This year marks the bicentenary of James Monroe's pronouncement of the famous speech, which has been invoked to outline U.S. expansionist designs, spheres of influence and the principle of non-intervention. This international conference will explore the development, tensions and contradictions of the doctrine overtime across three main themes : 1) the historical background of the Monroe Doctrine in a transnational perspective ; 2) the rearrangement and new interpretation of the Doctrine in the 1940s, and 3) the contemporary legacies of the Monroe Doctrine. Speakers, whose expertise ranges from history to political theory to law, will discuss these topics across six panels and three keynote speeches.
Thursday, 30 November
17:00 : Keynote 1 - The Monroe Doctrine´s First Centennial (1823-1923) in the Americas
Liliana Obregón, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
Chair : Raphaël Cahen
18:30 : Drinks reception
19:30 : End
Friday, 1 December
8:00 : Coffee and registration
9:00 : Opening remarks
Panel 1 - Tracing the Origins of the Monroe Doctrine : From Ideology to Diplomacy
Chair : Raphaël Cahen
9:15 : America has a hemisphere to itself” : The Jeffersonian origins of the Monroe Doctrine
Sandra Rebok, University of California San Diego/Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies
IR, Geopolitical Marxism and the Making of the Monroe Doctrine : A Historical Sociology of Early 19th Century International Politics
Benno Teschke and Jack Edwards, University of Sussex
La Misión Norteamericana a América del Sur : Diplomacia, Inteligencia e Intereses Sociales en la Conformación de la Doctrina Monroe, 1817-1822
Mariano Schlez (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca
The Monroe Doctrine and the problem of national debts in the 1820s
Horst Carl, JLU Gießen, Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
11:15 : Coffee break
Panel 2 - The Americas and the Principle of Non-Intervention
Chair : León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
11:30 : The absence of the Monroe Doctrine during the French Intervention in Mexico (1862-1867)
Tania Atilano, University of Zurich
De la afirmación al desconocimiento de las soberanías : la doctrina Monroe en Colombia e Hispanoamérica, siglo XIX
Diego Jaramillo Mutis, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá
Coercion & the Genesis of Non-Intervention in Inter-American International Law
Mohamed S. Helal, Ohio State University
13:00 : Lunch
Panel 3 - Monroe Doctrine at the Turn of the Century
Chair : Arnulf Becker-Lorca, EUI, Florence
14:30 : Is political economy incompatible with international law ? Monröismo & the Drago Doctrine
Edward Jones Corredera, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg
Line of Amity, Line of Enmity, Large Policy Men, and the American Großraum
Christopher Rossi, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
Reception of the Monroe Doctrine within Europe in the late 19th Century
Miloš Vec, University of Vienna
16:00 : Coffee break
Panel 4 - Monroe Doctrine between Liberalism and Realism
Chair : Beate Jahn, University of Sussex
16:15 : Elasticity and Necessity : The Monroe Doctrine as Leitmotif in Alfred Mahan's Geopolitics and Modern Realist Tradition
Matthew Specter, University of California Berkley
Carl Schmitt on Imperialism, International Law and the Großraum
Jochen von Bernstorff, University of Tübingen
The implicit Critique of the Monroe Doctrine : Hans Kelsen’s Interwar Theory of International Law
Peter Langford, Edge Hill University, Lancanshire
Conference dinner
18:00 : Keynote 2 - The Latin American Challenge to the Monroe Doctrine: New Insights from the Archives
Andrei Mamolea, Boston University
Chair : León Castellanos-Jankiewicz
20:30 : End
Saturday, 2 December
9:30 : Coffee
Panel 5 - Monroe Doctrine and the Transformation of Political Violence
Chair : Hanna Pfeifer, Goethe University, Frankfurt
10:00 : On Sanctions Wars – A Genealogy of the Decentralized Military Enforcement of International Norms from the Monroe Doctrine to the Present
Christopher Daase and Hendrik Simon, PRIF
Current Understandings of “Sovereign Equality” (Article 2 (1) UN Charter) and non-intervention in light of the Monroe Doctrine
Thilo Marauhn, JLU Gießen/University of Amsterdam
Latin American Active Nonalignment as a Late Response to the Monroe Doctrine
Lothar Brock, PRIF
Legal Geopolitics : the Monroe Doctrine’s Rise, Fall and Multiple Meanings
Arnulf Becker-Lorca, EUI, Florence
12:00 : Lunch
Panel 6 - From the Roosevelt Corollary to the Mid-Century
Chair : Sergio Puig, EUI, Florence
13:30 : Roosevelt's Corollary : Wielding Executive Power for Political and Legal Transformation in the Americas
Ruti Teitel, NYU
The Montroe Doctrine and the Principle of Non-Intervention : The Role of Cuba and the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States - La Doctrina Monroe y el Principio de No Intervención : El Rol de Cuba y la Convención sobre Derechos y Deberes de los Estados de 1933 en Montevideo
Elena Diaz Galan, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid
and Harold Bertot Triana, UNIE Universidad, Madrid
The Americas and the UN : Reimagining « Good neighborliness » for a Global Era (1939-1973)
Daniel Quiroga-Villamarín, Geneva Graduate Institute
15:00 : Coffee break
15:30 : Keynote 3 - The Monroe Doctrine : Towards A New Historiography
Juan Pablo Scarfi, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
Chair : Hendrik Simon
17:00 : Concluding Remarks
Raphaël Cahen, León Castellanos-Jankiewicz and Hendrik Simon
17:15 : Closure
To register as an in-person attendee, please contact us at : with your name, affiliation and a short description of your reasons to attend. We will get back to you as soon as possible
International conference organised by Raphaël Cahen, León Castellanos-Jankiewicz and Hendrik Simon, Goethe University - TRACE CENTER