approche comparative, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « Politics on the Periphery. Brittany and Republican France », Redefining the French Republic, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, David Hanley, « French Politics in the Twenty-first Century », Redefining the French Republic, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « Politics on the Periphery », Redefining the French Republic , 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « French politics in the 21st century », Redefining the French Republic, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « Beharrung und Wandel im heutigen Frankreich », Frankreich Jahrbuch 2004, 2005  

    Seit den späten siebziger Jahren ist Frankreich einem immensen Veränderungsdruck unterworfen. Als eine der führenden europäischen Nationen mit spezieller Staatstradition und historischer Erbschaft wurde das traditionelle französische Modell durch inneren und äußeren Druck in mindestens dem gleichen Maße herausgefordert wie andere vergleichbare Länder. Politik und öffentliche Politikgestaltung in Frankreich sind weit weniger selbstbezogen geworden. Aus benachbarten Ländern sind neue Ideen ins Land eingesickert. Belastungen und Druck innerhalb der französischen Politik haben zu einigen bemerkenswerten seismischen Schockwellen geführt. Andererseits gibt es viele Belege für französischen Widerstand gegenüber unwillkommenen Ideen von außerhalb, wie zum Beispiel dem "Neo-Liberalismus". Ebenso bestehen starke Reform-Hemmnisse auf Grund tief verwurzelter innenpolitischer Interessen, wie sich während der Regierung Jospin an den Schwierigkeiten zeigte, politische Reformen im Ausbildungswesen und der Steuerverwaltung in Gang zu setzen. Der öffentliche Dienst und der Anspruch auf Gleichheit bilden sehr starke Barrieren gegenüber einer Veränderung der Politik.

    Alistair Cole, Jonah D. Levy, Patrick Le Galès, « The Shifting Politics of the Fifth Republic », Developments in French Politics 3, 2005 

    Alistair Cole, « Education and Educational Governance », Developments in French Politics 3, 2005 

    Alistair Cole, « The Presidential and Legislative Election Campaigns of 2002 », The French Presidential and Legislative Elections of 2002, 2004  

    At one level, the 2002 electoral series can be interpreted as a return to presidentialism as the key organising principle of the Fifth Republic, albeit by a circuitous route. The legislative election is dependent upon the decisive presidential election. The 2002 series of elections demonstrate without any doubt the importance of election campaigns, especially in the highly personalised contest for the presidency. Chirac's political skill was demonstrated through his sensitivity to this changing political environment. Jacques Gerstle provides with a useful comparative overview of presidential election campaigns in the Fifth Republic. The underlying legitimacy of the system is shaped by the choices made by all key actors in favour of the presidential election as the decisive election in the Fifth Republic. The 2002 electoral series ended with a return to politics as normal, powerfully assisted by the second-ballot electoral system which, operated in a classic majoritarian manner.

    Alistair Cole, « Stress, Strain and Stability in the French Party System », The French Party System, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Beyond exceptionalism? Changing patterns of local and regional governance in France », Europe’s Old States in the New World Order. The Politics of Transition in Britain, France and Spain, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Beyond exceptionalism - regional and local governance in France », Europe's Old States and the New World Order, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Un laboratoire de richesses », Décentralisation et Intercommunalité en France et en Europe, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Le Pays de Galles », Les Régions en Europe entre l'Etat et les collectivités locales, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « The French Socialists », Political parties and the European Union, 2002 

    Alistair Cole, Alan Storer, « Political Dynamics in the Assembly. An Emerging Policy Community’ », Building a Civic Culture, 2002 

    Alistair Cole, « Déconcentration et décentralisation en France et en Grande-Bretagne », Préfet et développement local, 2002 

    Alistair Cole, « The Party System », Structures of Power in Modern France, 2000  

    A system of competing political parties is generally held to be a key defining feature of a liberal democratic political system. Although the 1958 constitution recognizes the legitimacy of political parties as ‘representative institutions’, a powerful strand of Gaullism has denigrated political parties as divisive, fractious organizations, whose existence is barely tolerated, and even then on condition that they do not threaten the superior interests of the Republic. In the Gaullist tradition, parties have never been wholeheartedly accepted as instruments of democracy, reflecting a distrust of representative democracy in favour of a direct relationship between the providential leader and the nation. A suspicion of intermediary bodies between the citizens and the state (such as parties and pressure groups) is not limited to Gaullism. It is deeply embedded in the ideology of the unitary state itself. In the Rousseauite tradition, the state represents the general will, superior to the particularistic interests represented by parties, groups and regions. There is no natural sympathy for doctrines such as pluralism which emphasize the importance of the corps intermédiaires between the citizen and the state. In part, this is a natural consequence of France’s historical development.

    Alistair Cole, « Das französische Parteiensystem in den 90er Jahren », Parteien in Frankreich, 2000  

    Politische Parteien konnten sich in Frankreich auf keinem für sie sehr fruchtbaren Boden entwickeln. Porträts der französischen politischen Kultur heben Eigenheiten wie das Fehlen staatsbürgerlicher Gesinnung (incivisme), Individualismus und Mißtrauen gegenüber Organisationen hervor (Crozier 1970; Pitts 1981; Gaffney/Kolinsky 1991). Auch wenn diese Porträts allzu impressionistisch sind, so scheinen französische Bürger doch seltener als nordeuropäische bereit, Parteimitglieder zu werden. Mitgliederparteien vom deutschen oder skandinavischen Typ sind selten; lediglich die Kommunisten und die Gaullisten boten Beispiele für Massenparteien — und beide sind inzwischen nur noch Schatten ihrer selbst. Von größter Bedeutung ist, daß ein einflußreicher Strang der republikanischen Tradition politische Parteien als Elemente der Spaltung und des Streits denunziert hat; ihre Existenz wird allenfalls geduldet, und dies auch nur unter der Bedingung, daß sie die höheren Interessen der Republik nicht gefährden. Am deutlichsten kommt dies in der klassischen gaullistischen Tradition zum Ausdruck, im Rahmen derer die politische Bewegung eine direkte Beziehung zwischen der „von der Vorsehung bestimmten“ Führungsfigur und der Nation befördert, sich aber ihrerseits nicht anmaßt, in diese privilegierte Beziehung einzugreifen. Das Mißtrauen gegenüber Parteien ist tief in der Ideologie des unitarischen Staates verwurzelt. Ihr zufolge verkörpert der Staat den allgemeinen Willen, der über den Partikularinteressen steht, die durch Parteien, Gruppen und Regionen repräsentiert werden. Eine Doktrin wie etwa der Pluralismus, der die Bedeutung von Zwischengewalten und Bindegliedern zwischen Bürger und Staat (corps intermédiaires) unterstreicht, stößt in Frankreich nicht auf natürliche Sympathie.

    Alistair Cole, P. John, « Policy Networks and Local Political Leadership in Britain and France », The New Politics of British Local Governance, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « The Service Publique under Stress », The Changing French Political System, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « Political Leadership in the New Urban Governance: Britain and France Compared’ », Renewing Local Democracy? The Modernisation Agenda in British Local Government, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « ‘The Party system: the End of Old Certainties?’ », Structures of Power in Modern France, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « The Service Public Under Stress », The Changing French Political System, 2000  

    In his declaration of general policy in May 1995, President Chirac's first premier, Alain Juppe, called for a 'new republican pact' wherein 'Frenchstyle public services' would perform an essential cohesive role.' Two years later, Juppe slumped to defeat in the National Assembly elections, hoist upon the petard of a failed public service reform programme and by memories of the vast social protest movement of November-December 1995. This essay elucidates the various meanings of the elusive notion of service public. It then appraises European, national and sub-national challenges to traditional French understandings of the service public. Through observing examples of ideological and organisational resistance, the essay concludes that French policy makers have confronted the challenges to the service public in a way which is consistent with their political traditions.

    Alistair Cole, « Les réseaux et l’Espace public », Espaces Publics Mosaïques, 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « Les Réseaux et l’espace publique: leçons de France et de Grande-Bretagne », Espaces Publics Mosäıques: Acteurs, arènes et rhétoriques des débats publics contemporains, 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « Un regard britannique sur la question de l’autonomie locale’, », Quel Avenir pour l’autonomie des collectivités locales?, 1999 

    Alistair Cole, P. John, « Sociometric mapping techniques and the comparison of policy networks », Comparing Policy Networks, 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « Sociometric mapping techniques and the comparison of policy networks: Economic decision-making in Leeds and Lille », Comparing policy networks, 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « Political Leadership in Western Europe: Kohl’s Leadership in Comparative Perspective », The Kohl Chancellorship, 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « The Political Leader and his Heritage », The Mitterrand Years: Legacy and Evaluation, 1998  

    An attempt will be made in this chapter to appraise the personal contribution of François Mitterrand to French politics, with special reference to the period 1981-1995. The objective of this chapter is not merely to appraise Mitterrand’s personal and policy contribution to the Fifth Republic, however, but also to address the issue of whether Mitterrand left a legacy, and, if so, how best to understand that legacy.

    Alistair Cole, « Political Leadership in Western Europe », The Kohl Chancellorship, 1998  

    The German chancellorship is one of the key political offices in western European liberal democracies. This article situates Chancellor Helmut Kohl's leadership in the more general perspective of the study of political leadership in western Europe. After an introduction to approaches to the study of political leadership, and an historical overview of the chancellorship of Helmut Kohl, the article evaluates Kohl’s leadership in comparative perspective, both by comparing the German chancellor with his British, French and Italian counterparts, as well as situating him by reference to past German leaders.

    Alistair Cole, « The Mitterrand Legacy », French Presidentialism and the Election of 1995, 1997  

    Elected President in 1981, triumphantly re-elected in 1988, Francois Mitterrand was largely absent from the 1995 presidential campaign. It was notable that, in accordance with Gaullist tradition, Mitterrand refused to apologise for the crimes of the Vichy state ‘in the name of the Republic’: the President stuck to the argument that, because the Vichy state had ‘killed’ the Republic in 1940, it was not for the Republic to apologise for the acts of an illegal regime. The controversy occasioned by the Pean ‘revelations’, along with the hopeless balance of political power after the March 1993 elections, combined to reduce Mitterrand’s policy input during the second period of ‘cohabitation’, a period during which the Fourth President of the Fifth Republic attempted to prepare an honourable exit. The chapter discusses the personal contribution of Francois Mitterrand to French politics with the systemic and policy evolution of the French Fifth Republic during the period 1981–1995.

    Alistair Cole, « Réseaux locaux et politiques publiques à Lille et à Rennes », Nord-Pas-de-Calais: changement régional et dynamique des territoires, 1997 

    Alistair Cole, « The French Socialists », Political Parties and the European Union, 1996  

    The French Socialist concept of Europe has been marked by a measure of ambivalence. Historically, Europe was valued insofar as it prolonged the internationalist traditions of French socialism, but it was feared because of the diminution of national sovereignty it implied. The dynamic tension between these two imperatives has resurfaced throughout the history of the Socialists’ relationship to Europe. In this chapter, we shall consider first the historical relationship between French socialism and the European Community; second, the evolution of Socialist policy towards the EC during the 1980s; before, third, concentrating upon the specific sphere of EU institutional reform; and finally, considering how the internal dynamics of the French Socialist Party have had an impact upon the party’s relationship with the EU.

    Alistair Cole, « Les réseaux locaux », Les Reseaux de L'Action Publique Debats sur les policy networks, 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « Les Réseaux locaux de politique publique en France et en Grande-Bretagne », Les Réseaux de politique publique: débats autour des ‘policy networks’, 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « Les Cahiers du CRAPS », Du local à l'Europe, les échelles de la décision publique, Centre de recherches administratives politiques et sociales, 1995, pp. - 

    Alistair Cole, Brian Doherty, « France: Pas Commes les Autres-The French Greens at the Crossroads », The Green Challenge, 1994  

    Before 1989 the new wave of Green party politics which had influenced most of the rest of western Europe seemed to have bypassed France. In that year, however, the French Green Party (Les Verts) followed a modest success in the March local elecdons (8 per cent in towns with over 9,000 inhabitants) with an impressive 10.59 per cent in the European elections. This gave the movement nine MEPs, the largest number of any of the European Green parties. This was not quite the rise from nowhere that it might have seemed: Les Verts first emerged in the mid-1970s and can look back on a history of intermittent minor successes, including the 3.8 per cent vote for Antoine Waechter in the 1988 presidential election.

    Alistair Cole, « A House Divided: the French Socialist Party », France during the Socialist years, 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « A House Divided », France during the Socialist Years, 1994 

    Alistair Cole, H. Mendras, « Social change in modern France. Toward a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic », Social change in modern France. Toward a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic, 1991  

    Describes and explains the radical transformations which have taken place within French society during the past 35 yr. Since the late 1950s the traditional social structures of the Third Republic have been transformed: peasantry and bourgeoisie have disappeared or mutated; the great national institutions of church, army, trade unions and schools have declined or severely weakened, and a late and rapid industrialisation has wrought profound economic changes. Even the French Communist Party has become a virtual irrelevance. All these institutions, so characteristic of French society throughout the Third Republic, have now ceased to be the object of major conflicts and tensions. In their stead local institutions, voluntary associations and the family have acquired a renewed strength and serve as the basic network for social relations and social life. Traditional French "joie de vivre' has become diversified, and expressed in a series of varied life-styles. -after Publisher

    Alistair Cole, « The Evolution of the Party System' », French Political Parties in Transition, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, « The Return of the Orleanist Right: the Union for French Democracy », French Political Parties in Transition, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, « The Evolution of the Party System, 1974-1990 », French Political Parties in Transition, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, « The Return of the Orleanist Right », French Political Parties in Transition, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, « François Mitterrand: la France unie’ », The French Presidential Elections of 1988, 1989 

    Alistair Cole, « François Mitterrand », The French Presidential Elections of 1988 , 1989 

    Alistair Cole, « La France unie? François Mitterand », The French Presidential Elections of 1988, 1989 

    Alistair Cole, P. John, « Les Réseaux locaux de politique publique en France et en Grande-Bretagne », Les réseaux de politique publique, 1985 

    Alistair Cole, « Education and Educational Governance », Developments in French Politics 3 

  • Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in varied frameworks of trust, transparency, and governance capacity: evidence from China, the UK, Hong Kong, and Taiwan », Asia Europe Journal, , 2025 

    Alistair Cole, Dan Tao, Roger Awan-Scully, Garrett Ash, « The role of technology-based dance intervention for enhancing wellness: a systematic scoping review and meta-synthesis », Ageing Research Reviews - ARR, Elsevier Masson, 2024, n°2024 

    Alistair Cole, Alejandro Peinado García, Francisco José Jiménez Pérez, Gloria Martínez Cousinou, « Regional ambassadors or state agents? Representing Welsh interests in the British Parliament and Cabinet », Territory, Politics, Governance, Taylor and Francis, 2024, pp. 1-21 

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Ming Tsun Lai, « International Perception and Local Pride in Smart City Development: The Case of Hong Kong », TRaNS: Trans -Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press,, 2024, n°112024, pp. 1-20 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Pierre Cabestan, « The Ties That Bind: Protection and Projection in France’s Indian Ocean Islands of Mayotte and Réunion », Geopolitics, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2024, n°5  

    The article addresses a two-fold question: first, why does the French state invest so much time and resources in its Indian Ocean islands, Mayotte and Réunion? And why do these ultra-marine regions remain wedded to the French Republic? The high degree of insular buy-in both regions involves a two-level game, connecting state and island actors. Such turning to mainland France represents a form of African agency, however dependent on the mainland these islands appear to be. The causal mechanisms of the integration of the French Indian Ocean territories combine historical legacy (choosing France), institutional evolution (departmentalisation), common economic and military security challenges, the cost calculus of mainland France’s readiness to govern ultramarine territories and a widely shared set of beliefs in the value of remaining French. The islands are acting like rational actors, whose insular and isolated status pushes in the direction of seeking protection in an unstable environment.

    Alistair Cole, Ian Stafford, Dominic Heinz, « The trust-transparency matrix as a comparative tool : developing a research framework », European Politics and Society, Taylor & Francis, 2024, pp. 1-21 

    Alistair Cole, Jean François Payette, « The Federated State and International Relations: Quebec in Comparative Perspective », Journal of international politics, Sryahwa publications (Etats-Unis), 2024, n°1, pp. 01-12 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Francois Payette, « The Federated State and International Relations », Journal of International Politics, , 2024  

    Using the case of Quebec as the central reference, this article proposes a framework of analysis for understanding federated foreign policy, using a most similar design that integrates four distinct types of international action by sub-state authorities. The foreign policy rivalry between Canada and its francophone province gets to the heart of what constitutes the state in international relations. Federated states such as Quebec rely on recognition of their claims from the broader international community of states and their international organisations. In none of the examples considered here except the specific case of Belgium has the constituent state recognised the state-like quality of a component or successor state, which would be a precondition for recognition by the international system itself. The argument, ultimately, is a constitutional one: federated states will be recognised as international actors insofar as they are vested with external authority as an extension of their domestic competencies.

    Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « Securitizing COVID-19 in an Environment of Low Political Trust », Asian Survey, , 2024  

    Securitization was a common practice of governments during the first phases of the COVID-19 outbreak. To successfully securitize a pandemic, a government has to convince its citizens of the magnitude of the threat. Trusted governments should be able to do this more effectively than untrusted ones. Hong Kong, our case study, is unique because the government managed to control the pandemic in a context of extremely low political trust. This paper examines the extent to which trust in the government and smart technologies influenced the securitization and management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. The results of this study suggest that under certain circumstances governments can successfully manage a health emergency even when they do not enjoy much political trust.

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Roger Awan-Scully, Garrett I. Ash, « The role of technology-based dance intervention for enhancing wellness », Ageing Research Reviews, , 2024  

    Background: Dance represents a promising alternative to traditional physical activity (PA), appealing due to its ease of implementation and its associated health benefits. By incorporating technology-based dance interventions into the development of PA programs, there is potential to significantly increase PA participation and improve fitness levels across diverse population groups. This systematic scoping review and meta-synthesis aimed to investigate the effectiveness of technology-based dance interventions as a means of advancing public health objectives.Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using various databases ( PubMed, Web of Science, ProQuest, MEDLINE, and SPORTDiscus) to identify pertinent publications. We specifically focused on studies evaluated the impact of technology-based dance interventions on health-related outcomes and PA levels. Methodological quality assessment was carried out using the Cochrane RoB 2 and ROBINS-I tools. Data analysis and theme identification were facilitated using NVivo 14. Additionally, this study was registered on the Open Science Framework at https://osf.io/rynce/registrations.Results: A total of 3135 items identified through the literature search. Following screening, twelve items met the study's inclusion criteria, with an additional three articles located through manual searching. These 15 studies examined on three types of technology-based dance intervention: mobile health (mHealth) combination, online /telerehabilitation classes, and exergaming dance programs. The analysis included 344 participants, with mean ages ranging from 15.3 ± 1.2–73.6 ± 2.2 years. There were five population groups across the studies: middle-aged and older adults, individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), individuals with stroke, overweight adults, and overweight adolescents. The meta-synthesis revealed three primary themes: Acceptability, Intervention effects, and Technology combinations.Conclusion: The advantages highlighted in this scoping review and meta-synthesis of technology-based dance interventions indicating that this type of PA could provide an effective solution to the growing issue of physical inactivity. It also presents a promising strategy for systematically improving fitness and health across populations, particularly among older individuals.

    Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « Securitizing COVID-19 in an Environment of Low Political Trust », Asian Survey, University of California Press, 2023, n°20231107, pp. 1-27 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « The Bretons in French Politics : Regional Mobilization within and beyond the Central State », Nationalities Papers, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2023, n°5   

    Alistair Cole, Emilie Tran, Calvin Lai, « The 'Smart City' between Urban Narrative and Empty Signifier: Hong Kong in Focus », Cogent Social Sciences, Taylor & Francis, 2023, n°1 

    Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « The Importance of Trust and Transparency in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Evidence from Sixteen EU Member States », Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2023, n°212023, pp. 1-18 

    Alistair Cole, Enrique Sánchez Sánchez, Almudena Sánchez Sánchez, « Comparing independence referendums: why do some States accept them while others do not? », Geopolitics, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2023, n°5 

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Ming Tsun Lai, « Measuring Progress of Smart Cities : Indexing the Smart City Indices », Urban governance, Elsevier, 2023, n°1, pp. 45-57 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Enrique Sánchez Sánchez, Almudena Sánchez Sánchez, « The rise of research on independence referendums », International Political Science Review, , 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Enrique Sánchez Sánchez, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Almudena Sánchez Sánchez, « Comparing Independence Referendums: Why Do Some States Accept Them while Others Do Not? », Geopolitics, , 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Roger Awan-Scully, Yang (Gemma) Gao, « Integration of exercise prescription into medical provision as a treatment for non-communicable diseases », Frontiers in Public Health, , 2023  

    Background: The purpose of this scoping review is to stimulate interest and to raise awareness, among researchers, healthcare practitioners, and policymakers regarding the current scientific literature related to exercise prescription for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Exercise prescription is a safe and cost-effective method that enables physicians to use exercise as a complementary addition to NCDs management and treatment. Methods: This scoping review followed the PRISMA Extension Guidelines for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Using this framework, we considered information from qualitative and quantitative studies to identify research gaps. We provide feasible suggestions to guide future research for the implementation of exercise prescription in the healthcare environment. The literature search was conducted using SPIDER and PICO tools for qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-study designs. Inclusion criteria included articles that investigated patients with NCDs and considered exercise interventions. Systematic searches of PubMed, Web of Science, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and ScienceDirect were undertaken on 26 July 2022 and all reference lists were manually searched. Data processing was performed using EndNote 2.0 software and data charts were used for numerical summary and thematic analysis. Results: There were 10,951 articles retrieved, of which 28 met the inclusion criteria. Based on the evidence, exercise was a feasible, safe, and acceptable method to prevent and manage non-communicable diseases in inpatient and outpatient settings. Six research directions were identified and discussed. In addition, implementation evidence and suggestions for policy-reconfiguration are also provided. Conclusion: This scoping review summarizes the current evidence for the effectiveness of exercise in the treatment of non-communicable diseases. The review provides key findings supporting exercise prescription for the inpatient and outpatient healthcare service. We suggest that governments and healthcare policymakers globally advocate the inclusion of structured exercise prescription within the NCDs treatment setting.

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Roger Awan-Scully, Garrett I. Ash, Zhong Pei, « The effectiveness of dance movement interventions for older adults with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia », Ageing Research Reviews, , 2023  

    Objectives: To synthesize evidence and summarize research findings related to the effectiveness and feasibility of dance movement intervention (DMI) in older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's disease (AD), and dementia; to systemically map existing research gaps and research directions for future practice.Methods: A systematic search was conducted using six electronic databases: Web of Science, PubMed, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Randomized Trials (RoB 2) and The Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I).Results: 29 dance intervention studies (13 RCT studies) were included in the scoping review: 62% of MCI, 10% of AD, and 28% of dementia; a total of 1708 participants (Female=1247; Male=461) aged from 63.8 ( ± 5.24) to 85.8 ( ± 5.27) years old. Eight RCT studies were included in the meta-analysis; results indicated that dance interventions had a significant effect on global cognition, memory, balance, and significantly decreased depression. No significant effects were found for executive function.Conclusions: Dance is a non-pharmacological, effective, affordable, and engaging intervention that can be used as a complementary treatment for older adults with MCI, AD, and dementia.

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Roger Awan-Scully, Garrett I. Ash, Yaodong Gu, « Health policy considerations for combining exercise prescription into noncommunicable diseases treatment », Frontiers in Public Health, , 2023  

    Objectives: In this review, we aim to highlight the evidence base for the benefits of exercise in relation to the treatment of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), draw on the Health Triangular Policy Framework to outline the principal facilitators and barriers for implementing exercise in health policy, and make concrete suggestions for action.Methods: Literature review and framework analysis were conducted to deal with the research questions.Results: Exercise prescription is a safe solution for noncommunicable diseases prevention and treatment that enables physicians to provide and instruct patients how to apply exercise as an important aspect of disease treatment and management. Combining exercise prescription within routine care, in inpatient and outpatient settings, will improve patients’ life quality and fitness levels.Conclusion: Inserting exercise prescription into the healthcare system would improve population health status and healthy lifestyles. The suggestions outlined in this study need combined efforts from the medical profession, governments, and policymakers to facilitate practice into reality in the healthcare arena.

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Ming Tsun Lai, « Measuring progress of smart cities: Indexing the smart city indices », Urban Governance, , 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « The importance of trust and transparency in managing the COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence from sixteen EU member states », Journal of Contemporary European Studies, , 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, Emilie Tran, Calvin Lai, « The ‘Smart City’ between urban narrative and empty signifier: Hong Kong in focus », Cogent Social Sciences, , 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Émilie Tran, Emilie Tran, « Trust and the Smart City », China Perspectives, Hong Kong : French Centre for Research on Contemporary China, 2022, n°130, pp. 3-7  

    Based mainly on a Hong Kong-wide survey carried out in March-April 2021, while also drawing on a round of stakeholder interviews from July 2020 to December 2021, the article interprets the linked phenomena of trust and the smart city in the specific context of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the main body of the article, four angles are used to understand facets of trust-smart city relations, centred on characteristic trust, trust and technology, the role of intermediaries, and trust in government. The main findings of the survey centre around the data trust paradox (of high support for technology in a low-trust environment), the social impact of trust and mistrust (strongly correlated with age and political affiliation), and trust in the smart city as a weathervane of trust in government. Factors such as a digitally literate population, a decades-long investment in technology, and a substantial record of delivery provide solid reasons to believe that a strategic-technical narrative on the smart city might succeed where others have failed to convince.

    Alistair Cole, Dan Tao, Yang Gao, Julien Baker, « [ Review article ] - The Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Dance and its Effects on Children and Adolescents: a Systematic Review », Frontiers in Physiology, Frontiers, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Enrique Sánchez Sánchez, Almudena Sánchez Sánchez, « The rise of research on independence referendums », International Political Science Review, SAGE Publications, 2022, n°4 

    Alistair Cole, « Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 301 p. », , 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Julien S. Baker, Emilie Tran, Yang Gao, « Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Risk and Management’ », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Yang (Gemma) Gao, Yaodong Gu, « The Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Dance and its Effects on Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review », Frontiers in Physiology, , 2022  

    Background: The aim of this review was to examine the physiological and psychological benefits of dance and its effects on children and adolescents. We consider the therapeutic benefits of dance and outline the potential of dance as an alternative therapy for certain pathologies and medical disorders. Secondly, we summarize the types of dances used in physical interventions, and comment on the methodologies used. Finally, we consider the use of dance as a different exercise modality that may have benefits for increased physical activity generally, and for increased physical education provision in schools.Methods: A structured search strategy was conducted using the databases of PubMed, MEDLINE, Web of science, PsycARTICLES, and Social Science database. This review used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines for systematic reviews. Studies that were published in the past 20 years were considered for inclusion. All written publications were searched for in English, and all articles included in this review were peer reviewed full papers.Conclusion: The key findings from this review indicate that dance is a feasible alternative to traditional physical activity. The findings also indicate that dance provides physiological and psychological benefits to healthy and medically compromised populations. Implementation of dance programs in schools and society generally needs serious consideration by policy makers. We hope that the results of this review stimulate debate and provide the necessary evidence to profile dance as a viable alternative medium of physical activity. Comprehensive and integrated changes will be needed including economical and legislative support from politicians and associated governmental agencies. The findings reported here are important and have implications for health policy change, reconfiguration, and implementation.

    Alistair Cole, Calvin Ming Tsun Lai, « Levels of Public Trust as the driver of Citizens' Perceptions of Smart Cities », Procedia Computer Science, , 2022  

    Social dynamic is gaining attention while discussing the holism of smart city development. Using Hong Kong’s smart city development as the case study, this paper aims to discover the influence of public trust on citizens’ perception of Hong Kong’s smart city performance in an international dimension, comparing with the smart city ranking by research agencies. Our central investigation further focuses on the association of public trust and digital trust, using COVID19 contact tracing app as an example. This paper uses data from a Hong Kong-based territory-wide survey in 2021 to conduct the analysis. The result suggests a positive relationship between public trust, subjective perception and digital trust, and supports that public acceptability is a cornerstone of an effective public policy.

    Alistair Cole, Dan TAO, Yeheng He, Roger Awan-Scully, « The Benefits of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in the Assessment of Health and Exercise Performance », Imaging Journal of Clinical and Medical Sciences, , 2022  

    The purpose of this brief report is to stimulate further interest and to raise awareness in relation to the usefulness of assessing cardiac autonomic nerve function using heart rate variability (HRV). The paper outlines the mechanisms associated with HRV and the relationships between HRV, health, and athletic performance. The paper then summarizes the potential benefits of HRV in the assessment of health and exercise adaptations. The paper also provides suggestions about the practical implications of HRV measurement during data collection. We hope that the content provides useful information for the application of HRV for health evaluation and training adaptations. In addition, we hope the paper will provide a better understanding of how HRV measurements can be interpreted and used. Finally, the paper provides practical applications that are effective in the assessment of health and athletic training program outcomes.

    Alistair Cole, Frédéric Dutheil, Maelys Clinchamps, Julien S. Baker, Rashmi Supriya, « Financial Burden and Shortage of Respiratory Rehabilitation for SARS-CoV-2 Survivors: The Next Step of the Pandemic? », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « The variety of decentralization indexes: a review of the literature », Regional & Federal Studies, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2021, n°2   

    Alistair Cole, Julien S. Baker, Dionysios Stivas, « Trust, Transparency and Transnational Lessons from COVID-19 », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2021 

    Alistair Cole, « COVID-19: An Economic or Social Disease? Implications for Disadvantaged Populations », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2021  

    The world is still struggling against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic [...]

    Alistair Cole, « Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2021  

    On 7 January 2020, China identified a virus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [...]

    Alistair Cole, « The Preventive Role of Exercise on the Physiological, Psychological, and Psychophysiological Parameters of Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): A Mini Review », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2021  

    The world has been severely challenged by the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak since the early 2020s. Worldwide, there have been more than 66 million cases of infection and over 3,880,450 deaths caused by this highly contagious disease. All sections of the population including those who are affected, those who are not affected and those who have recovered from this disease, are suffering physiologically, psychologically or psychophysiologically. In this paper we briefly discuss the consequences of COVID-19 on physiological, psychological and psychophysiological vulnerability. We also attempt to provide evidence in support of exercise management as a prevention strategy for improving and minimizing the physiological, psychological and psychophysiological effects of COVID-19. Moderate exercise including walking, yoga and tai-chi to name but a few exercise regimes are critical in preventing COVID-19 and its complications. Governments, public health authorities and the general population should maintain physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent additional physical and mental distress.

    Alistair Cole, « The Bretons in French Politics: Regional Mobilization within and beyond the Central State », Nationalities Papers, , 2021 

    Alistair Cole, Thibault Rioufreyt, « Inquiry on territorial governance in Brittany and Wales: reanalysis of qualitative data by using CAQDAS in a comparative setting », Qualitative Research, , 2021 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Paul Harguindéguy, Romain Pasquier, Ian Stafford, Christian de Visscher, « Towards a territorial political capacity approach for studying European regions », Regional & Federal Studies, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2021, n°2 

    Alistair Cole, « The preventive role of exercise on the physiological, psychological, and psychophysiological parameters of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): A mini review », Journal of Risk and Financial Management, , 2021 

    Alistair Cole, Frederic Dutheil, Julien Baker, « Reflections on trust and COVID-19: do politics, medicine and the environment need each other? », UCL Open Environment, , 2020   

    Alistair Cole, Thibaut Rioufreyt, « Inquiry on territorial governance in Brittany and Wales: reanalysis of qualitative data by using CAQDAS in a comparative setting », Qualitative Research, SAGE Publications, 2020, n°4 

    Alistair Cole, « Trust, Transparency and Transnational lessons from Covid 19 », , 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Julien Baker, Frederic Dutheil, Julien S. Baker, « Reflections on Trust and Covid 19: Do Politics, Medicine and the Environment need each other? », UCL Open: Environment Preprint, , 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « The variety of decentralization indexes: A review of the literature », Regional and Federal Studies, , 2019 

    Alistair Cole, « Crowning Jupiter : the 2017 French electoral series in perspective », Parliamentary Affairs, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018, n°3 

    Alistair Cole, Stuart Fox, Romain Pasquier, Ian Stafford, « Political trust in France’s multi-level government », Journal of Trust Research, Taylor & Francis, 2018, n°1, pp. 45-67   

    Alistair Cole, « Regard britannique sur la Ve République : à propos de la clef de voûte du système », Revue Politique et Parlementaire, Colin, 2018, n°10851086 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Global Macron », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « François Mitterrand and the Left in power, 1981--93: an overview », François Mitterrand, , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « France--President Macron’s European Window of Opportunity: Double or Quits? », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Emmanuel Macron as the new ‘fast’president », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Trust-transparency paradoxes: proceedings of an international conference », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « La gouvernance territoriale en Europe entre convergence et capacité 2012-2014 [data set] », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « France--President Macron’s political leadership: The personal dimension », , 2018 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, « The survival of Spanish provincial governments in a quasi-federal polity : reframing the debate », International Journal of Public Administration, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2017, n°3 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « Réforme régionale et gouvernance multiniveaux : la défiance des français », Pouvoirs Locaux: les cahiers de la décentralisation/Institut de la décentralisation, Institut de la décentralisation, 2017, n°109, pp. 3-7 

    Alistair Cole, Xavier Coller, « Why is the Spanish Upper Chamber so difficult to reform ? », Parliamentary Affairs, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, « Resolving the social-democratic dilemma ? Andalusia under pressure (2011–15) », International Journal of Iberian Studies, Intellect, 2017, n°1, pp. 21-40 

    Alistair Cole, « French politics and society », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Of volcanoes and earthquakes: Looking back on the first round of the presidential election », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Of mechanics and engineering: institutional continuities and partisan realignment in Macron’s France », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « France--The Socialists in Search of Survival? », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Emmanuel Macron: A Sign of the Times? », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Emmanuel Macron’s Triple Language », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « A Strange Affair: The 2017 Presidential Election Campaign in France », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Président Fillon: faute de mieux? », , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Why is the Spanish Second Chamber so hard to reform? », Parliamentary Affairs, , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Compte-rendu de lecture de l'ouvrage: Politiques de l’alternance », Revue Francaise de Science Politique, , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Regard britannique sur la Ve République: à propos de la “clef de vôute” du système », Revue politique et parlementaire, , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « The Survival of Spanish Provincial Governments in a Quasi-Federal Polity: Reframing the Debate », International Journal of Public Administration, , 2017 

    Alistair Cole, « Quel scénario de sortie pour le Royaume-Uni », Fellows (Réseau français des instituts d’études avancées), , 2016, n°11, pp. 1-2 

    Alistair Cole, Pierre Chaubon, Anne-Marie Le Pourhiet, « Débat sur l'avenir institutionnel de la Corse », Constitutions: Revue de droit constitutionnel appliqué, Dalloz , 2016, n°1, pp. 27-37 

    Alistair Cole, Christian De Visscher, « Les régions belges face à la crise économique : une recentralisation à distance pour la Wallonie ? », Revue internationale de politique comparée, De Boeck, 2016, n°3 

    Alistair Cole, « I. L'administration locale et les élections locales au Royaume-Uni », Annuaire des Collectivités Locales, Paris : CNRS Editions et PERSÉE : Université de Lyon, CNRS & ENS de Lyon, 2016, pp. 235-246  

    Cole Alistair. I. L'administration locale et les élections locales au Royaume-Uni. In: Droit et gestion des collectivités territoriales. Tome 36, 2016. Les élections locales françaises 2014-2015. pp. 235-246.

    Alistair Cole, « The French President: changing times afoot, challenging times ahead [guest post] », , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Michel Rocard: The man who never became President », , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « European Regions and the Crisis: A Comparative Framework », Revue internationale de politique comparee, , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Les régions européennes face à la crise: une grille de lecture comparative », Revue internationale de politique comparée, , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Nicolas Sarkozy: On the Road To Nowhere? », , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « France--Bye bye Mr Sarkozy, hello Mr Nobody », , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Belgium’s Regions and the Economic Crisis: A Process of Recentralization from a Distance? », Revue internationale de politique comparee, , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Avant-Propos Les régions Européennes face à La crise: Une grille de lecture comparative », Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee, , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, « Les régions belges face a la crise économique: Une recentralisation a distance pour la wallonie? », Revue Internationale de Politique Comparee, , 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Ian Stafford, Romain Pasquier, « States of convergence in territorial governance », Publius: the journal of federalism, Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015, n°2   

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, Romain Pasquier, « La gouvernance territoriale espagnole à l’épreuve de la crise économique : vers la recentralisation ? », Critique internationale, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015, n°67 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « The Breton model between convergence and capacity », Territory, Politics, Governance, Taylor and Francis, 2015, n°1, pp. 51-72   

    Alistair Cole, « Spanish Territorial Governance and the Challenge of Economic Crisis: Towards Recentralization? », Critique internationale, , 2015 

    Alistair Cole, « A Proposal for Measuring Territorial Political Capacity in European Regions », Paper Presentedto the International Political Science Association, Montreal, Canada, July, , 2014 

    Alistair Cole, « Scotland's hour of choice », La Cle des langues, , 2014 

    Alistair Cole, « Not saying, not doing: Convergences, contingencies and causal mechanisms of state reform and decentralisation in Hollande’s France », French Politics, , 2014 

    Alistair Cole, « The Public Policy Institute for Wales », , 2014 

    Alistair Cole, « Ethnolinguistic mobilizations in Europe. An introduction », Regional & Federal Studies, , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « The Jacobin Republic and language rights. Ethnolinguistic mobilizations in France », Regional & Federal Studies, , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Francois Mitterrand and the Left in power, 1981-93: an overview », Francois Mitterrand, , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Politics as normal? The 2012 French presidential election », Parliamentary Affairs, , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Comparing devolved governance - by Derek Birrell », , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, « Politics as Normal? the 2012 French Presidential Election », , 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « The impact of European integration on centre/periphery relations »: A comparison France/United-Kingdom, Politique européenne, l'Harmattan, 2012, n°36 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, « The Impact of European integration on centre/periphery relations: Comparing France and the United Kingdom », Politique Europeenne, , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « The fast presidency? Nicolas Sarkozy and the political institutions of the fifth republic », Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « Serving the nation: Devolution and the civil service in Wales », The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « Les specificites territoriales en Grande Bretagne », , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « The French State and its territorial challenges », Public Administration, , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « The impact of European integration on centre/periphery relations », Politique européenne, , 2012 

    Alistair Cole, « The French Socialist Party and Its Radical Ambiguity », French Politics, Culture & Society, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Dans le contexte de la dévolution au royaume-uni, on constateune asymétrie formelle qui provoque des tensions à Lon », Tendances et défis des politiques cul..., , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Prefects in Search of a Role in a Europeanised France », Journal of Public Policy, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Dévolution », Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Europeanising devolution: Wales and the European Union », British Politics, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « 11 Reforming the state in France », Administrative Reforms and Democratic Governance, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « The French Socialist Party and its radical ambiguity », French Politics, Culture & Society, , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, « Prefects in search of a role in a Europeanised france », , 2011 

    Alistair Cole, Jean-Michel Eymeri-Douzans, « Introduction : Les réformes et les regroupements administratifs en Europe – Questions de recherche et défis empiriques », Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives, IISA (Institut international des sciences administratives), 2010, n°3   

    Alistair Cole, « La réforme territoriale et les deux visages de la décentralisation », , 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « State reform in France: from public service to public management? », Perspectives on European Politics and Society, , 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « La devolution et les politiques culturelles: Le Pays de Galles et l'Ecosse », , 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « Introduction: Administrative reforms and mergers in Europe - research questions and empirical challenges », , 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « La politique linguistique de la France à l'épreuve des revendications ethnoterritoriales », Revue française de science politique, , 2009 

    Alistair Cole, « Multiculturalism and Linguistic Policy: The Republic against Regional Languages? », Revue francaise de science politique, , 2009 

    Alistair Cole, « Multiculturalism and linguistic policy. The republic against regional languages ?,la politique linguistique de la France à l'épreuve des revendications ethnoterritoriales », Revue Francaise de Science Politique, , 2009 

    Alistair Cole, Rosanne Palmer, « Logiques de territorialité et de régionalisation en Europe de l'Ouest », Armand Colin, Paris : Armand Colin et PERSÉE : Université de Lyon, CNRS & ENS de Lyon, 2008, pp. 19-36  

    Cet article répond à un double objectif empirique et théorique. Il présente tout d'abord un panorama du fait régional en Europe occidentale en distinguant quatre modèles d'administration des territoires. Les auteurs montrent notamment que la capacité politique des régions ne se résume pas à des ressources institutionnelles et qu'elle s'inscrit plus largement dans l'histoire des relations centre-périphérie. À partir d'une lecture critique des principaux travaux anglophones et francophones sur le fait régional en Europe, cet article présente trois approches théoriques du phénomène régional : le courant eth no-territorial constructiviste ; le néo-régionalisme et la gouvernance multi-niveaux. Les auteurs mettent en évidence les principaux acquis mais aussi les limites de ces paradigmes.

    Alistair Cole, « Heading the Republic », Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, , 2008 

    Alistair Cole, « The 2007 Elections and Beyond », , 2008 

    Alistair Cole, « Territoriality and regionalization in western Europe », REVUE D ETUDES COMPARATIVES EST-OUEST, , 2008 

    Alistair Cole, « Franco-German relations: From active to reactive cooperation », Leaderless Europe, , 2008 

    Alistair Cole, « Territoriality and regionalizaiton in western Europe,Logiques de territorialité et de régionalisation en Europe de 'quest », Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, , 2008 

    Alistair Cole, « Political leadership in Western Europe: Helmut Kohl in comparative context », German Politics, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « The Territorialization of Public Action in the United Kingdom », Revue francaise dadministration publique, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « Utilisation de l'échelle de Moreno en France et au Royaume-Uni », Revue internationale de politique comparée, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « The Use of the Moreno Question in France and the United Kingdom », Revue internationale de politique comparee, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « La territorialisation de l'action publique au Royaume-Uni », Revue francaise d'administration publique, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « The territorialisation of public action in the United Kingdom,La territorialisation De l'action publique au Royaume-Uni », Revue Francaise d'Administration Publique, , 2007 

    Alistair Cole, « Decentralization in France: Central Steering, Capacity Building and Identity Construction », French Politics, , 2006 

    Alistair Cole, « Reshaping the state: Administrative reform and new public management in France », Governance, , 2005 

    Alistair Cole, « Territorial politics and welfare development in France », The territorial politics of welfare, , 2005 

    Alistair Cole, « Developments in French Politics 3 », Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, , 2005 

    Alistair Cole, « Institutions, identities and lesser-used languages in Wales and Brittany », Regional & Federal Studies, , 2004 

    Alistair Cole, « Devolution and decentralization in Wales and Brittany: A framework for evaluation », International Journal of urban and regional research, , 2004 

    Alistair Cole, « La contractualisation vue par un observateur étranger », Administration et Education, , 2004 

    Alistair Cole, « Devolution, Decentralization and Public Opinion in Wales and Brittany », Comparative European Politics, , 2004 

    Alistair Cole, J. Barry Jones, Colin Williams, John Loughlin, « Political institutions, policy preferences and public opinion in Wales and Brittany », Contemporary Wales, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Beyond the unitary state? Public opinion, political institutions and public policy in Brittany », Regional Studies, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « La nouvelle gouvernance de l'éducation en France: La réforme de l'éducation en Grande-Bretagne », Administration et éducation, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « L'école entre l'Etat et les collectivités locales: En Angleterre et en France », L'école entre l'Etat et les collectivités locales, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Inside the National Assembly for Wales: the Welsh civil service under devolution », The Political Quarterly, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Brian Keith Axel (ed.), From the Margins: Historical Anthropology and its Futures », CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY, , 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « Understanding Jospin », Modern & Contemporary France, , 2002 

    Alistair Cole, « [BOOK REVIEW] Local Governance in England and France », Urban Studies, , 2002 

    Alistair Cole, « A strange affair: The 2002 presidential and parliamentary elections in France », Government and Opposition, , 2002 

    Alistair Cole, « The New Governance of French Education? », Public Administration, , 2001 

    Alistair Cole, « National and partisan contexts of Europeanization: the case of the French Socialists », JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, , 2001 

    Alistair Cole, « Governing Education in England and France' », Public Policy and Administration, , 2001 

    Alistair Cole, « The new governance of French education? », Public Administration, , 2001 

    Alistair Cole, « When do institutions, policy sectors, and cities matter? Comparing networks of local policy makers in Britain and France », Comparative political studies, , 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « The Europeanization of the French polity: continuity, change and adaptation », Journal of European Public Policy, , 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « Policy networks and local political leadership in Britain and France », The New Politics of British Local Governance. Basingstoke: Macmillan, , 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « When do countries, sectors and localities matter », Comparative Political Studies, , 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « Social Democratic Parties in the European Union: History, Organization, Policies, Robert Ladrech and Philippe Marliere, eds », PARTY POLITICS, , 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « French socialists in office: Lessons from Mitterrand and Jospin », Modern & Contemporary France, , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « Europeanisation, Social-democracy and the French Polity: Lessons from the Jospin Government », , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « French Socialism in Office: Lessons from Mitterrand and Jospin’ », Modern and Contemporary France, , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « [BOOK REVIEW] Francois Mitterrand, a study in political leadership », West European Politics, , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « The Service Public under Stress », West European Politics, , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « Political Leadership in the New Urban Governance: Britain and France Compared », , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « Political leadership in the new urban governance: Britain and France compared », , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, « The service public under stress », , 1999 

    Alistair Cole, Helen Drake, « Europeanisation of French Politics? », Economic and Political Weekly, , 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « Urban regimes and local governance in Britain and France: policy adaption and coordination in Leeds and Lille », Urban Affairs Review, , 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « A very different political animal », Municipal Journal, , 1998 

    Alistair Cole, « Governing the academies: Sub-central secondary education policy making in France », West European Politics, , 1997 

    Alistair Cole, « Urban regimes in Britain and France: the cases of Leeds and Lille », Frontières, , 1996 

    Alistair Cole, « Local policy networks in France and Britain: Policy co-ordination in fragmented political Sub-Systems », West European Politics, , 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « Pas comme les autres--the French Greens at the crossroads », The Green challenge: the development of Green parties in Europe, , 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « Models of local decision-making networks in Britain and France », Policy & Politics, , 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « La France pour tous?—The French Presidential Elections of 23 April and 7 May 1995 », Government and Opposition, , 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « Local Policy Networks in France and Britain: Policy Coordination in Fragmented Political Sub-Systems », West European Politics, , 1995 

    Alistair Cole, « François Mitterrand: an interpretation », Modern & Contemporary France, , 1994 


    Alistair Cole, « [BOOK REVIEW] Francois Mitterrand, a study in political leadership », New Statesman and Society, , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « La descente aux enfers? The French greens' general assembly in Lille, 11--13 November 1993 », , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « A House Divided: Socialism à la française », France in the Socialist Years, , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « Studying political leadership: The case of François Mitterrand », Political Studies, , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « Studying Political Leadership: the Case of François Mitterrand », Political Studies, , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « La descente aux enfers? The French Greens’ General Assembly in Lille, 11–13 November 1993 », Environmental Politics, , 1994 

    Alistair Cole, « The Presidential Party and the Fifth Republic », West European Politics, , 1993  

    Until 1986 the prevailing interpretation of the French Fifth Republic was one of encroaching presidential domination; notwithstanding some welcome revisionism occasioned by ‘cohabitation’, presidentialism continues to permeate analysis of contemporary French politics. This article attempts a comparative assessment of the presidential party as it has functioned under the first four presidents of the French Fifth Republic: de Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard d'Estaing and Mitterrand. It is contended that each presidential party has shared certain attributes, resulting from systemic influences in France's semi-presidential system; while retaining distinct characteristics derived from its identity as a particular type of party, and from the experience of a varying political context. The opportunities and constraints faced by successful presidential parties outweigh in importance their dissimilarites, inherited from their experience of different models of party organisation and ideology. No presidential party that has fallen from grace has managed to survive unscathed, nor to recover its position of former influence.

    Alistair Cole, « The French Socialists and European Integration », , 1993 

    Alistair Cole, « Looking on: France and the new Germany », German Politics, , 1993 

    Alistair Cole, « [BOOK REVIEW] Social change in modern France, towards a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic », Review of Politics, , 1993 

    Alistair Cole, « The presidential party and the fifth republic », West European Politics, , 1993 

    Alistair Cole, « Looking On: France and the New Germany », German Politics, , 1993 

    Alistair Cole, « President Mitterand and the French Political System », Journal of Political Science, , 1992 

    Alistair Cole, « [BOOK REVIEW] Social change in modern France, towards a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic », Man, , 1992 

    Alistair Cole, « A new chapter in the history of the French extreme right: the National Front », French Political Parties in Transition, , 1990 

    Alistair Cole, « Factionalism, the French socialist party and the fifth Republic », European Journal of Political Research, , 1989  

    Abstract. This article traces the evolution of factions (the term preferred to that of ‘fraction’) within the French Socialist party (PS) from the early twentieth century until 1981, with special reference to the post‐1971 PS as a party of opposition. It concentrates on the causes and structures of factions, as well as their location in relation to the wider political system and the degree of political space they were able to occupy within the party. It argues that factions were divided by personal rivalries (accentuated by the presidentialised Fifth Republic), ideological and party policy differences, party strategy, power rivalries within the organisation and different historical origins. Factions corresponded more or less to a series of ideal‐types. These were the organisation faction, whose power stemmed from its position within the party organisation; the parallel faction, whose separate factional structures paralled official party ones, and the external faction, which attempted to transform external popularity into internal party strength. Four factions prevailed: Mitterrand, Mauroy, CERES and Rocard. Those headed by presidentiables enjoyed the most success, whereas the others gradually declined. The presidentialism of the French regime set the PS apart from its European counterparts.

    Alistair Cole, « Factionalism, the French socialist party and the fifth Republic: An explanation of intra-party divisions », European Journal of Political Research, , 1989 

    Alistair Cole, « Descentralizarea prin Regionalizare ̂ın Vest şi Est Descentralizarea din Franţa: ̂ınapoi la firul ierbii sau ĉırmuirea de la distanţă? »,  

    Alistair Cole, « A Never-ending Story? The Difficult Reform of the Spanish Provincial Governments »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Associées ou rivales? Les métropoles, les régions et les nouvelles dynamiques territoriales »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Congrès AFSP 2009 »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Comparer les Régions en Europe de l’Ouest »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Policy Networks and Local Governance in Britain and France: insights and lessons from two sectors »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Panel “Territorial Governance in a context of Global Crisis: convergence or divergence?” »,  

    Alistair Cole, « The Interventionist State: Demise or Transformation? Professor Mairi Maclean University of the West of England »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Review Index »,  

    Alistair Cole, « Historical Evolution, Analytical Categorisations and Institutional Challenges of Metropolitanisation, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 301 p. »,  

  • Alistair Cole, « Introduction. Gouvernance et territoires, l’âge de l’hybridation » (dir.), in Romain Pasquier, Sébastien Guigner, Alistair Cole (dir.), Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, 2e éd. mise à jour et augmentée, Presses de Sciences Po, 2020, pp. 19-27 

  • Alistair Cole, Julien Baker, Emilie Tran, Yang Gao, [Editorial] - Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons of COVID-19 from the Perspective of Risk and Management’, MDPI, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Frédéric Dutheil, Maelys Clinchamps, Julien Baker, Rashmi Supriya, [ Editorial ] - Financial Burden and Shortage of Respiratory Rehabilitation for SARS-CoV-2 Survivors: The Next Step of the Pandemic?, MDPI, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Financial Burden and Shortage of Respiratory Rehabilitation for SARS-CoV-2 Survivors: The Next Step of the Pandemic?, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Analysing the trust--transparency nexus: multi-level governance in the UK, France and Germany, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, Emilie Tran, Trust and the Smart City, 2022 

    Alistair Cole, COVID-19: An Economic or Social Disease? Implications for Disadvantaged Populations, 2021 

    Alistair Cole, Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021 

    Alistair Cole, Introduction. Gouvernance et territoires, l’̂age de l’hybridation, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Developments in French Politics 6, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Transformation and Resistance in French Politics, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Territorial governance in France: between recentralization and differenciation, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales [2e édition mise à jour et augmentée], 2020 

    Alistair Cole, La gouvernance multiniveau des faibles capacités étatiques, 2020 

    Alistair Cole, Emmanuel Macron and the remaking of France, 2019 

    Alistair Cole, The Yellow Jerseys and the Macron paradox, 2019 

    Alistair Cole, La gouvernance territoriale en Europe entre convergence et capacité 2012 - 2014 [data set], Centre de données socio-politiques, beQuali, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, La fabrique des espaces régionaux en France: l’État contre les territoires?, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – President Macron’s European Window of Opportunity: Double or Quits?, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – Global Macron, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – President Macron’s political leadership: The personal dimension, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, Politiques de l’alternance. Sociologie des changements (de) politiques.(Sociopo), 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Dévolution (Royaume Uni)--Approche politique, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Les tensions territoriales au Royaume-Uni, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, A Divided Republic: Nation, State and Citizenship in Contemporary France, by Emile Chabal, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – Of volcanoes and earthquakes: Looking back on the first round of the presidential election, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Emmanuel Macron: A Sign of the Times?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Of mechanics and engineering: institutional continuities and partisan realignment in Macron’s France, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, A Strange Affair: The 2017 Presidential Election Campaign in France, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – Emmanuel Macron’s triple language, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – President Fillon: faute de mieux?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – The Socialists in Search of Survival?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, The French President : changing times afoot, challenging times ahead [guest post], 2016 

    Alistair Cole, 10 mai 1981: la victoire de François Mitterrand, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Les régions européennes face à la crise: une grille de lecture comparative [coord. n° 23 de: Rev. int. polit. comp.], 2016 

    Alistair Cole, France – Bye bye Mr Sarkozy, hello Mr Nobody, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, France – Nicolas Sarkozy: On the Road To Nowhere?, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Michel Rocard: The man who never became President, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Alistair Cole – The French President: Changing Times Afoot, Challenging Times Ahead, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Le régionalisme au Royaume-Uni, 2015 

    Alistair Cole, The Politics of Ethno-Linguistic Mobilization in Europe: Language Matters, 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Devolution and governance: Wales between capacity and constraint, 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Ethnolinguistic Mobilizations in Europe, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, COMPARING DEVOLVED GOVERNANCE-by Derek Birrell, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, From Sarkozy to Hollande: The New Normal?, 2013 

    Alistair Cole, Transports, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, Dictionnaire des politiques territoriales, 2011 

    Alistair Cole, Introduction: Administrative reforms and mergers in Europe-research questions and empirical challenges, 2010 

    Alistair Cole, State Restructuring and the Reform of the Core Executive in Europe: comparative perspectives, 2010 

    Alistair Cole, The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy, 2010 

    Alistair Cole, Governing and governance in France, 2008 

    Alistair Cole, From Chirac to Sarkozy: a New France?, 2008 

    Alistair Cole, Redefining the French Republic, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, La Capacité Politique des Régions: Une Comparaison France/Espagne--Alistair Cole, 2006 

    Alistair Cole, Developments in French Politics 3, 2005 

    Alistair Cole, Foreign and defence policy: Constraints and continuity, 2005 

    Alistair Cole, devolution and decentralisation in Wales and Brittany, 2004 

    Alistair Cole, L'école entre l'Etat et les collectivités locales: En Angleterre et en France, 2003 

    Alistair Cole, France and European integration. Toward a transnational polity., 2002 

    Alistair Cole, Local governance in England and France, 2001 

    Alistair Cole, The politics of telecommunications. National institutions, convergence, and change in Britain and France., 2001 

    Alistair Cole, Franco-German Relations, 2001 

    Alistair Cole, Foverning a city: Besancon 1959-1989, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, The long presidency. France in the Mitterrand years, 1981-1995., 2000 

    Alistair Cole, ‘Das französische Parteiensystem in den 90er Jahren: Wandlungstendenzen une Erklärungsmuster’, 2000 

    Alistair Cole, The non-profit sector in France., 1998 

    Alistair Cole, François Mitterrand: A study in political leadership, 1994 

    Alistair Cole, Social change in modern France: towards a cultural anthropology of the Fifth Republic, 1991 

    Alistair Cole, Social Change in the Fifth Republic: Towards a Cultural Anthropology of Modern France, 1991 

    Alistair Cole, French political parties in transition, 1990 

    Alistair Cole, French electoral systems and elections since 1789, 1989 

    Alistair Cole, France – Global Macron, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – President Macron’s European Window of Opportunity : Double or Quits ?, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – Emmanuel Macron as the new ‘fast’ president, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – President Macron’s political leadership : The personal dimension, 2018 

    Alistair Cole, France – Emmanuel Macron’s Triple Language, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Of mechanics and engineering : institutional continuities and partisan realignment in Macron’s France, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – Of volcanoes and earthquakes: Looking back on the first round of the presidential election, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Emmanuel Macron : A Sign of the Times ?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, A Strange Affair : The 2017 Presidential Election Campaign in France, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, Président Fillon : faute de mieux ?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – The Socialists in Search of Survival ?, 2017 

    Alistair Cole, France – Bye bye Mr Sarkozy, hello Mr Nobody, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, France – Nicolas Sarkozy : On the Road To Nowhere?, 2016 

    Alistair Cole, Michel Rocard : The man who never became President, 2016 

  • Alistair Cole, Dionysios Stivas, « The Importance of Trust and Transparency in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic. Evidence from Sixteen EU Member States », le 01 janvier 2023 

    Alistair Cole, Eric M. Uslaner, « Trust-Transparency Nexus and Multi-level governance in the UK, France and Germany (Policy Press, 2021) », le 01 janvier 2020 

    Alistair Cole, « Droit à la différenciation territoriale : quels enjeux et défis pour l’action publique ? », le 11 janvier 2019  

    Organisé par la Chaire Territoires et Mutations de l'Action Publique de Sciences Po Rennes en partenariat avec The WISERD - Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (Royaume-Uni)

    Alistair Cole, « Can Dialogues Resolve Governance Crisis and Restore Trust? », le 01 janvier 2019  

    This paper presents arguments drawn from the recently published book Emmanuel Macron and the Two Years that Changed France (Manchester University Press, 2019) and applies them to the broader question of France in Europe. The period covered by the book (centred on the transition from the Hollande to Macron presidencies, 2016–18) witnessed the apparent collapse of the old partisan order, the rescue of the political institutions, the rise (and possible taming) of populist and left-wing challenges to the Republic, in the context of a Europe in turmoil as a result of Brexit, the migrant crisis and territorial challenges to the state. The paper considers Macron’s political leadership as a three level game; specifically it focuses on the ideational and instrument use of Europe as an instrument of domestic and European politics. It forms part of a broader discussion of Macron’s leadership as part as an enterprise of disruption. The danger with the hollowing out of traditional left-right politics, in France and to a lesser degree in Europe, is what might be put in its place. What would happen if the central space itself became hollowed out in a reaction to modernizing French society and the failure to re-shape European integration?

    Alistair Cole, « Managing France’s new Regions by a Territorial Scales of Trust approach : Scalar stories and contingent capacities in Brittany and Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes’ », Trust and Transparency in multi-level governance, Brisbane Australia (AU), le 20 juillet 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Respect des territoires : l’expérience britannique », Quelle Constitution pour le XXIe siècle ?, Paris, le 15 juin 2018 

    Alistair Cole, « Temporalité(s) politique(s) », le 30 novembre 2017  

    Organisé par JB. Devaux, doctorant de science politique, Triangle, G. Marrel, Maître de conférences de science politique, UAPV-LBNC-CHERPA, R. Payre, PR de science politique, Sciences Po Lyon - Triangle

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, « Territorial governance in Western Europe », ECPR General Conference 2014, Glasgow United Kingdom (GB), le 03 septembre 2014 

    Alistair Cole, Romain Pasquier, Jean-Baptiste Harguindéguy, « Proposal for measuring territorial political capacity in European regions. », 23rd World congress of political Science, Montreal Canada (CA), le 19 juillet 2014 

    Alistair Cole, « Réformes & Mutations des Collectivités Territoriales », le 21 octobre 2010 

    Alistair Cole, « Decentralisation in France: Back to Grass Roots or Steering at a Distance », le 01 janvier 2003 

    Alistair Cole, « From territorial administration to local governance? Sub-national politics and policy-making in France », le 01 janvier 2000 

    Alistair Cole, « Networks or networking? The importance of power, position and values in local economic policy networks in Britain and France », le 01 janvier 1997 

ActualitésPublicationsENCADREMENT DOCTORAL

    Alistair Cole, Factionalism in the French Parti Socialiste, 1971-1981., thèse soutenue en 1985 

  • Martin Siloret, La structuration partisane de l'écologie politique : une comparaison Bretagne-Pays de Galles (1974-1995), thèse soutenue en 2017 à Rennes 2 sous la direction de Jacqueline Sainclivier présidée par Gilles Richard, membres du jury : Olivier Dard (Rapp.), Sylvie Ollitrault      

    Nous analysons dans cette thèse le processus de structuration d'organisations politiques écologistes, le Green Party et les Verts, de manière comparative et à l'échelle régionale, sur la période 1974-1995. Nous étudions cinq dimensions de ce processus : structuration organisationnelle, évolution des clivages avec les autres formations politiques, évolutions électorales et stratégiques, parcours militants et médiatisation des écologistes. Nous mettons en évidence plusieurs processus se jouant à l'échelle régionale et locale et leur influence décisive sur l'échelle nationale (rôle moteur des fédérations régionales dans l'unification des Verts français, évolutions stratégiques locales) mais également l'impactrécurrent à l'échelle locale de dynamiques opérant à l'échelle européenne, surtout à partir de la formation d'un groupe écologiste au Parlement européen à partir de 1984. Dans les deux régions, les caractéristiques des partis Verts sont déterminées en premier lieu par la structure des clivages qui les opposent (ou apparentent) aux autres partis politiques ainsi que les parcours militants de leurs militants, deux facteurs qui donnent également lieu à de graves conflits internes. En Bretagne, les événements de mai 1968 puis un mouvement anti-nucléaire puissant contribuent à la structuration d'une famille politique consistante mais les Verts restent très fragiles sur le plan organisationnel, malgré une implantation électorale significative surtout à partir de 1989. Au Pays de Galles, le développement d'un mouvement écologiste autonome est entravée par la puissance du mouvement régionaliste et la présence au sein du parti travailliste de nombreux opposants à l'armement nucléaire, et le fait qu'une partie significative des militants du Green Party soient des nouveaux arrivants originaires d'Angleterre. Le Wales Green Party recueille de ce fait des résultats électoraux très faibles mais parvient à pérenniser son organisation et ses activités.

    Jean-François Payette, Quelle politique étrangère ? Étude critique sur les relations internationales du Québec, thèse soutenue en 2016 à Lyon sous la direction de François David et Bernard Landry présidée par Jean-Michel Lacroix, membres du jury : Stéphane Roussel (Rapp.), Louise Beaudoin    

    Le Québec est l’un des États fédérés les plus actifs en relations internationales. Toutefois, l’étude de ses activités extérieures présente tout de même une certaine atonie. Disciplinairement écartées, analytiquement restreintes «[l]es relations internationales du Québec ont été étudiées comme un sous-produit des relations internationales ». On peut alors imaginer, sur la base de cette affirmation du professeur Luc Bernier, l’attention portée, par la communauté scientifique, sur la nature de ces activités. Ce «sujet n’a été qu’exploré, particulièrement dans sa dimension théorique », écrivait la ministre Louise Beaudoin. En effet, il est rarement question, dans la littérature, d’exploration de la substance de cette activité québécoise. Rares sont les chercheurs qui ont approfondi rigoureusement ce sujet. Quelle interprétation peut-on donner à cette activité internationale québécoise ? Quels sont le contenu, la texture et la nature de cet objet ? Comment définir celui-ci ? Quels sont les repères théoriques et conceptuels pour baliser scientifiquement les relations extérieures du Québec ? Dans un contexte de scientificité, il est particulièrement «légitime de s’interroger sur la teneur et la nature de cette action » québécoise.

    Clément Pin, La gouvernance territoriale de l'innovation, entre région et métropole : une comparaison Ile-de-France / Lombardie., thèse soutenue en 2015 à Sorbonne Paris Cité sous la direction de Pierre Teisserenc présidée par Tommaso Vitale, membres du jury : Philippe Larédo (Rapp.), Pascale Bourrat-Housni et Dominique Rivière      

    La thèse étudie comment les enjeux économiques de l’innovation se formulent dans l’action publique territoriale,en adoptant une démarche comparative et en s’appuyant sur une enquête réalisée dans deux régionsmétropolitaines en Europe : l’Ile-de-France et la Lombardie. La recherche est conduite en problématisant lagouvernance territoriale de l’innovation sur la base d’un cadre théorique élaboré à la croisée des travaux descience politique sur les politiques territoriales et de sciences sociales sur l’innovation. L’analyse est dès lorscentrée sur les processus institutionnels, les réseaux d’acteurs et les relations de pouvoir. Les données mobiliséesportent sur les initiatives et les aides se déployant en chacune des régions étudiées en faveur de l’innovation, enparticulier dans le domaine du numérique. La comparaison entre l’Ile-de-France et la Lombardie vise à faireressortir les spécificités socio-politiques de chacune des deux situations territoriales en privilégiant deux champsd’investigation : les usages de l’innovation en tant que catégorie d’action publique transnationale et régionalisée,et les mobilisations collectives se structurant en référence aux enjeux du développement métropolitain à Paris età Milan. Tandis qu’en Ile-de-France les politiques publiques font figure de vecteurs pour la territorialisation desacteurs de l’innovation, la Lombardie donne à voir l’affirmation d’un leadership universitaire appuyé par lespouvoirs locaux. Par-delà ces différences, les deux cas permettent d’observer certaines modalités locales dudéveloppement de l’économie de la connaissance et interrogent le phénomène de politisation des enjeux etacteurs de l’innovation.

    Maxence Guillemin, L'exceptionnalisme religieux et la Constitution américaine, thèse soutenue en 2015 à Reims sous la direction de Arnaud Coutant présidée par Thomas Hochmann, membres du jury : Franck Laffaille (Rapp.), Jean Victor Poulard    

    La présente étude tend à replacer le contexte de la construction fédérale américaine à la lumière d'un théisme politique émergent. L'exceptionnalisme procède à ce titre d'un paradoxe originel qui vient directement nourrir nos interrogations : la reconnaissance par la lettre constitutionnelle puis par les juges de la Cour Suprême d'un véritable « mur de séparation » entre le spirituel et le temporel, parfois exacerbé par les instruments du droit, mais qui doit être associé à la mise en place d'une «religion de la République» élaborée et fortement institutionnalisée. De là, l'auteur voit dans la notion d'exceptionnalisme religieux la mise en œuvre d'une rhétorique nouvelle qui entend offrir les instruments conceptuels permettant de revisiter la subtile immixtion de l' « esprit de religion » et de l' « esprit de liberté » chers à Alexis de Tocqueville. Cette perspective a dès lors pour dessein d'entrevoir une résolution de l'impossible oxymore que forme la république théocratico-laïque. Cette apparente dichotomie ne peut être entrevue à travers une lecture exclusivement doctrinale, elle emporte au contraire nombre d'incertitudes sur le plan jurisprudentiel. L'étude démontre à ce titre que les juges, en éludant la notion d'exceptionnalisme américain, ne peuvent construire un paradigme juridique apte à apprécier de manière satisfaisante les dispositions de droit positif en matière religieuse. Aussi, le constitutionnaliste œuvre à étudier les mécanismes juridiques traduisant un phénomène sociologique exceptionnaliste. Cette approche éclaire de telle manière la notion sans cesse revisitée de « laïcité américaine ».

  • Sylvain Le Berre, L'investissement politique du futur , thèse soutenue en 2017 à Rennes 1 sous la direction de Romain Pasquier  

    Le recours croissant à des anticipations stratégiques territorialisées, participatives et mobilisatrices comme étapes du processus d’élaboration des politiques publiques territoriales, par le Conseil régional de Bretagne, le Gouvernement du Pays-de-Galles et le Gouvernement du Québec, peut être analysé comme un investissement, par ces pouvoirs territoriaux « intermédiaires », d'un champ jusqu'alors réservé à l’État central et aux élus nationaux : la promesse du futur. Dans un contexte de remise en question du modèle de l’État-Providence centralisé, accentué par la crise économique et la crise de la dette de la fin des années 2000, la capacité et la légitimité politique des États centraux à garantir la prospérité territoriale et l'espoir d'un futur meilleur se sont étiolées. Les administrations régionales – au sens large – investissent donc cet espace désormais disponible pour mettre en avant une vision infranationale du futur et du territoire, tant auprès de la population que des partenaires de l'action publique. Les démarches d’anticipation stratégique étudiées produisent et reproduisent des discours sur la vision du futur et du territoire, sur le sens de l’action publique et des institutions régionales. Ces registres participent tous d’un investissement de l’avenir par le pouvoir politique, c’est-à-dire d’une économie politique du temps. L’approche par l’investissement politique du futur permet donc d’étudier la fabrique et le gouvernement d’un territoire politique. Les récits projectifs territorialisés que nous avons pu étudier articulent en effet plusieurs dimensions de la légitimation d’un espace politique : un processus de circonscription du territoire (territory making process), un processus de mobilisation d’une communauté territoriale (community making process), et un processus de redéfinition de la dynamique et de l’espace de la légitimité (polity defining process). Cette perspective de recherche permet d’étudier plusieurs dimensions du changement : la transformation interne des espaces politiques nationaux, la convergence internationale de l’action publique infranationale, et enfin la redistribution de l’autorité politique dans des États Nations en recomposition.

    Sylvain Le Berre, L'investissement politique du futur, thèse soutenue en 2017 sous la direction de Romain Pasquier, membres du jury : Anne-Cécile Douillet (Rapp.), Claire Dupuy (Rapp.), Andy Smith et Thibault Tellier      

    Le recours croissant à des anticipations stratégiques territorialisées, participatives et mobilisatrices comme étapes du processus d’élaboration des politiques publiques territoriales, par le Conseil régional de Bretagne, le Gouvernement du Pays-de-Galles et le Gouvernement du Québec, peut être analysé comme un investissement, par ces pouvoirs territoriaux « intermédiaires », d'un champ jusqu'alors réservé à l’État central et aux élus nationaux : la promesse du futur. Dans un contexte de remise en question du modèle de l’État-Providence centralisé, accentué par la crise économique et la crise de la dette de la fin des années 2000, la capacité et la légitimité politique des États centraux à garantir la prospérité territoriale et l'espoir d'un futur meilleur se sont étiolées. Les administrations régionales – au sens large – investissent donc cet espace désormais disponible pour mettre en avant une vision infranationale du futur et du territoire, tant auprès de la population que des partenaires de l'action publique. Les démarches d’anticipation stratégique étudiées produisent et reproduisent des discours sur la vision du futur et du territoire, sur le sens de l’action publique et des institutions régionales. Ces registres participent tous d’un investissement de l’avenir par le pouvoir politique, c’est-à-dire d’une économie politique du temps. L’approche par l’investissement politique du futur permet donc d’étudier la fabrique et le gouvernement d’un territoire politique. Les récits projectifs territorialisés que nous avons pu étudier articulent en effet plusieurs dimensions de la légitimation d’un espace politique : un processus de circonscription du territoire (territory making process), un processus de mobilisation d’une communauté territoriale (community making process), et un processus de redéfinition de la dynamique et de l’espace de la légitimité (polity defining process). Cette perspective de recherche permet d’étudier plusieurs dimensions du changement : la transformation interne des espaces politiques nationaux, la convergence internationale de l’action publique infranationale, et enfin la redistribution de l’autorité politique dans des États Nations en recomposition.

    Thibaud Boncourt, L'internationalisation de la science politique , thèse soutenue en 2011 à Bordeaux 4 sous la direction de Pierre Sadran  

    La thèse a pour objectif de contribuer à l’étude des processus d’internationalisationscientifique à travers l’étude du cas spécifique de la science politique sur la période1945-2010. Elle s’appuie, pour ce faire, sur une comparaison franco-britannique et surun cadre théorique inspiré de travaux de sociologie des sciences et de sociologiepolitique. Articulé autour de la notion de champ, ce cadre constitue la base d’uneanalyse en trois temps. Le premier consiste en une sociohistoire comparée de deuxorganisations transnationales de science politique – l’Association Internationale deScience Politique (AISP) et le European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Ledeuxième repose sur une analyse comparée de trois instances de consécration éditoriales– la Revue Française de Science Politique, Political Studies et le European Journal ofPolitical Research. Le troisième est une analyse comparée des carrières internationalesde politistes français et britanniques, sur la base de récits de vie. Les apports de ces troisterrains amènent à conclure, d’une part, à l’émergence progressive d’un champinternational partiellement autonome des espaces nationaux mais dont les règles du jeusont en partie liées aux rapports de force en vigueur dans le champ américain. Ilspermettent aussi, d’autre part, de mettre en évidence une structuration du processusd’internationalisation des champs nationaux par les phénomènes de décentralisation,d’autonomisation et de spécialisation qui modifient, au fil du temps, leur physionomie.

    Thibaud Boncourt, L'internationalisation de la science politique, thèse soutenue en 2011 sous la direction de Pierre Sadran présidée par Yves Déloye, membres du jury : Loïc Blondiaux (Rapp.), Sophie Duchesne (Rapp.), Gisèle Sapiro    

    La thèse a pour objectif de contribuer à l’étude des processus d’internationalisationscientifique à travers l’étude du cas spécifique de la science politique sur la période1945-2010. Elle s’appuie, pour ce faire, sur une comparaison franco-britannique et surun cadre théorique inspiré de travaux de sociologie des sciences et de sociologiepolitique. Articulé autour de la notion de champ, ce cadre constitue la base d’uneanalyse en trois temps. Le premier consiste en une sociohistoire comparée de deuxorganisations transnationales de science politique – l’Association Internationale deScience Politique (AISP) et le European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Ledeuxième repose sur une analyse comparée de trois instances de consécration éditoriales– la Revue Française de Science Politique, Political Studies et le European Journal ofPolitical Research. Le troisième est une analyse comparée des carrières internationalesde politistes français et britanniques, sur la base de récits de vie. Les apports de ces troisterrains amènent à conclure, d’une part, à l’émergence progressive d’un champinternational partiellement autonome des espaces nationaux mais dont les règles du jeusont en partie liées aux rapports de force en vigueur dans le champ américain. Ilspermettent aussi, d’autre part, de mettre en évidence une structuration du processusd’internationalisation des champs nationaux par les phénomènes de décentralisation,d’autonomisation et de spécialisation qui modifient, au fil du temps, leur physionomie.