
Parution : 02/2021
Editeur : Lambert Academic Publishing - LAP
ISBN : 978-6-2034-6295-1
Site de l'éditeur
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The Kosovo Specialist Chambers. The last resort for justice in Kosovo?

Maria Stefania Cataleta, Chiara Loiero

Présentation de l'éditeur

The subject of this book are the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSCs), a judicial body established in Kosovo in 2015, with the mandate of prosecuting international and trans border crimes committed there, during and after the 1998-99 armed conflict. The book is into two parts. In the first, written by Maria Stefania Cataleta, the founding instruments, the competencies, the applicable law and other essential features of the KSCs are investigated from the angle of international law, clarifying, at the same time, the historical and political environment that led to the creation of this court and determined some of its peculiarities. The second part, by Chiara Loiero, analytically explores the procedural framework of the KSCs, with appropriate references to concepts and rules of international and European criminal law and human rights law, notably the fair trial principle. Taken as a whole, the book offers, usefully, an early assessment on a still little known jurisdictional body, a further test bench for so-called internationalised tribunals, in the now wide and varied landscape of judicial mechanisms for prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Avant-propos: Ornella Ferrajolo

Preface: Robert Kolb

Postface: Fabián Raimondo; Renée de Geus

180 pages.  46,90 €