Maison française d'Oxford
Legal History Seminar:
The Legal Roots of Europe
Janvier-février 2013
Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5.00pm)
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
- “The Legal Nature of the Feudal Bond. A Story on Law and Society in the 13th Century”, Emanuele CONTE, University of Rome III
- “Jacques de Revigny: Roman Law as a means to shape French Law”, Kees BEZEMER, University of Leiden
Wednesday 30 January, 5.30pm
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
- “When North becomes South: Military Law in the Bavarian Code”, Stefan ESDERS, Free University, Berlin
- Discussant: Ian WOOD, University of Leeds
Wednesday 27 February, 5.00pm
Seminar Room 3, All Souls College
- “The incunabula of the Romano-Canonical Process”, Luca LOSCHIAVO, University of Teramo
- Boudewijn SIRKS, All Souls College,
- Soazick KERNEIS, Université Paris Ouest-MFO
- All welcome -
Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road, Oxford, OX2 6SE
Tel: (01865) 274 220, Fax: (01865) 274 225