
Parution : 05/2021
Editeur : Duncker & Humblot
ISBN : 978-3-4281-8260-2
Site de l'éditeur
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Maritime Risk Management

Essays on the History of Marine Insurance, General Average and Sea Loan

Sous la direction de Phillip Hellwege, Guido Rossi

Présentation de l'éditeur

Insurance is a legal, an actuarial and a financial product, and it is one out of many risk management strategies. It follows that its history can only be studied in the broader context of the development of such strategies, applying an interdisciplinary approach. The theme of the present volume is maritime risk management. After an overview over the history of insurance, the contributions to the present volume examine different maritime risk management strategies by adopting a variety of methodological approaches. Some contributions focus on normative provisions, others contrast practice with legal scholarship, or focus on the emergence of insurance companies as opposed to individual insurers. Again, other contributions give insights in marine insurance practice in specific cities or analyse insurance practice through the lens of specific insurance litigation. As to the time frame, the different contributions span from antiquity to the nineteenth century.



Maritime Risk Management: Marine Insurance, General Average, Sea Loan

Insurance and Wealth: The Historical Trajectory of Changing Markets and Strategies in Insurance

The Insurance Function of Roman Maritime Loan

Maritime Risk Management Instruments in Medieval Castile (Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries)

Managing Shipping Risk: General Average and Marine Insurance in Early Modern Genoa

General Average in Scotland during the Sixteenth Century

The Ordonnance sur la marine on General Average. Comparative Methods, Legal Transplants, and a European droit commun

War, Risks, and Speculation: The Accounts of a Small Livorno Insurer (1743–1748)

The Transformation of the Marine Insurance Market in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in Spain

Commercial Networks, Maritime Law, and Translation in a Spanish Insurance Claim on Trial in France, 1783–1791

Governance of General Average in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century: A Backward Development?

Unions and Networks in Nineteenth-Century Antwerp Marine Insurance Industry

Comparative Studies in the History of Insurance Law / Studien zur vergleichenden Geschichte des Versicherungsrechts , Vol. 11 , 304 pages.