Parution : 04/2020
Editeur : Edward Elgar
ISBN : 978-1-8391-0309-4
Site de l'éditeur

The Global Economic Order

The International Law and Politics of the Financial and Monetary System

Elli Louka

Présentation de l'éditeur

Exploring in depth the institutions that underpin the global economy, this study provides invaluable insights into why a minimum economic order has endured for so long and why states are unwilling to establish a maximum order, a global safety net for all. The author investigates how debt – a critical component of states’ economic infrastructure – leads to debilitating crises, and how these crises undermine the economic autonomy and political independence of states.   A must read for those who wish to understand how the world economic order operates and impacts the well-being of individuals and entire populations, this book is indispensable for professionals and students in the fields of law, political sciences and international relations and those who seek to understand why economic peace is, in many cases, beyond our reach.



Part I. Making Economic Policy

1. The One and Only Sovereign

2. The Trilemma

Part II. Economic Strategies of States

3. The United States as the Global Sovereign

4. The Core and the Periphery

Part III. Searching for World Order: Conflicts, Truces and Peace

5. Coordination and Conflict

6. The Gold Standard

7. From World War I to World War II

8. The Bretton Woods System

9. The Bretton Woods Collapse: the 1970s

10. The 1980s

11. The 1990s

12. The 2008 Financial Crisis

13. The International Monetary Fund and World Order

Part IV. Global Bodies, Societies and Guilds

14. The Global Law-Making Process

15. Financial Infrastructure

16. Global Financial Regulation

17. Foundations of a Minimum Economic Order

18. Case Study-The Greek Debt Crisis (2009-2018)


416 pages.  £28,00