
Parution : 01/2016
Editeur : Clio@Thémis
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Clio@Thémis n°10. - La forge du droit. Naissance des identités juridiques en Europe (IVe-XIIIe s.). - mars 2016

S. Kerneis, al.

Clio@Themis n°10 (mars 2016)

La forge du droit

Naissance des identités juridiques en Europe

(IVe-XIIIe siècles)

(ISSN 2105-0929)


La forge du droit

Naissance des identités juridiques en Europe (IVe-XIIIe siècles)


  • SOAZICK KERNEIS,? La forge du droit. Naissance des identités juridiques en Europe (IVe-XIIIe siècles)

1. La construction de l’Europe suscite bien des difficultés notamment celle qu’il y a à définir son identité. Quels critères retenir ? Ni la géographie, depuis Hérodote, ni une prétendue langue originelle, ni la religion ne semblent pertinents, alors même que tradition, langue et religion furent, et sont encore en certaines parties du monde, considérées comme essentielles. Mais l’économie est la science maîtresse de notre époque et la Communauté européenne a longtemps reposé sur des objectifs et des (...) ? > > Lire l'article?


I. L’armée et le droit

  • SOAZICK KERNEIS,?Rome and the Barbarians: the privilege of law

Abstract: The inheritance of Roman law is complex. On the same background created by Rome, specific legal forms grew up which resulted of the process of acculturation. In the Late Empire, there were many barbarians in the Roman army and military judges had to accommodate Roman rules with tribal norms The so-called barbarian laws are to be found in this military context. They were issued as a privilege, so that the bond of peoples to their own customs was strenghtened and proto-national (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

  • JEAN-PIERRE POLY,? Freedom, warriors’ bond, legal book.The Lex Salica between Barbarian custom and Roman law

Abstract: Salic Law, the most famous of the so-called barbarian leges, was both barbarian and roman. It was made during the 4th century for the Frankish military dependants (dediticii) and their families settled in the Extrema Galliae, the Far Gaul. Its main goal was to eradicate the feud system, unacceptable in the Roman army. It did not succeed in the long run but it gave the Franks the cohesion which allowed them to conquer Gaul, the text turning ultimately into an element of national (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

  • STEFAN ESDERS,?Late Roman Military Law in the Bavarian Code

Abstract: This paper investigates the influence of late Roman military law on the Lex Baiuvariorum – a text, which served as the basis for the Merovingian kings’ organization of the Frankish kingdom’s eastern border-region as a ducatus or duchy. Particular considerations concerning the historical background of the Bavarian duchy’s formation will be addressed, after which provisions for the protection of the Bavarian dux or duke, largely as relates to treason and military discipline, will be (...) ? > > Lire l'article ?

II. Entre deux mondes

  • JAQUELINE BEMMER? & THOMAS CHARLES-EDWARDS,? Irish and Welsh Law in the European Contexts

Abstract: This paper traces the relationship of the Roman Empire with Ireland and Wales from roughly the fifth to the seventh centuries and probes the role that Roman and Canon law played there following the events of 410, based on evidence from authors, such as Prosper of Aquitaine, Venantius Fortunatus, Zosimus and Gildas, as well as the vernacular legal traditions. This approach allows us to investigate perceptions of legal identity in Post-Roman Britain and the echoes of Latin learning (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

  • IAN WOOD,? The Legislation of Magistri Militum: the laws of Gundobad and Sigismund

Abstract: The legislation of the Gibichung rulers of Burgundy, and especially that which is contained in what is commonly known as the Lex Burgundionum, is particularly interesting for the study of late- and post-Roman law from the Barbarian West. Résumé : La législation des rois des Burgondes et spécialement la loi appelée Loi Gombette est particulièrement intéressante pour l’étude du droit romain tardif et post-classique dans les royaumes barbares occidentaux. Keywords: Lex Burgundionum – late (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

III. L’école et le droit

  • LUCA LOSCHIAVO,? Isidore of Seville and the construction of a common legal culture in early medieval Europe

Abstract: This paper explores Isidore of Seville’s definitions of legal terms and Roman law concepts during the early Middle Ages. While Isidore was not a lawyer, he played a crucial role on the development of both legal theory and more technical aspects of the law such as legal procedure. Combining elements of Roman and Jewish-Christian traditions, Isidore’s definitions were of the utmost importance during the long period leading to the dawn of the School of Bologna. Résumé : Dans ce papier (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

  • CHRISTOPHE ARCHAN,? The five paths to a judge: an interpretation of Cóic Conara Fugill (Five Paths to Judgement )

Abstract: This interpretation offers an analysis based on the Small Primer (Uraicecht Becc), a text which may come from the same school as Cóic Conara Fugill. A passage from that tract about social ranks notably presents a hierarchy of three judges, who seem to correspond to the first three procedures of the Five Paths of Judgement. The choice of the right procedure would then actually be the choice of the right judge. A first block of three paths would then be distinguished, to which a (...) ? > > Lire l'article?

  • KEES BEZEMER,? Jacques de Revigny (d. 1296): Roman law as a means to shape French law

Abstract: This paper describes in brief which arguments were used by Revigny to create space for contemporary French law in his commentaries on Roman law. Résumé : Ce papier décrit brièvement les arguments de Revigny pour développer la place du droit français dans ses commentaires sur le droit Romain. Keywords: Jacques de Revigny – Bologne – French customary law – retrait lignager Mots-clés : Jacques de Revigny – Bologne – droit coutumier – retrait lignager 1. Because it is not without importance (...) ? > > Lire l'article?



(ISSN 2105-0929 - http://www.cliothemis.com)


Fondée à l’initiative de plusieurs chercheurs au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), associant des enseignants-chercheurs des Universités, cette nouvelle revue souhaite contribuer au développement des débats et échanges scientifiques sur l’histoire du droit. Sa création en France ne part pas d’un constat de crise ou d’isolement de cette discipline enseignée et organisée au sein des Facultés de Droit. Elle s’appuie, au contraire, sur l’élargissement et l’enrichissement des perspectives auxquels nous assistons depuis plusieurs années.

Founded at the initiative of several researchers from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), joined by a number of University Lecturers, this new journal aims to contribute to the development of debates and scientific exchanges with regard to the history of law. Its creation stems not from any crisis or sense that this subject, taught and coordinated by Law Faculties, is isolated. On the contrary, its basis is to enlarge and enrich those aspects with which we’ve assisted for several years already.
